Posts Tagged :

can my marriage be saved

A-ha Moment or Slow Turn-Around?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When a marriage is recovering, does it suddenly turn around in an aha moment? Or is it more of a slow, steady improvement? We talk about it on this Save The Marriage Podcast with Lee Baucom, Ph.D.You’ve been following my 4 C’s to work on the 3 C’s of saving your marriage, right?  (Hang with me if that seems like gibberish — just me trying to make it simple.  I explain it in this episode/)

Maybe you can see some ground you are gaining, progress you are making.

Which may lead you to wonder how this all turns around.  Will it be all-of-the-sudden, in an “aha” moment, or will it be a slow, steady climb to normality and love in the relationship?

It is a great question.  And one that “D” sent to me, hoping I would respond on the Save The Marriage Podcast.

And I did!  I cover it on this week’s episode.

3C Approach
4th C
Will It Turn Around?
Book: How To Save Your Marriage
System:  Save The Marriage

Can a Marriage Turn Around Quickly?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Is your marriage in crisis?  Can it turn around?  How long would it take to turn around?  Maybe faster than you think.  This training tells you why (and why not).Lots of people have asked me how long it takes for a marriage crisis to turn around… for the marriage to start heading in the RIGHT direction.  Does it take days?  Weeks??  Years???

I often tell them that marriages in crisis can often turn around amazingly fast.

That doesn’t mean YOUR marriage will.  But it often does happen.

Why is it that a marriage can feel like it is on the edge of collapse, and then seemingly come back to life overnight?

It all has to do with a basic human need that we all have.  It is the central part of a marriage, and goes so deep that when it is missing, it is painful.  When it is restored (the right way), it is immediately healing.  Listen below for why marriage turn quickly (and why the don’t).

Connection is the Lifeblood
There is no Pause
No Manipulation
Healing Disconnection
Save The Marriage System


Discouraged? Here is what to do (5 things)…
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you discouraged?  Are you feeling your efforts are failing?  Most people feel the same thing.  Here are the 5 things to do when you are discouraged.Discouraged?

You are trying to save your marriage and… you can’t get traction.  You move a little ahead, only to slide backward.  Steps forward and steps backward.

And that is why you are discouraged.

Am I right?

What if I told you that was the nature of the process?  What if I told you that almost everyone has moments of frustration?

Most people feel like giving up (and many do) at various points in their efforts.  This is not a process that follows a steady line of progress.  It is more a tangled line, running up and down.

This is important work.  And that is what makes it so tough.  Important things often feel the most frustrating… especially when they are not going the way you want them to go.  But, and let me say this again, it is important work, saving your marriage.

Let me tell you the 5 things to do when you are discouraged, to help you keep moving forward.  Listen to the episode below.

“Can I Save My Marriage?”
You Need a Plan
You Need a Team
You Need a System:  Save The Marriage System

Zombie Marriage??
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How To Save Your Marriage From Zombie InfectionIs your marriage infected by the “zombie virus?”  Do you find your relationship to be the “walking dead?”  Are emotions lost and connections missing?  Do you and your spouse respond to each other with “zombie grunts?”

The infection can be stopped.  You can fight the infection and heal the relationship.

Don’t allow the big 4 symptoms of a zombie infection to overtake your relationship’s immune system.  Fight back and restore your relationship to the living and the healthy.

Okay, to be fair, this is a “tip o’ the hat” to Halloween… but still an important subject!

Listen below.

Pause Button Marriages
Dangers of Disconnection
“Can This Marriage Be Saved?”
The Save The Marriage System

The Anger/Blame/Shame Dance
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The Anger/Blame/Shame 3-Step... and how to change it.Do you ever feel like you are dancing with your spouse… and not a fun dance??

Most of the time, couples get into habits. They both know the steps, and they just keep going through them, 1-2-3, 1-2-3, 1-2-3….

No, the dances aren’t particularly helpful. And yes, we keep dancing them, anyway!

One dance that many couples fall into is the Anger-Blame-Shame 3-step. And that particular dance? It keeps on repeating. Except that the anger grows. So does the blaming.

And so does the feeling of shame! “Why can’t I/we figure this out?”, they wonder.

And then, they dance it again.

How can you stop the dance? How can you find better steps? Better ways of moving through life?

That is the topic of this podcast episode (listen below). I tell you about those dance steps and why we do them… along with how to make a shift.

Show Up
Anger and Resentment (Yours)
Anger and Resentment (Your Spouse’s)
Stepping Up
The Save The Marriage System

Limiting Beliefs Limiting Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are limiting beliefs limiting your marriage? Yep. Listen to the podcast to learn more.It almost seems redundant, doesn’t it? If you have limited beliefs, they could limit something — say, for example, your marriage.

I say IF you have limited beliefs.

Full disclosure: We ALL have limited beliefs that are limiting us. We ALL have blind spots, assumptions, even untrue beliefs. We just don’t notice them. And we pay a price for that.

Especially since we usually fail to notice or address these limiting beliefs.

Do you think your limiting beliefs MIGHT be limiting your life and your marriage?

I’m betting that is the case, since it is true for all of us.

Here’s the good news: you can change your limiting beliefs. Once you know what they are. And decide to change them

Listen below for this week’s podcast.

Myths About Marriage (And Saving It)
Fears That Hold You Back
Is Your Spouse Stuck?
Grab The Save The Marriage System

How to Avoid a Blow-Up
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Avoiding The Blow Up.Slowly, slowly… you are making progress!  You keep working on turning your marriage around… and it is working!

Maybe you think it isn’t moving fast enough.  Or maybe you have just been holding all of those emotions, fears, and hurts, in… and they start to grow.  You can feel it!

But you try hard not to let it out.  To keep on moving forward.  To keep on making connections.


Maybe it was something small…

Maybe it was yet one more little thing (or even a medium thing… maybe even a big thing!)…

And BOOM!  You blow up!

You use a tone you wish you hadn’t.  You say things you wish you hadn’t.  You do things you wish you hadn’t.


… and then it passes.

But the damage is done.

Your efforts can feel like they have been in vain.

So, let’s talk about what to do BEFORE the blow-up!  It is much easier to stay ahead of the problem than to catch up and rebuild after the problem.

Listen to this week’s podcast episode below.

Too Late?
Making Up For Mistakes And Backslides
Showing Up
Save The Marriage System

Is Your Crisis Hot or Cold?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Is your marriage crisis marked by heated struggles or cold distance?  Does it matter ?  Does it change your approach to saving your marriage?Is your marriage crisis marked by heated arguments or cold distance?  Hot or cold?

Are they really that different?  Or is it all a part of the same process?  And how does it affect your attempts to save your marriage?

During back-to-back coaching sessions with two couples, I had a case of each.  In the first, both were practically red-faced with anger, talking over each other and refusing to listen.

In the second session, the couple were cold and distant, refusing to engage with each other, routing all discussions through me.  Both refused to listen to the other.

The underlying issues were the same.  The emotional temperature was different.  Each couple had set their “emotional thermostat” to a different level.  And neither couple seemed interested in changing the setting.

What is the difference between the heat and the cold?  How does it affect your efforts to save your marriage?  Is it possible that both the heat and the cold are actually pointing toward the same process?  The same path?

We explore the difference between hot and cold crises and what to do to turn it around in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.

Listen below.

Why Connection Matters
Changing Yourself
Learning About Anger
Grab the Save The Marriage System

Why Your Spouse Doesn’t Believe You Can Change
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When your spouse doesn't believe you will change or have changed. What to do.You’ve been working hard to reconnect and change yourself.  You’re proud of your efforts.  But your spouse just isn’t buying.

For whatever reason, your spouse just does not trust the changes — or maybe doesn’t even see the changes!

Do you feel like you are hitting a brick wall?  Like nothing you are doing is making a difference?  Like your spouse has already judged you and won’t allow themselves to see something different?

In this episode, I will be discussing several reasons why your spouse isn’t willing or able to see a change.  Included are the times your spouse might acknowledge that there has been a change, but doesn’t trust that the change will last.

Does that describe your situation?  If so, please listen.  I also discuss how to shift this dynamic in your favor.

How to Stay in the Game
Don’t Try to Make, Get, or Cause
Healing A Spouse’s Resentments
Why Connection Is So Important
Save The Marriage System

Therapy or Bust!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

We had been talking for at least half an hour.  I was discussing some thoughts about her marriage problems as she was trying to figure out what to do.  I noted where the problems started and how she might start repairing.

Fact is, that is why people are on my website, listen to my podcast, grab my System, or seek me out.  They want a loving, connected relationship and right now, it has problems they can’t quite solve.  But they know something has to change, or they are headed for deeper problems and even divorce.  So, I work hard to show a way forward.

Why getting therapy for your marriage may be dangerous, and why people still want to go to marriage therapy.I was pretty open with my concerns about therapy with this caller.  She had heard my podcasts on the subject and knew I had major reservations.  (Statistics are pretty clear on this topic.)

Which is why I was a bit surprised when she asked, “So, could you recommend a therapist?”

Okay, admittedly, I was not overly surprised.  I get the same request on a regular basis.  That, in spite of my clear discussions about marriage therapy issues, problems, and limitations.  (And yes, I was trained as a marriage therapist.  Yes, I have lots of therapist friends.  Yes, I am even married to one.  And yes, I still have concerns.)

I guess I was more surprised because we had, even just five minutes earlier, discussed my concerns.  Yet, here we were.  Looking for a therapist.

“Therapist or Bust,” it would seem!

Did I recommend a therapist?  Nope.  Because I don’t do that.  For several reasons.  I discuss my concerns and reasons on this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  I look at why we default to a method that has pretty poor outcome results.  I look at some basic problems with the therapy approach, and discuss when therapy does make sense.  Avoid the traps and you are well ahead of the game!

Listen in below.

Why Therapy is Dangerous
Myths of Marriage Therapy
Other Myths About Saving Your Marriage
Getting Help for Your Marriage
Save The Marriage System