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Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Rule #1: The Goal of Marriage is to Build a WE
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Rule 1 Save MarriageDo you want to know the one, biggest, simplest, and most difficult secret of marriage?  It is right in front of you, but you may miss just how important this one is.

In fact, this is the one piece of information I try to get into every person I see BEFORE they get married.  And it is my central goal of working on marriages.

Miss this one, and you will always be caught in malnourished and hobbled relationship.

Ready?  Marriage is about building a WE.  It is about becoming a solid team, always having each other’s back, and always in each other’s corner.

WE.  Get there, and you will have a successful marriage.  Notice, I did not say you would have a trouble-free marriage.  Only that you would have a successful marriage.

Every single marriage in the world has challenges and difficult times. The question is really about how you approach the difficulties, not whether you have them.

Being a WE is what gets you through the difficulties.

First, let’s talk about what this does NOT mean.  This is not being in a permanent “mind-meld” with the other person — liking the same things, wanting the same things, thinking the same things, completing each other’s sentences, blah, blah, blah.

Second, it is not giving up yourself for the other person, or the other person giving him- or herself up for you.

It is about two people deciding — committing — to being a team, a unit, a new entity.  It is about each supporting the other, but also looking out for what is best for BOTH, for “the whole.”

How close to that are you today?

  • Do you find yourselves in power struggles?
  • Do you argue about money, sex, parenting, and other central issues?
  • Do those arguments often end with little-to-no movement?
  • Do you feel like you are in a stalemate?
  • Do you both constantly keep saying (silently or out loud) “What about me?”
  • Do you feel like you are headed in different directions?
  • Do you feel the need to disagree or argue your point, even when you mostly or completely agree?

The more you answered “yes” to the above the more you can be sure you have not “made the leap” to being a WE.

Or perhaps you can answer this one question:

  • Do I feel more alone than I want to in this relationship?

If that is “yes,” then you know that you are not quite there.
But that doesn’t mean it is your fault!  Quite the opposite.  Unfortunately, our culture does a very bad job in preparing people for marriage.

In other words, nobody told you the goal of marriage was to build a WE, and if they did, they probably didn’t tell you

  • a) how to do it, and
  • b) how subtle it can be.

Some couples actually make it there, almost by accident.  Others seem to struggle against it, refusing to see the obvious need to get there.

So, let me make a blanket statement:  I have never, in well over 20 years of working with couples, seen a couple who made it to WE end in divorce.  But I have seen, repeatedly, when a couple does not get there, the relationship at least deteriorates over time, often ending.

There are several reasons why people don’t make it to WE.  Quickly, let’s look at why people don’t get there.

Lack of understanding that this is the goal.
This is where our culture has failed us.  We have done a poor job, as a society, of letting peope know this is even what marriage is about.  Thus nearly 50% of marriages end.

Fear of a loss of individuality.
While this is not what happens, since there is so poor of an understanding, people fear this.  Again, this is merely a misunderstanding of what it means to be a WE.

Caught in a Fear/Anger cycle.
So, if you don’t know this is the goal, and you get caught in the ensuing power struggles, over time, the anger builds.  And anger is really a secondary response to fear.  The fear is that you will not get what you need, which triggers a very primitive response, which only leads to more power struggle, more fear, more anger.

Perceptions and Misperceptions of each other.
And once you have slipped into the power struggle, and the anger/fear cycle, you begin to justify the situation.  We all misperceive the other person.  We begin to only see the shortcomings, the lack of investment, etc.  At that point, the perception is that the other person is not on your side.

Which raises the question, “How do you get there?  How do you become a WE?”

Let me assure you it is possible, and it is even possible if one of you is resistant to getting there.

And let me assure you that we humans are actually designed for this.  We are wired to be in relationship, to create that level of relating.

So, what we really have to do is get ourselves out of our own way and let what should happen actually happen — become a WE!

I tackle this in detail in my Save The Marriage System (learn more by CLICKING HERE), but let’s talk a little about how to get there.

Starting Points:

  • Do not try to address WE with your spouse.
  • Work on YOUR concept of WE.
  • Until you understand WE as a concept, you cannot expect your spouse to accept it.

Specific Steps To Being a WE:

Step 1  

  • Make a careful examination of the places that you think “you/me” instead of WE.
  • Remind yourself that you are part of a WE.
  • Ask yourself this, “Where do I need to let my spouse in MY world?”

Step 2

  • Train yourself to think in terms of “we” and “us,” not “you” or “me.”
  • Whenever there is a decision, ask the magic question:  What is best for US?
  • This is a “magic question” because the answer is more creative than “what is best for me” or “what is best for you.”
  • It forces you to move to WE.

Step 3

  • Accept YOUR FULL RESPONSIBILITY to be a WE, regardless of your spouse’s outlook or actions.
  • Refuse to be lured into an “if you don’t, I won’t” approach.
  • Invite your spouse into WE by your actions, not your expectations.

Now, time to get started!  Go work on creating the WE you need in order for your marriage to survive and thrive!

New Series: 10 Rules For Saving Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

In the last two days, I have heard the same thing. Once by email, once by phone. Yesterday, the email said “I don’t have much time. Can you tell me just one thing I can do to save my marriage?”

This morning, the voice on the phone said “Help! I am desperate! I don’t have time to go through all your material. Just tell me, what can I do RIGHT NOW to save my marriage?”

No, I didn’t laugh. Instead, I was sad. I always am sad when I hear about marriages in such deep trouble. But I am just as sad by the attitude that says “there has to be just ONE thing I can do to turn this around.”

Bad news: there isn’t.

Good news: there are plenty of things you CAN do.

Which led me to think: what can I do to get you some actionable information RIGHT NOW. Not one thing, but what if I can point you in the right direction with a number of small things?

Small things, added together, grow to large things. And large things can make the difference.

As Jack Canfield states, if you even take 5 whacks at a tree every day, no matter the size, one day it will fall.

With that, I decided that I would start a new series: 10 Rules For Saving Your Marriage.

These are rules I have gathered in the last quarter-century of working with couples. They apply to every situation — sometimes crucially and sometimes just enforcing the others. Violate any of the rules, though, and you will see your efforts to be limited, if not useless.

With that, let’s get working to save your marriage — not with ONE thing, but 10!

Stay tuned!

If you want to save your marriage, CLICK HERE and get started with the whole system!

Two Pieces To the Puzzle of Saving Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Marriages fall apart in many ways.  But marriages come back through one primary path. 

So what is that path?  I will come back to it in just a moment.  First, let me tell you why marriages fall apart in so many ways.

Each way is really only a symptom of an underlying issue.  Marriages all need the same thing to stay together:  commitment and connection.  When either falters, it is only a matter of time before the symptoms start showing.  But don’t confuse symptom with cause.

Boredom?  A result of lack of connection.

Growing apart?  Same thing.

Affairs and infidelity?  Lack of commitment and connection.

Power struggles?  Same thing.

The list could go on and on.

But the path back is much easier to see.  The path back is all about connection and commitment.  But since it is likely that only you are working on it at this point, let’s focus a bit.

There are two parallel processes that need to be happening in order to pull the marriage back together.  Path 1 is about reconnecting.  But reconnection must be done carefully.  Our tendency is to overwhelm the other person with affection.  But all that creates is the reverse.  It causes people to resist, not move together.  The last thing anyone wants when they feel disconnected is pressure to connect.  If you want to use a system that has helped many to reconnect, go here.

Path 2, which you need to be doing at the same time is self-improvement.  Yep, work on yourself.

If your voice in your head is yelling “why should I have to do that?” then hang with me.  First, the obvious reason is because you are the one that wants something different.  So you are the one that takes action.

But second, let’s be honest — we ALL have room for growth.  And there is no reason to not move in that direction.  We all get lazy in life, a bit sloppy in following our life path.  And we all have the potential for being so much more than we are right now.

So why not embrace that?  Move ahead with it?

You see, your spouse is justifying why he or she needs to get out.  And they justify it based on you and your actions.  So be more than you have been become the best person you can be.  You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain!

Join me here if you are ready to take action on saving your marriage!

“It REALLY IS His Fault!” – Self-Deception
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

And that was the start of our session!  Sue was convinced it was Jack’s fault.  Which led me to ask, “why isn’t Jack here?”

“Oh, he is very busy. . . and I felt guilty about dragging him in. . . and he said that if I would just let him miss this time. . . .”

I had heard all this before.  My office is filled with people wanting to save their marriage.  In fact, they almost always start their phone call with “save my marriage, please!”

Then they start explaining why it is not THEIR fault, but the other person’s fault.

So, what happened the next week when Jack came in?  It was not his fault!  It was THEIR problem, though.  And the first step in solving any marriage problem is to get BOTH to see that NEITHER can be fully blamed.  And either, or both, can take responsibility to address the issues at hand.

Does that mean that saving a marriage is a task for just one?

No, but it does mean that one person can actually start the process.

But step one is to stop the “Blame Game.”  Start looking for responsibility.  “What can I do in this situation, to start moving it toward success” is far better than “This is all his/her fault.”  Or the variation I love, “I know it is not his/her fault entirely, but it is probably (choose any number over 50)% theirs.

If only it were that simple!  Even actions that lead to issues have starting places that included both people.  But more about that later. . . .

It Worked. . . and Yet!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Have you seen the cartoon that recently went around? The man is desperately looking for his iPad. It seems to be lost, and he is lost. He prays to God that if God helps him find the iPad, he will do whatever God wants.

A few minutes later, he locates his iPad, illuminated by rays of light from above. The man grabs his iPad, turns his face upward and says “never mind, God, I found it!”

I chuckled a second time when I read an email from a customer. His marriage is great. Never better. His wife and he are under the same roof, talking, and moving forward.

So, I was a bit surprised that he wanted his money back. What? My material is designed to save a marriage.

Not just save it, but massively improve it.

Not just improve it, but radically alter it, so that the problems never reemerge.

Not just stopping problems, but making it into a world-class marriage.

And the couple is on their way. But he is just not sure if he wants to give me any credit or not.


Sometimes, we forget where we were when we were in pain, and pretend we don’t need help.

If you are ready to get help for your marriage, if you are ready to move your marriage not just out of trouble, but to somewhere great, let us know!

We are here, waiting to help YOU!

Time. . . And Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Last night, I had the chance to watch the movie, In Time. If you are not familiar, it is a dystopic future that divides the “haves” and “have nots” by who has time. Literally. The general population are programmed to live for 26 years (barring an accident or someone stealing their time). But the wealthy have become immortal, as they have time.

Their slogan, “for the few to be immortal, many must die”. So, they hoard time, and meanwhile, the masses live, quite literally, minute-to-minute.

So, my analysis of the movie is that it is a very intriguing and thought-provoking idea caught without a decent plot.

But, as I said, it makes you think. Time as the ultimate commodity. What if that was the case?

Oh, yeah. It is! When we make a purchase, we are trading the time it took to make that money for that product. That $5 coffee? Calculate how long it took to make the $5, then decide if it is worth it. And that is without adding in the loss of that $5 for future earnings. We trade our time for our possessions. And experiences. The movie is already true!

But what does that have to do with marriage? Lots!

How much time do we waste acting as if our marriage was worthless? For instance, think of all the time a couple loses in worthless arguing and struggling, somehow pretending that a) there must be a winner, and b) if they keep going, they will arrive at a conclusion.

Scoring points. That is the typical goal in most arguments. “Let me prove my point, and then you will see I am right.”. But how many of those arguments are just differences of opinion? Take those out, and you have a 90% reduction in arguments, making the other 10% much easier to solve.

Or how about how much time we spend unhappy, but unwilling to really work at it?

Now, some will use this as rationale for divorce. Get out of a bad relationship and move on.

If only it were that easy! People greatly underestimate the devastation of a divorce. It is crippling to kids, adults, finances, etc., etc., etc.

But being stuck isn’t the answer. Here’s the deal, pointed out in the movie: we are going to die. How we spend the time between here and there is our only choice. Wasting it in conflict, or using it to build a treasured relationship?

Your choice.

Knowledge Is Power. . . NOT!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Have you heard that before?  Knowledge is power?  Trust me, after spending over 9 years, post college, in graduate school, I believe that information has power.

Problem is, too many people forget one thing:  knowledge that is not applied is useless.  Knowledge is NOT power.  Applied knowledge, THAT is power!

On a daily basis, I hear from people who want to save their marriage.  Just this morning, a gentleman asked me for “a few pointers” to save his marriage.  I referred him to my Save The Marriage System.  But I get the feeling that he just wanted a couple of points.

He wanted the “magic knowledge.”  And that is what sometimes worries me.  Are you ready to take action?  Or have you been seduced by society’s obsession with “the easy answer.”  Most easy answers are not even answers.  But more than that, how many people even apply them?

All I have to do is look at my bookcase at all the “information” available to me.  Wow!  I have a solution for many problems. . . and they would probably work — if I applied the information!

My point is, sometimes we get so caught up in chasing information that we never take the next step — action.

Are you wanting to save your marriage?  Stop a divorce?  Improve your relationship?

Do yourself a favor:  once you have some information you trust, spend some time implementing and trying it out.  Don’t keep looking for more information.  Try it out!

About 6 months ago, I got serious about really getting into shape.  I found some information I trusted.  And I applied it.  Want to know what happened?  I lost weight, got fit, and am now in the best shape of my life.

Several people asked me what I did.  I told them.  Some even got the book.  One joked “I read it and nothing happened.  Do you mean I have to do something different?”

Indeed, knowledge is NOT power.  Applied knowledge, THAT is power!  Get the information you need, then take action!  A new year and new life awaits you!

Ready to change your life and your marriage?  Grab this information and save your marriage!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
–Albert Einstein

‘Tis The Season. . . For Breakups!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The air is filled with the lights and sounds of the holiday season!  People are bustling around, making their plans.  Malls and stores are full of shoppers.  The smell of spices and cookies hangs in the air!  Silent Night plays in the background.  And all is right with the world!

Save Your Marriage This Christmas. . . Except for all the relationships that end over the holidays!  Divorce attorneys hear the phones ringing.  People are dividing up property, arguing and fighting, and finding themselves at the end of a relationship.

Are you surprised?  Or perhaps that is exactly what landed you here.

We humans seem to like to pick arbitrary points in time.  So, some people have said to themselves, “I will end this by the end of the year.” Or “I will be gone by Christmas.”

Others see the opportunity of school being out to make a transition.  They somehow imagine that breaking up a family will be better done while the kids are on break!

So, the holidays see a spike in breakups.  And suddenly, the joy of the season is replaced by pain and resentment.  In fact, the holidays, from then on, mark the breakup.

How sad.  And how useless.  In the consumer world that seems to too often mark this season, we do the same with relationships:  “this relationship just isn’t as fun as it once was.  Time to move on.”

Ah, the love of the bright, shiny and new!  The allure of the merchandise in the window is no different than the allure of a new relationship.  One we imagine to be free of defects and problems.

If I look in my basement, I see any number of electronic items that tell me that we humans are only fooling ourselves, whether it is the new electronics or the new love interest.

Might you revive your relationship?  Might you save your marriage?  Discover how by CLICKING HERE.  Give yourself a present that really matters!

It Is NOT Enough To Just Stop A Divorce
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

You may be at my blog for any number of reasons:  saving a relationship, stopping a divorce, addressing an affair, thinking about a separation.  Likely, you are here because of a marriage crisis, not for pleasure reading, agreed?

Many people want me to help the stop a divorce.  But over the years, I have realized that stopping your divorce is just not enough.  My job, my mission, is to help you improve your marriage.  I do not think it is adequate to simply stop a legal process and have a marriage just keep limping along.  There are a couple of reasons why.

First, I truly believe that life is just too short to be in an unhappy marriage.  And life is too short to suffer all the pain of a divorce.  But life is well lived, learning how to be in a loving and supportive, intimate marriage.

Second, when people tell me “I just want things to get back to the way they were,” I happen to know that “where they were” is how people get to “where we are.”  Again, heading back to that is heading back to stuck.

Third, marriage is something that should be cherished, nurtured and protected.   Not doing that means that we have really missed out on an opportunity for growth and enlightenment.

So, notice that my site is not  named StopYourDivorce.  It is Save The Marriage — save YOUR marriage, and make it something great!

Ready to join me?  Learn more by going to the home page of Save The Marriage.

Saving Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

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