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Top 10 Myths of Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The top 10 myths of marriage.What do YOU believe about marriage?  Is it a myth?  Can it get you into trouble?

Have you ever heard the myth that you marry your “soul mate”?  Well, that myth can cause some pretty big problems.

How about the idea that you should never go to bed angry?  You will end up tired and frustrated.  And yet another myth that can get you into trouble.

Or how about the belief that if there is no passion right now, the marriage is doomed?  Myth.  And one that causes lots of problems.

In this week’s podcast, I have gathered my top 10 myths of marriage, and tried to “myth-bust” them.

Join me for the top 10 myths, and then let me know what other myths you see.

[Ready to learn the truth about marriage?  Learn what marriage can be HERE.]