Posts Tagged :

depressed about marriage

Depression And Your Marriage Crisis
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Depression and marriage.  Does depression cause the crisis?  Does the crisis make you depressed?  And how do you deal with depression or a depressed spouse in the midst of a marriage crisis?Lately on the podcast, I have been answering listener questions.  And quite a few have come in about how depression affects a marriage.  Does depression cause a crisis? Or do people get depressed because of the crisis?  Or… and this is more central to the question… how do you deal with depression and a marriage crisis?

Depression is a reality for many people.  And depression is a part of a marriage crisis many times.

The question is how you move through both crises:  depression and a marriage crisis.

In this podcast, I discuss the effects of depression, some thoughts about causation, and how to deal with the depression while addressing the relationship crisis.

Beat Depression Series
Showing Up In Marriage
Connection in Marriage
Save The Marriage System

Don’t Get Pulled Under
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Don't get pulled under by the marriage crisis.  How to stay afloat and safe when your marriage is in crisis and your spouse is flailing around.Every marriage crisis starts as a crisis of an individual.  As it expands into the marriage, the question is whether you, the spouse, will get pulled under by the crisis.

Have you ever tried to save a drowning person?

This can be kind of like that.  Get too close, and they will drag you under with them.  Their desperation will overcome any sensible decision.  Running purely on terror, they will flail, grab, and pull at anything that is nearby… and anyone.

And when someone is in crisis, it can certainly feel like drowning… even with no water (other than tears).  The desperation is there.  The flailing is there.  And if you aren’t careful, you can get pulled under.

One person in crisis is enough.  Two people multiples the complications and difficulties in recovering the relationship.

Don’t allow yourself to get pulled under.

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I discuss 4 rules to keep from getting pulled under.

Your Spouse Is Not The Enemy
Conflict In Marriage
Control What You Can
Save The Marriage System