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does marital therapy help

Top 10 Myths of Marital Therapy
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Top 10 myths of marital therapy.“If I could just get her to go to marriage therapy with me,” he told me, “I know we could turn this around.”

Statistically speaking, this is likely NOT the case.  Just one myth about marital therapy.

In fact, the statistics are pretty consistent:  marital therapy is, more often than not, unhelpful.

Also, did you know that your marriage therapist may not have any special training in marital therapy?  The therapist may be well trained as a therapist, but not necessarily as a marriage therapist.  Does that matter?  YES.  Another myth, though, about marital therapy.

Can I share my other myths with you?  Like why dragging a spouse into therapy is likely NOT helpful, and more than likely counter-productive.  And no, the therapist does not have a secret formula to change your spouse’s mind.

This week, I share my top 10 myths about marital therapy.  What about you?  What is your experience of therapy like?