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October 2024

Why You Are Derailed (And What to Do About It)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Why people get derailed and fail to save their marriage... and how to stay on-course in order to save your marriage.When a marriage crisis hits, people kick into gear!  They dig in and work on their relationship. Many times, they start to see results.  Things are turning for the better.  The relationship is warming.  Things aren’t quite so hostile.

But then….

They get derailed.  Thrown off-course.  Lost in the crisis.

Not surprisingly, any gains made are quickly lost.  Things become even more tense and fractured.

Why did they get derailed?  Four reasons:  Distracted, Distanced, Doubtful, and Discouraged.

I go into each of these… as well as how to avoid falling into the trap and getting derailed… in this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast.  You can listen below.

You Need A Plan
Can Your Marriage Be Saved?
When Is It Too Late?
Your Fail Points
Book:  The Marriage Fail Point
Save The Marriage System