How Your Thoughts Betray You: Save The Marriage Podcast Episode 13
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Have you ever noticed that your mind runs pretty much non-stop?  Try NOT to think, and see how long you can do that.

The problem isn’t that you keep thinking.  The problem is how often you forget that you are thinking.  You confuse your thoughts with reality.  And that’s when the trouble begins. . .

In a previous podcast, I started a conversation about the dangers of your thoughts.  That stirred some thoughts in you, and many people emailed me for more explanation.

So if you have ever found yourself derailed by your thinking (which means everyone!), then you may want to listen to this short audio on how your thoughts get in the way of your efforts — in this case, to save your marriage/relationship.

Take a listen and let me know what you think in the comments area below.

How Fear Is Destroying Your Efforts and 4 Ways To Reverse It: Save The Marriage Podcast
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Fear.  It is the enemy of your efforts to save your marriage.  We all have fear.  But how much does fear get in the way?

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, we explore how your fear of abandonment can destroy and undermine your efforts.

But more importantly, we explore some ways to make progress, in spite of the fear.

Take a listen, then leave a comment below!

And remember to grab my latest book, available now for Kindle.  Grab It Here.

Courageous Compassion And Doing What Needs To Be Done: Save The Marriage Podcast 11
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What happens when your feelings get you?  Do you give up or get busy?

We cover it in today’s podcast.

What happens when you see your spouse through a negative lens?  Why does this happen?

We cover it in today’s podcast.

Ready to be courageous, even courageously compassionate as you work to save your marriage?

We cover it in today’s podcast.

Let me know what you think!  Leave a comment below.  I read them all and respond to most.

And if you want to take advantage of the offer I make in the podcast, here is the link:

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: New Ebook, How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps, Available
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

SYM3S3dcoverA new book is a long process.  Thank goodness, my new book is now launched!  You can find the ebook, How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps, in the Amazon Kindle Store, available for download.

The new book tackles how to save your marriage in just 3 simple steps.  I  do need to remind you:  simple is not the same as easy.  But the 3 steps are do-able.  And you can work on all three steps, even if your spouse is not interested.

Better yet, the information in the book applies to all areas of your life.  Do you find yourself, not just stuck in your marriage, but in your life?  The book tells you how to escape the self-defeating thoughts and behavior.  It teaches you how to change not just your relationship, but yourself.

Are you ready to transform your life and your marriage?  Grab my new book!

Top 5 Things Your Marriage Therapist Will Not Tell You [Save The Marriage Podcast]
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Problems with Marriage TherapyIn this podcast, I tackle the top 5 things a marriage therapist will not tell you.  If you are in therapy, considering therapy, or have tried therapy, please listen!

Here are the Top 5 Things Your Marriage Therapist Will Not Tell You:

5)  Marriage therapy is not effective (let me tell you why).

4)  Your marriage therapist may not have the training (let me explain the training that is missing).

3)  The real issue is NOT communication (although many therapists focus solely on this).

2)  Talking your issues out may not help (and may actually do more harm).

1)  Your relationship may not be broken.

What would you add from your experience?  Please comment below.

Can’t versus Won’t & Your Thoughts: Save The Marriage Podcast #9
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Wow!  Last week’s podcast caused a stir.  Lots of comments and emails, so I decided I needed to follow up.  Today, we look more in-depth at “can’ts” and then talk about why you and your spouse see things differently.

What do you think?  Leave your comments below.

You Can’t. . . And You Won’t Like My Answer: Save The Marriage Podcast Episode 08
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

I-can't-save-marriageIf you think you can’t do it:  save your marriage, connect with your spouse, change yourself, etc., then you will want to listen in to the podcast.  And you may not like what I have to say.

Like it?  Let me know in the comments below.

Don’t like it?  Let me know in the comments below!

And if you are ready to take action, please grab my Save The Marriage System RIGHT HERE.

Saw Me On The Better Show? Welcome!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

as_seen_on_betterTVAre you visiting after seeing me on The Better Show today?  Thank you for visiting!

You can find lots of articles, audios, and resources on this blog.  It has been active for years, and has some great information to get you moving in your relationship, regardless of whether you are in a crisis or just want to improve it.

If you are looking for the information referenced on the show, you can FIND IT HERE.

Thank you for visiting!

The Truth About Attraction: The Chemistry of Love – STMPodcast #7
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Do you know the truth about attraction — why some relationships feel charged with attraction and others don’t?

Do you know the primary shift that happens in a marriage?

Do you know how to use that shift to your advantage, instead of your detriment.

Join me as I interview Bob Grant, an expert in this question.

Your Most Important Tool In Saving Your Marriage: Podcast Episode 06
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What is the most important tool when you are trying to save your marriage?  The answer may surprise you.

Are you taking care of this valuable tool?  Are you making sure this tool is as effective and helpful as possible?  Probably not.

In this audio episode, we examine what this tool is, why it is so important, and how to take care of it.

What are your thoughts?  Let us know in the comments below.