Posts Tagged :

can’t make my spouse happy

Marriage Lie #2: “Meet All of My Needs”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

A spouse should complete you… right?

Your emotional needs, companion needs, physical needs… if your spouse is meeting them, then that is the right spouse… right?

And therefore, if your spouse isn’t meeting your needs… wrong person… right?

The “Meet My Needs” lie about marriage.  Should spouses meet all of their spouse’s needs?  If not, does that mean the relationship is wrong?Wrong.

In the last episode of the podcast, I tackled the first lie of marriage, “If it’s work, it’s wrong.”  In this episode, we tackle another lie, the “Meet My Needs” lie that measures whether your marriage and your spouse are right, based on them meeting your needs (never mind meeting the needs of your spouse).

First, please don’t go all “Then the opposite is true??” on me.  No, I am not saying your spouse should not mean ANY of your needs.

I AM saying your spouse can’t meet ALL of your needs.

Did you say, “Of course not”?  And yet, many marriages get into trouble over the needs one accuses the other of NOT meeting.  If THAT needs is not getting met, THEN there is a problem.  But if you extrapolate a bit, that ends up being an argument that a spouse should meet ALL the needs.

Here is the other problem:  if you think they should meet all of your needs, you may also believe that those needs should just be know.  After all, if you have to ask, it doesn’t feel the same… right?

Oops.  Another trap.  Assuming your spouse should meet all of your needs, and should know them—and how to meet them— is a recipe for misery on both parts.

So, what is the answer?  Listen to this episode to find out the truth about needs and marriage.


Lie #1:  If It’s Work, It’s Wrong
Why Connection Matters
Levels of Connection
Expectation Danger
Save The Marriage System

When You Can’t Make Your Spouse Happy
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

You can’t make a spouse happy.  It’s time to quit trying.Many a marriage crisis emerges when a spouse declares, “I’m not happy.”  It is really a statement about discontent with the relationship.

But many respond by assuming they now know what they need to do:  make their spouse happy.

Which sets in motion an impossible task:  making another human happy.

Why won’t it work?  Why can’t you make your spouse happy?

Because a) it isn’t your responsibility, and b) it isn’t in your control.

In this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast episode, I dive in on why your efforts to make your spouse happy will fail.  We discuss what you can control and what you can’t.  And I give you four places to shift your focus, so that you can make progress in your efforts.

Listen below to learn why you can’t make your spouse happy… and what to do, instead.

Why Marriages Get into Trouble
3 C’s of Saving Your Marriage
What Happy Couples Know Series
The Difference Between Happy and Hurting
The Save The Marriage System