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relationship podcast

5 Factors of Success
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

5 factors that help determine your chances at succeeding in saving your marriage.I wish I had a crystal ball that would let me successfully determine which marriages could be saved.  Yes, it is true.  Not every marriage WILL be saved.  I can’t guarantee that.

But I DO think there is a “reverse” guarantee.  If your marriage is in trouble and you do nothing, I can pretty much guarantee that your marriage will NOT survive.  But guarantee that it WILL survive?  I can’t do that.

What I try to do, instead, is “stack the deck” in your favor.  I try to provide tools and change that will INCREASE the chances of your saving your marriage.  And not just save.  Help it to thrive.  Help you to build a marriage that BOTH of you would treasure and protect.

Some people act like it is just a game of chance.  A flip of the coin.  Heads up, you stay married; tails up, you divorce.  That is NOT the case.  You can improve your chances.  But not just by trying “a little of this, a little of that.”  You need a coherent process and method, along with some tools and understandings.

But what I have noticed is there are some factors that determine a higher likelihood of success.  And the more of these five factors that are moving your way, the better your “hand” you are playing.

One of these factors is outside of your control.  But you have four others that you CAN control.  You want to save your marriage and you want to improve it.  Your spouse, though, can’t see that right now.  So, you need to have your best hand to play as you work on the relationship.

What are those 5 Factors?  I discuss each one in this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast.  You can listen below.

Why Your Spouse Can’t See A Way Forward
Why You Need to Change
Why You Need a Plan
Why the Roadblocks
Why You Need a System

Stages of Crisis Awareness
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

In my Save The Marriage System Quick-Start Guide, I show the 8 distinct stages of a marriage crisis. But those are the stages of the crisis.  There are also stages to your awareness of the crisis.

How bad is your crisis?  What stage is your AWARENESS of the marriage crisis?This is the point where you are aware of the crisis, the level of the crisis, and the potential threat of the crisis.  And just to let you know:  you are NOT at stage 1.  That would be Asleep.  This is the point when you are not even aware that things are in trouble.  You are blissfully unaware of — or choosing to not notice — the looming marriage crisis that is already underway.

But then you wake up to find yourself in the midst of a troubled relationship, a hurting marriage!

Your spouse may be further along the process, and your marriage may be further along the progression of the crisis.  That is independent of your own awareness of the crisis.

In this episode of the marriage crisis, I discuss the 4 stages of crisis awareness, and the 1 thing you need to do — along with some thoughts on how to/how NOT to do that very thing.

Listen in below.

FACT of the Crisis
Can The Marriage Be Saved?
Why It Matters
Happy or Hurting?
Save The Marriage System

Why Your Spouse Doesn’t Believe You Can Change
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When your spouse doesn't believe you will change or have changed. What to do.You’ve been working hard to reconnect and change yourself.  You’re proud of your efforts.  But your spouse just isn’t buying.

For whatever reason, your spouse just does not trust the changes — or maybe doesn’t even see the changes!

Do you feel like you are hitting a brick wall?  Like nothing you are doing is making a difference?  Like your spouse has already judged you and won’t allow themselves to see something different?

In this episode, I will be discussing several reasons why your spouse isn’t willing or able to see a change.  Included are the times your spouse might acknowledge that there has been a change, but doesn’t trust that the change will last.

Does that describe your situation?  If so, please listen.  I also discuss how to shift this dynamic in your favor.

How to Stay in the Game
Don’t Try to Make, Get, or Cause
Healing A Spouse’s Resentments
Why Connection Is So Important
Save The Marriage System

What About Love?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What about love?  Where does love fit into the process of saving your marriage?  How do you get back to love?A podcast listener (accurately) noted that I don’t talk too much about love.  The listener wanted to just get back to the love they had shared at one time, and wanted to know how to fall back in love.

I responded with, “What do you mean by ‘love’?”  The response started with “I don’t know,” and continued with “but how do we fall back in love?”

And there is the root of the problem.  We have been struggling to define and describe what love even is for centuries, if not millennia.  And we are still trying.

More than that, the loving feeling is not what you really are trying to return to.  It is certainly a side-effect, but not what you want to try for.

And more than that, love is not even a clear indicator of marital success — maybe because it is so hard to define and describe.

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I talk the question, “What About Love?”  Where does it fit into your efforts to save your marriage?  Where does it fit into any marriage?

Listen in below.

Love as Action
Self-Expansion and Marriage Success
The Importance of Connection
Changing Yourself
3 C Approach
Book:  How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps
Book:  Recovering From The Affair
Program:  Save The Marriage System

Love and Respect: An Interview with Emerson Eggerichs
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

“What’s love got to do with it??” “R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what that means to me!”  Tina Turner calls for love, and Aretha Franklin calls out for respect.  But what is the connection between love and respect?

Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, author of Love and RespectEmerson Eggerichs is the author of the book, Love and Respect.  As you can tell from the title, Emerson is addressing just that issue.

In his work with couples, Eggerichs kept noticing the cries for respect by men and the cries for love by women.  He realized that while we all need love and respect, men tend to need respect more than love, and women need love more than respect (generally speaking).

Here is the problem:  men show respect, which can feel unloving; and women show love, which can feel disrespectful.  In the end, couples feel unloved and disrespected, creating what Emerson refers to as the Crazy Cycle.  And in the process, the marriage keeps spiraling.

The good news is that the cycle can be changed.  Love and respect can be restored.  And intimacy can return.  But only when you understand the dynamics that are fueling the Crazy Cycle.

A while back, I had the opportunity to sit down with Emerson Eggerichs and discuss his ideas about love and respect.  While originally, it was for another program, this is important for you to hear.  In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I let you in on this important interview.

Listen below.

Love and Respect Website
Love and Respect Book
Importance of Connection
Communication and Marriage

How to Get the Love You Want
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Harville Hendricks and Helen Hunt on Getting the Love You Want.Why did you fall in love with your spouse?  Why do people fall in love with the person they fall in love?

And perhaps even more importantly for our time together, why do those same relationships cause such pain? How can love turn painful and hurtful?

Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt have been on the forefront of helping hurting marriages for decades.  In 1988, their seminal book, Getting The Love You Want, came out to great acclaim.  It was an international best-seller.

In that book (now revised), Harville and Helen reveal their Imago Theory of why we fall in love, and why it can either be hurtful or healing.  They also provide exercises for couples to explore their own Imago relating, to help with healing and health.

Some time ago, Harville and Helen gave me some of their time to share their thoughts and direction on how to create a loving relationship.  This interview was originally part of a special program.  But I decided to share it with you, because of the powerful information they shared.

Listen below to discover how understanding your Imago and help heal your marriage.

Book:  Getting The Love You Want
Website for Harville and Helen
What Happy Couples Know Series
The Save The Marriage System

Service or Repair?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

It it time for relationship service or repair?  Does your marriage need some help or an overhaul?My car is in for service.  Usually, that means I am in their lounge, trying my best to work with daytime TV blaring in the background.  But due to COVID, I decided to leave it there and head for home.  Now, I am just waiting for the call to pick it up.

It’s just regular maintenance today (fingers crossed).  But there were other cars there for repairs.

Which had me thinking….

What does service mean for a relationship?  How about repair for a marriage?

The more I thought about it, the more the metaphor fit.  If I do regular maintenance on my car, it by no means guarantees that it won’t break down.  But it does increase the chances of avoiding a roadside breakdown.

Let’s be fair:  even the best-maintained vehicles can still break down, still need a repair.  But let’s also be clear that if you have maintained your relationship, it is far less likely to need a repair, and far less likely that it will be costly (I can attest to this after the demise of my first car).

Well-maintained marriages are far less likely to hit a crisis — a breakdown.  And if they do hit a crisis, they are better equipped to deal with the crisis and the outcome.

In this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast, I cover the process of marriage maintenance (5 steps) and what to do when it is repair time.  Listen below.

Importance of Connection
3 Steps to Saving Your Marriage
Dangers of Therapy
Grab the Save The Marriage System

Survival Rules for Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to survive a marriage crisis; survival mindset and rules.Your marriage is in trouble.  You know you want to save your relationship, but you aren’t sure how.

Step #1 is surviving.

Confession:  I have an abiding interest in survival.  I’m the guy who reads all the scuba accident reports, the shark attack reports, and the mountaineering accident reports.

Why do those who survive make it through?  What makes a difference for them?

They followed, on purpose or by accident, “rules” of surviving.  Those rules can help you, too.

Your first task is to survive.  That gives you time to take more action.  Those actions are designed to rescue your relationship.  In fact, that is one rule I cover… being the rescuer.  Check it out in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.

Simplify It (series)
Anti-Fragile Marriage
Surviving Specific Situations (series)
Save The Marriage System


Love Isn’t (Only) Romantic
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What does it mean if the passion and romance are missing?  Does that mean the love is gone?  Covered in this episode of Save The Marriage Podcast.“Our marriage is broken,” she told me.  “We don’t have the passion anymore, so I don’t think we should stay married.”

Missing passion… is it the end of marriage, or something else?

Most relationships are sparked by infatuation.  Call it passion or romance, but the desire to be with that person, that overwhelming attraction, is a building-block for a long-term relationship — including marriage.  It is, though, not the goal.

For most, that part of a relationship is a stage.  It naturally cools over time.  This is just the nature of an attraction.  It tempers over time.  Which means that we can get back to the rest of life — the parts of life that get disregarded in the heat of passion.

Does that mean you must just let romance and passion fall by the wayside?  Not at all.  You just can’t count on it as the focus.

Unfortunately, people often judge a marriage dead because the passion is missing. Also unfortunately, they haven’t nurtured the passion and romance.  The fact that it disappeared is more a reflection of the damaged connection than a sign the marriage was not meant to be, or has irretrievably failed.

I discuss the Passion Paradox in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

Love Is Not Effortless
Does Romance Kill A Relationship?
Where DID Those Feelings Go?
Save The Marriage System

Quarantined Together or Apart
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Dealing with a marriage crisis in the midst of quarantine and pandemic.If a marriage crisis was not enough to deal with… now we have a pandemic.  And if that was not enough, we are self-isolating.  The pandemic isn’t anything we can control.  Self-isolating is best for ourselves and others.

What, though, does that mean about your marriage crisis?  How do you deal with that?  In the midst of the pandemic?  And while self-isolating.

That breaks down into 4 different groups:  Isolating together but working alone, isolating together and working together, isolating apart and working alone, and isolating apart but working together.  Each has some nuances that need your attention.

I cover some recommendations for each group, and explain why it makes a difference.

Listen in below.

Coping with COVID series
Understanding Space
Levels of Intimacy
Save The Marriage System

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