Posts Tagged :

can I save my marriage

Video: How Can We Protect Our Marriage?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Marriages get into trouble when they are not protected.  And marriages that are recovering must protect the marriage, so that it can keep growing.  Marriages that are doing well STILL need to protect their relationship, in order to prevent problems.

This video can help you protect your marriage from problems, and help recover from problems, by helping you learn how to protect your relationship.

Video: I Can’t Get My Spouse To Go To Therapy!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Many people think the only way that their marriage can be saved is through marital therapy.  So, when a spouse refuses to go, you might think you are out of luck in saving your marriage.  Can the marriage be saved without therapy?  Absolutely!

In fact, marriage therapy has a dismal track record!  At least 50% of couples who go to marital therapy still divorce (higher than the general population), and only 10 to 15% report any positive benefit!

Learn the truth in this video.

Save The Marriage Video: I Keep Messing Up. What Do I Do?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Do you find yourself in a panic, making a crisis even worse?  Does that mean you can’t save your marriage?

Time to discover what you need to do if you want to save your marriage, even if you are making mistakes.  Let’s face it:  you are in the midst of a crisis, and most of us do not do well with fear.  But that doesn’t mean there is no hope.  We just need to get you back on track!  Learn how to save your marriage, even if you keep messing up!

Video: What If My Spouse Wants A Divorce?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Has your spouse asked for a divorce?  Are you wanting to stop the divorce.  Can you save your marriage, or is it too late?  We look at these questions in this video.

My belief is that you can STILL save your marriage, but let me tell you more about that in this video.

Video: Why Do Affairs Happen?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

If your marriage has suffered infidelity, you may be wondering how you can save your marriage, and how you can even recover.  Time to educate yourself!  If you don’t know what causes an affair, it will be difficult for you to find the way back to your marriage.  More than that, your marriage will continue to be at risk.  Start saving your marriage after an affair by watching this video.

And HERE IS THE LINK to my book, Recovering From Infidelity

Video: Should We Stay Together For The Kids?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Nothing scares us more than what might happen to our children.  We know that divorce is tough on kids, with long-term consequences.  We also know that it is not healthy for children to live watching their parents in conflict.  So what is the answer?  Do you stay together for the kids?  Do you save your marriage just for them?  Or should you let it go?

We examine that question in this video.  The answers just might surprise you!

Video: When Is A Marriage Too Far Gone?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

So, you are working to save your marriage, perhaps alone.  And you begin to wonder, “is this just too far gone?”  It is a common concern, full of emotion.  Frightening to consider.  But let’s consider it.  This video will help you decide whether it is too late to save your marriage and stop a divorce.

Video: What Do You Do If Your Spouse Doesn’t Want To Save Your Marriage?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Many people find me and my work because they are trying to figure out how they can save their marriage, even when their spouse is not interested.  Is that you?  Are you finding yourself the one seeking save the marriage information?  Are you wondering “can this marriage be saved when my spouse doesn’t care or even wants out?”  This video is for you.

Find the marriage advice you need if you are saving your marriage alone!

Video: Why Should I Save My Marriage?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Another video to answer another common question:  “why should I save my marriage?”  Sometimes, we get discouraged, see no way to get things to change, and are ready to give up on saving a marriage.  But is that the right choice?  Are we making a wise choice when there are so many swirling emotions?

Explore the answer to the question of why you should (or should not) save your marriage!

Video: Can This Marriage Be Saved?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

For anyone asking the question, “Can this marriage be saved,” today’s video will help you determine that.  Too much marriage advice jumps in with suggestions.  I want to help you understand why you are here, and what can be done.  Then we can talk about what to do!

So, watch today’s video to help you decide if you can save your marriage.