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3 C’s

The 4th C
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The 4th C of Saving Your Marriage... Why 3 C's is not enough!Over the years, I developed some direct and simple ways to save your marriage (simple is not the same as easy — it still takes effort!).  One piece of my approach was what I called “The 3  C’s” — being Calm, Constant, and Consistent.

These “3 C’s” aren’t really about what you do, but how you do it… how you carry out your plan (something I discuss in my System and share with my VIP members in a “fill-in-the-blank plan”).

Over the years, those 3 C’s have been a mantra for my clients… the reminder that keeps them moving in helpful ways when panic is pulling at them.  This mantra keeps the process moving in productive ways, creating profound changes in the relationship.

Many times, those 3 C’s are the difference between a plan working and failing, between successfully saving a marriage and failure.

Last week, one of the members of my VIP group noted that she needed to add a 4th C.  And then, she pointed out what should have been obvious… there IS a 4th C!  And it is something I have discussed before… but failed to include as an important (and daily) C in the process.

That 4th C?  Courage.

In this week’s podcast episode, I cover the first 3 C’s, then tell you how that 4th C fits into your efforts.  Here’s how you work your plan… be sure and listen in!

3 C’s
3 Steps
Your Plan
Marriage Fail Point book
Save The Marriage System

Avoid The 3 A’s
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What to do (3 C's) and what to avoid (3 A's).You probably know my 3 C’s — Calm, Constant, and Consistent.  That is how you want to carry out your plans to save your marriage.  (Listen to this training, if you aren’t familiar. CLICK HERE )

There is a reason for those 3 C’s:  the 3 A’s that you want to avoid.  Those three things can get you into a very bad spot with your efforts.

Here are the 3 A’s to Avoid:

  1. Anxious
  2. Arbitrary
  3. Ambiguous

Don’t let those 3 simple words get you into trouble.  The 3 C’s will steer you clear and keep you on-course — but only if you avoid the antecedents to the C’s — the 3 A’s To Avoid.

Listen for an understanding of what those 3 A’s mean, and why it is so important to avoid them.

3 C’s of Saving Your Marriage
3 Things To NOT Say

The Save The Marriage System