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fighting for my marriage

Is Your Crisis Hot or Cold?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Is your marriage crisis marked by heated struggles or cold distance?  Does it matter ?  Does it change your approach to saving your marriage?Is your marriage crisis marked by heated arguments or cold distance?  Hot or cold?

Are they really that different?  Or is it all a part of the same process?  And how does it affect your attempts to save your marriage?

During back-to-back coaching sessions with two couples, I had a case of each.  In the first, both were practically red-faced with anger, talking over each other and refusing to listen.

In the second session, the couple were cold and distant, refusing to engage with each other, routing all discussions through me.  Both refused to listen to the other.

The underlying issues were the same.  The emotional temperature was different.  Each couple had set their “emotional thermostat” to a different level.  And neither couple seemed interested in changing the setting.

What is the difference between the heat and the cold?  How does it affect your efforts to save your marriage?  Is it possible that both the heat and the cold are actually pointing toward the same process?  The same path?

We explore the difference between hot and cold crises and what to do to turn it around in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.

Listen below.

Why Connection Matters
Changing Yourself
Learning About Anger
Grab the Save The Marriage System

Fighting for… Connection
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What are you fighting for? Fighting for your marriage and connecting with your spouse.“Should I even keep fighting for my marriage?”, asks “G.”

Oof, that word… “fighting.”  I hear it often.  But so many times, when someone says they are “fighting for” their marriage, they end up “fighting against” their spouse.  The spouse who doesn’t see how to move forward.

Which is rarely helpful for the process.  But I watch person after person “suit up” to do battle, not even sure on what they are fighting.

So, let me clarify that with the question from “E.”  She asked why I always talk about connection… not romance, playing “hard to get,” doing “No Contact,” or reverse psychology.

Those two fit together… the “fighting” part and the “connecting” part.  You are fighting for connection!  For some very specific (and deeply rooted) reasons.

I discuss both in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.

Connection and Marriage
Why are We Fighting
No Contact is Crap
No Manipulation
Save The Marriage System