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how can I get my spouse to save our marriage

3rd Biggest Mistake People Make
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The 3rd biggest mistake people make, by trying to "get" a spouse to do something. Don't do it. Avoid this mistake when you are trying to save your marriage.There are lots of mistakes people make in their efforts to save their marriage.   This particular mistake is what I consider to be the 3rd biggest.  I hear it in the questions people send me every single week.

In fact, I hear this mistake probably 3 or more times each day.  And here is the sad thing:  the mistake is made with all the best of intentions. . . and all the worst of results.

Like all mistakes, it is avoidable.  (If something is unavoidable, it can’t be a mistake; a mistake always has an alternative that could avoid the mistake.)

I am betting you have made this mistake.  (I have.)  My hope is that, once I point it out, it will be so obvious that you will not repeat it.

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