Posts Tagged :

apology letter

Did Your Apology Fail?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What if your spouse didn’t respond to your apology?  Is it over?  Did it fail?  Has your marriage failed?  Let’s talk about it.You apologized to your spouse… maybe on your own, or maybe because I suggested it.


Nothing.  Nada.  Zero.  Zilch.

No change, no difference.

Does that mean that your efforts are over?  That your attempts to save your marriage are a failure?

Just to reassure you, an apology letter with no response does not necessarily mean it was a failure.  And it sure doesn’t mean that your efforts are over.

This week, I am answering Chris’s questions about an apology letter “fail.”  If you have a question, you can submit it at for consideration.

Anatomy Of An Apology
Of Apologies and Forgiving
Forgiveness Is NOT A Blank Check
5 Rules for Apologizing
Save The Marriage System
VIP (If you have the System)