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relationship advice

Switches or Dials?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

If you are saving your marriage, stop looking for a switch.  Work the dials to make your changes.No, this isn’t some electrical engineering idea. Instead, it has more to do with human nature.

We often want to find the switch, the on/off switch for some situation. Turn off stress by doing this, turn on fitness by doing this. On or off. With a switch.

This causes us to be looking for some super-easy, simple solution… often to complex issues. Particularly when it is a marriage crisis.

A marriage — much less a marriage crisis — is not an on/off situation, and no simple switch will turn it around.

Yet that is what many people want. The solution that is as easy as flipping a switch.

Yes, your marriage can be saved and improved, but not with some simple switch.  Instead, think about it as dials. Instead of a master switch, there can be a number of dials. Dialing up connection. Dialing down conflict. Dialing up warmth. Dialing down resentment.

We discuss this tendency to look for a switch — and the need to focus on the dials —  in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.

Listen below.

Why Connection is so Important
Dangerous Tricks
The No-Contact Rule
3C Approach
Save The Marriage System

The ARC of Saving Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The ARC of saving your marriage: acceptance, responsibility, controlSince my book, Thrive Principles, came out, people have asked me why I shifted my focus from saving marriages to thriving.  In reality, there is no shift. My System on saving a marriage is the same path to having a thriving marriage. In fact, my focus from the beginning was on how to have a thriving life in all areas of living — including in marriage.

Which means that there are many cross-over points between how we thrive and how we save a marriage.

In this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast, I discuss three anchors of Thrive Principles that can help you address the issues in your marriage.

These three principles can help you save your marriage. Just remember the acronym, ARC.

  • Acceptance
  • Responsibility
  • Control

Use these three principles as you work to save your marriage.

Thrive Principles
Save The Marriage System

4 Steps to Civility In Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Civility is the starting point for saving your marriage.Many times, I found myself just playing referee in my office.  The sparring match began when the couple sat down, and didn’t stop until they left.

It seemed that all I could do was ring the bell and end a round.  “Be civil,” I would tell them.

Then, the gloves would come off and they were sparring again.

“Be civil,” I would tell them, more emphatically, but still in my best therapist’s voice.

And still, they would go after each other.

One day, a man turned to me and said, “Is that all you can say? ‘Be civil?'”  I looked at him, and in my most “therapy” therapist voice said, “That would be a really good place to start.”

Being civil IS a great place to start, an excellent place to continue, and a terrific foundation to any relationship.

Here is the irony:  on a daily basis, we are civil to many, many people — some we probably don’t even like!

And then, to the one most important person in our lives — our spouse — we let it fly!  Civility is out the window.

Let’s decide, together, that as a foundation, civility is a great starting point.

Here are 4 steps to bringing more civility into your marriage — regardless of the conflict level right now.


4 Practical Steps for Calm in the Storm: #39 How To Save Your Marriage Podcast
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to save your marriage by finding your calm in the storm.Does it feel like a storm is swirling around you, pushing you back and forth?  That is a typical, but not particularly helpful, in a marriage crisis.

In fact, when our brain is in crisis mode, it hijacks our body and our mind.  You become less effective in your efforts to save your marriage.

The bad news is, this process is what happens when you are on automatic.  The good news is that there are some things you can do to short-circuit your overwhelm.

Today, I want to share 4 very practical, very powerful, and very simple strategies you can use to get your brain to switch.  Not only that, but if you apply these strategies (actually, 4 simple actions), you can re-wire your brain and have your mind functioning.  This is not “woo-woo” stuff.  All the strategies are well-researched and simple.

And most importantly, all will help you as you work to save your marriage.

Please listen, and then please implement the strategies!

Let me know how it goes and what you think by leaving a comment below.


Your Most Important Tool In Saving Your Marriage: Podcast Episode 06
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What is the most important tool when you are trying to save your marriage?  The answer may surprise you.

Are you taking care of this valuable tool?  Are you making sure this tool is as effective and helpful as possible?  Probably not.

In this audio episode, we examine what this tool is, why it is so important, and how to take care of it.

What are your thoughts?  Let us know in the comments below.

Getting Unstuck: Podcast SaveTheMarriage Episode 5
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you stuck?  Do you feel like you cannot move forward, and that there should be something more?  Perhaps you are realizing that something is holding you back.

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, we turn our attention to getting unstuck:

  • Why we get stuck.
  • How to avoid blame and take responsibility.
  • How to discover your limiting beliefs.
  • How to change your limiting beliefs.
  • Why you can forgive (the secret to forgiving).
  • How to forgive and move on.
  • Why forgiving does not place you at risk.
  • Most of all, how to get unstuck!
How To Heal Disconnection PODCAST: Save The Marriage Episode 4
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The latest Save The Marriage Podcast is here and available!

In this episode, we discuss emotional disconnection and how to heal it.

I provide 4 foundational steps in how to heal the disconnection and rebuild the connection, along with concrete steps on exactly what to do.

Let me know what you think in the comments below!

How To Save Your Marriage When It Hurts
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Too many times, I have answered my phone to sobs, had people come to my office in tears, write emails that are outpourings of pain.

So, let’s be clear — saving a marriage is tough work!  It requires you to set aside the pain you feel and move forward.  It means setting aside anger and resentment and choosing to relate.

Said another way, it requires us to get out of our lizard brain and back into our sensible brain.

We all have that lizard brain deep within our head.  It is the part that tries to avoid pain at all costs, the one that calculates it is easier to avoid than deal with the tough stuff.

Your lizard brain is constantly telling you what to fear, what it thinks can hurt you — which, by the way, is just about everything.  That part of you that keeps saying “but what if I try, and my spouse rejects me?” or “what if I do/say the wrong thing?” or the one that says “nothing is worth this.”

The sensible part, the one we humans pretend is really in charge, hears that deep voice, and then pretends it makes sense.  But one step back, that brain knows that 1) there are no guarantees in life, 2)  sometimes, life hurts, but that doesn’t mean we should shrink away, and 3)  there are things like family, commitment, and love, that make the pain bearable.

When you find yourself wanting to give up, to get away from the pain, take a step back.  Give yourself a chance to breathe.  Then ask “can I keep trying?”, “am I really ready to quit?”, “am I willing to really give it my best shot?”  If you decide you really want to quit, just make sure that lizard brain hasn’t hijacked the rest of you.

And when you are ready to keep on moving forward, to find a way, find your answer on how to save your marriage here.

Why Do We Drive Each Other Crazy?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity of talking with a couple that I may never see again. The reason I will never see them again is because they are not ready to make a change.

You see, they were caught in “ME mode.”What I mean by that is they were not even able to see outside of themselves. They were not able to see how they were getting in the way of the relationship. Each one pointing the finger at the other. In fact, every conversation quickly went back to “what’s wrong with you.”

I couldn’t see how they could make any changes because they were so caught up in seeing why the other person was wrong. They were never able to see why they were wrong. What a catastrophe! I couldn’t believe that we couldn’t go even 30 seconds without one pointing the finger at the other end telling me how right he or she was and how wrong the other person was!

You see, even therapist get frustrated sometimes! I played referee for an entire hour! At the end of the time, I suggested that each one needed to decide whether they wanted to really make any changes, or just point out the faults of the other person.

Sadly, this couple could probably fix their marriage with little effort… IF they were willing to see that each one had fault. I just needed a little room. I didn’t need any major changes. All that needed to happen was for one or the other to decide that it was not just the other person’s fault.

So why do we drive each other crazy? Why are marriages so difficult? Because we are rarely honest with our spouse. More than that, we are rarely honest with ourselves. Over time, everyone of us builds up resentments. Over time, few of us share our resentments. Each one may be very small, but if you add them up, you’ve created a tinderbox that leads to marital distress, frustration, and ignited of anger.

I am not suggesting that we have to tell our spouse everything that is on our mind. In fact, that would be quite destructive to the relationship. However, we often refuse to even tell the few things that could make a real difference in our marriage. In this case, the man simply wanted to feel like he was liked. Oddly, his wife did like him. She just didn’t express it in ways that he recognized. Tragic!

For her side, she kept waiting for him to tell her exactly what he was upset about. Why didn’t he? Because in his family, the rule of thumb was to not fight, not argue, and not tell what you wanted. Her family? They fought it out, argued it out, and told you exactly what they wanted.

Two different families, two different roles. And spouses the didn’t talk about it. In fact, didn’t even recognize it. Now, a marriage is about to end because both people think they are correct, and are definite that the other is wrong.

My advice? First, couples need to get in the habit of talking about the little difficulties. We wait until they build up, they suddenly become very personal, very painful, and almost always intractable.

Second, we humans are a lot like animals. At least in how we train each other. If behavior gives us something that we want, we keep doing it! For example, my dog is one big Labrador retriever. His head can easily rest on our table. Every now and then, my son lets a piece of cereal fall out of his bowl and onto his placemat. It only took a couple of times for my dog to realize that he got a treat as soon as my son left the table. Now, it is very hard to keep my dog away from the table.

When we humans get rewarded for “bad behavior,” in other words, when our painful actions towards others gets rewarded, we tend to repeat the behavior, even if it hurts the other person. In fact, we often fail to see that it hurts the other person.

Couples train each other in what behavior works and what behavior doesn’t work. Be careful in how you train your spouse. For example, with the couple I saw yesterday, when she pouted, he came to the rescue. But the difference between pouting and looking angry is very slight. Over time, her pout began to look like anger to him. From then on, she was pouting for attention, and he was feeling rejected.

Would either believe me if I told them about this? After about an hour of trying to convince them, I can tell you that neither one will believe what I’m saying. They have already made up their minds.

Third, one thing that is often missing in a marriage is our attempt to not just understand but to accept our spouse. All of us have our faults, and when we forget that, our spouse has a hard time living up to our expectations. Suddenly, all we can see are their faults.

So, the threat is in expecting perfection in our spouse, or seeing only fault. So here’s the conundrum: we want to be accepted for who we are, but we have a hard time offering that to our spouse. “ME mode”is probably the most destructive pattern in any marriage. When we get caught up in ourselves, we forget the other. Marriage is all about WE. Remember that, and you have increased the likelihood of success in your marriage a hundredfold.

More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE HERE.

Excuse #1: “Why Your Information Can’t Help ME”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

I just received another email about why I can’t help them with their marriage. Simply put, the writer told me that their situation is just too unique. No book, ebook, special report, seminar, etc., could help them, because they are just too different. Their situation is just too unique for “general help.”

Every week, I get several emails from people wanting to tell me their situation and then ask if my information can help them. Almost always (barring an abusive relationship or a spouse that has departed for the moon!), I answer “yes.” I am not worried about the problems. I am concerned with the destination.

So, to the person who wrote that email (don’t worry, I’ve already responded directly), and to all the others who tell themselves that, I have one thing to say: You Are Just Making Excuses!

I don’t think you mean to be, but you are. You see, the funny thing about a crisis is that it makes us feel like we are the only ones going through this. We look around and don’t see our friends suffering. We don’t hear others saying the same things, so we believe we must be unique.

And you are unique. I would even venture to say that your problems may be unique (although at this point in my career, I never hear anything new). Really, the wrapper of the problems (what it looks like) may be unique. But the underlying dynamics are exactly the same.

Remember Leo Tolstoy (you probably had to read War and Peace in high school)? In another book, Anna Karenina, Tolstoy observed that “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” We all see our unhappiness as unique.

But what I have discovered is the path to happiness is exactly the same for every couple! Understand, where you begin that process may be different (in fact, I have isolated 8 different starting points), but what needs to happen, the underlying dynamics, and how to get where you want to be is the same!

So, if you automatically tell yourself that your problems are just too unique to be helped, give that up! It isn’t true. Your situation may be unique, but the dynamics and the path to happiness is the same.

In other words, to boil it down, you can use the information in my ebook to save your marriage. Don’t destroy your chances of a happy marriage because you keep telling yourself that your problems are just too unique.

Give your marriage a try, Excuse Free!

More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, available by CLICKING HERE.

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