Posts Tagged :

free marriage video

Video: Why Should I Save My Marriage?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Another video to answer another common question:  “why should I save my marriage?”  Sometimes, we get discouraged, see no way to get things to change, and are ready to give up on saving a marriage.  But is that the right choice?  Are we making a wise choice when there are so many swirling emotions?

Explore the answer to the question of why you should (or should not) save your marriage!

Video: Can This Marriage Be Saved?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

For anyone asking the question, “Can this marriage be saved,” today’s video will help you determine that.  Too much marriage advice jumps in with suggestions.  I want to help you understand why you are here, and what can be done.  Then we can talk about what to do!

So, watch today’s video to help you decide if you can save your marriage.

Video: Why Do Marriages Fail?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

People often start with the question “can this marriage be saved?”  Let me suggest that first, you need to understand why marriages fail.  We will  be examining this in the first video.

If you are ready to start saving your marriage, please watch the video so you will understand what happens to a marriage.


The Save The Marriage Video Series
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Over the next little bit, you are going to find a whole series of free videos right here on this blog.  The videos are designed to help you get the information you need to help save your marriage.  Many people find this blog in a search for resources on how to save a marriage and stop a divorce, so I put together this series to get you going.

Will it answer all of your questions?  No, but no resource can do that.  Can it get you started?  ABSOLUTELY!  This is information you can put into place quickly and easily.

And keep coming back for more videos!

Revive To Thrive: New Video
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Been following my information on building a thriving marriage? Well, the third video is now up. Again, no obligation or requirements. Just good information to help you discover what keeps you from having a thriving marriage. . . and what to do about it!

Take a look at the video HERE!

More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE HERE.

Core Beliefs: Why We Struggle To Change
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Did you see my earlier post about my free video on changing your marriage by addressing your core beliefs? Well, that video created so much email that I made a second video. You can see the free marriage video here.

Here is an email I got yesterday (just one of about 100) about the video:

You wanted feedback? Well here is some:

My marriage has been in a state of crisis for almost a year, and I am trying to put it back together with a psychologist, who is copied.

I think your videos are freakin’ GREAT. I am an architect and I make decisions about how developers should spend millions of dollars based on building codes, market conditions, aesthetics, engineering considerations, etc., and I think I know a lot. But these videos are truly eye-opening, and may help me save my marriage, and the futures of 4 innocent young girls. Keep up the great work!

That was from Phil S.

Take a look! No obligation, no signup. Just go here and it will load and play.


More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE HERE.

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