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attachment and marriage

Can a Marriage Turn Around Quickly?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Is your marriage in crisis?  Can it turn around?  How long would it take to turn around?  Maybe faster than you think.  This training tells you why (and why not).Lots of people have asked me how long it takes for a marriage crisis to turn around… for the marriage to start heading in the RIGHT direction.  Does it take days?  Weeks??  Years???

I often tell them that marriages in crisis can often turn around amazingly fast.

That doesn’t mean YOUR marriage will.  But it often does happen.

Why is it that a marriage can feel like it is on the edge of collapse, and then seemingly come back to life overnight?

It all has to do with a basic human need that we all have.  It is the central part of a marriage, and goes so deep that when it is missing, it is painful.  When it is restored (the right way), it is immediately healing.  Listen below for why marriage turn quickly (and why the don’t).

Connection is the Lifeblood
There is no Pause
No Manipulation
Healing Disconnection
Save The Marriage System