Posts Tagged :

dave crispin

Coaches’ Corner
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

It has been my great pride and pleasure to have some great coaches on my team.  My team of Relationship Coaches were already amazing coaches when I met each of them.  Along with their own skills, I added in my approach and techniques.

Now, they offer world-class coaching to clients around the world.

But more than that, each one has a story and an approach… unique to each of them.  Their well of wisdom is deep.

Over a number of weeks, I interviewed each one, to introduce you to them, and to let you benefit from their wisdom.  I put all of these episodes together for you, so that you can get all of their wisdom in one spot.

Click the links below to access each episode, an interview with a coach.

Debbie Rivera:  Return To Love

Nina Potter:  Shift From Control

Annette Carpien:  Uncovering Hope

Laurie Johnson:  Staying the Course

Terri Hase:  We Change When We Change

Dave Crispin:  Growing After Loss

Paula Martin:  Making the Mosaic

Growing After Loss: Dave Crispin
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

I’ve been introducing you to my team of coaches — and to their wisdom — over the past few weeks.  If you’ve been listening, you have heard from some talented and seasoned coaches.  And you have had the chance to get some great nuggets of knowledge from their years of experience.

Coach Dave Crispin

This week is no different — except for the distance.  My team member from “Down Under,” Dave Crispin and I had a late evening/early morning talk that you get to overhear today.  Listen in as Dave talks about his own journey to today.

Dave didn’t start as a coach.  After his own loss, Dave found himself learning and growing.  Not because things were easy, but because things had been tough and he knew he had to grow.

And along the way, Dave discovered his passion for helping people as they were struggling on their own life path.

While helping others grow, Dave discovered his capacity for helping couples grow, even when their marriage was in trouble.

Listen in as Dave and I discuss how to grow through the challenging times, even using the challenges as inspiration.

If you hear something that clicks for you, and if you want to contact Dave, CLICK HERE to email him.