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March 2024

3 Failpoints You Face
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

WillAnythingWorkWhere could your efforts fail?

Those are the failpoints. They can trip you up and make you think nothing will work in your efforts.

But let me be clear.  They are potential failpoints. They are not inevitable.

Failpoints, in engineering, is caused by stress on a particular point. In machines, a particular piece is stressed long enough that it finally gives. It breaks.

In marriage, there are also potential failpoints — caused by stressors on different points in the relationship.

In this episode, I cover the three big failpoints that you face in your efforts… along with me talking about how to avoid the failpoints.


My new resource, The Connection Compass
My Save The Marriage System
Podcast episode: 3 Reasons Your Efforts May Fail
Podcast Episode: 4 Failing Fears


Milestones and Markers — 500 Episodes!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Begin with the end in mind. What's your destination? Start there.When I started this podcast over 10 years ago, I wondered how far we would go. Well, here we are on episode 500, with over 5.25 million downloads to far. And at the same time, I celebrate 58 years on earth. A couple of milestones I wanted to mark, for sure!

Which raises the question from a listener, on what I have learned in life. I’ll share 5 big things I’ve learned in my trips around the sun.

But before I get there, I thought I’d tell you how I got here:  500 episodes of the podcast, a number of books and online courses, and lots of coaching.  How did I end up in this world, in this profession?

And why do I keep at it?  I have long said that my job was to put myself out of business.  It won’t happen.  But that is always my goal.  Until then, I’ll keep showing up to help people build better marriages and have better lives.

Thank YOU for being part of this journey!


My Save The Marriage System
My New Training Resource, The Connection Compass
My Books
The Husband Bootcamp
The Field Guide To Marriage

The Trick to Saving Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

All the "short-cuts" got you to here.Let’s just say that the bumper sticker, “I used to be cool,” has nothing to do with me. I was not cool. I was more the nerdy kid. And to be honest, I’m not sure I have really outgrown that.

In my teen years, I was a magician. My friends were magicians, jugglers, clowns, ventriloquists, and carneys. I even started a magic club at my high school. And no, the cool kids did not show up for it. Ever.

But I will tell you one thing about magic:  it taught me a ton of life lessons… and a ton of psychology! I still recall those lessons to this day.

I probably learned more about humans and perception in my performing than I ever did in my psychology courses. I also learned lessons of perseverance and practice. That is the only way to master sleight of hand. I still rely on that to this day.

Which is why I am always interested when people ask me about the “trick” to saving their marriage. They want some little technique, some “sleight of mind” that will shift their spouse.

But more than that, there are some other lessons from magic that I watch play out. For example, people can come up with the most complex idea about how to do something. They complicate some simple things… in magic tricks and in life. And particularly in marriages.

In this Save The Marriage Podcast episode, we discuss the problems people create in their attempts to find the trick to saving their marriage.



My new free resource, The Connection Compass
My Save The Marriage System
My books
A training on The Dangers of  the Shortcut

Facing FACTs
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Time to face the FACT of your crisis. Time to get started saving your marriage. The FACT approach to getting moving.Sometimes, just a hint or trick will do it.  Maybe you want a trick or hint for an online game.  Or even a trick for a better pancake.  A hint for a better pushup.

But hints and tricks won’t work for saving a marriage.

Which is what I try to explain when I get the daily emails and voicemails, just asking for a hint or trick.  Nothing wrong with asking.  But the answer is, “you need more than a hint or trick.  You need an approach.  You need a system.”

But you also need a starting point, a way to get beyond the stuck point.  Most people just don’t know how to start, so they start with hints and tricks.  And then they realize there is more to this, more to the crisis.

When people tell me that they had a great marriage “until a week/month/year/___ time period ago, when ___________ happened,” they are missing that the seeds of the crisis were planted long before.

And that is why we need to fix the underlying issues, address the underlying problems, and rebuild in a sustainable way… for a long-term marriage.

In this episode of the podcast, I use the acronym from Gay Hendricks of FACT.  We will FACT out your marriage crisis and get you moving forward.

Pay attention to the choice of path (3 W’s), and your action plan (3 C’s) in order to make a real shift as you face the FACTs of your crisis.

Connection is Vital
You Need a Plan
3 C Approach
3 Levels of Connection
Save The Marriage System
The Connection Compass