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5 Problems Plaguing Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

There are 5 very typical, and destructive, problems in many marriages.5 Problems that plague your marriage (and lots of other marriages).

And yes, these are the problems that MANY people report.  Yes, they are painful and hurtful.

BUT, they are not really the problems.  They are the symptoms of the problem.

Let’s call these problems the 5 C’s of marital problems, and then lets discuss how you can USE the symptomatic problem to move toward healing the REAL problem.

If you don’t deal with the underlying issue, you will be playing a long game of “Whack-A-Mole,” with problems reemerging under a different guise, but still the same issue.

Ready to learn about the problems — and what the REAL problem is?  Listen below.

3 C’s To Saving A Marriage
The Foundations of Marriage
Healing Disconnection
Save The Marriage System