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hopeless about marriage

Discouraged? Here is what to do (5 things)…
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you discouraged?  Are you feeling your efforts are failing?  Most people feel the same thing.  Here are the 5 things to do when you are discouraged.Discouraged?

You are trying to save your marriage and… you can’t get traction.  You move a little ahead, only to slide backward.  Steps forward and steps backward.

And that is why you are discouraged.

Am I right?

What if I told you that was the nature of the process?  What if I told you that almost everyone has moments of frustration?

Most people feel like giving up (and many do) at various points in their efforts.  This is not a process that follows a steady line of progress.  It is more a tangled line, running up and down.

This is important work.  And that is what makes it so tough.  Important things often feel the most frustrating… especially when they are not going the way you want them to go.  But, and let me say this again, it is important work, saving your marriage.

Let me tell you the 5 things to do when you are discouraged, to help you keep moving forward.  Listen to the episode below.

“Can I Save My Marriage?”
You Need a Plan
You Need a Team
You Need a System:  Save The Marriage System

Hanging On To Hope
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to hang onto hope, even when your spouse is feeling hopeless.  How to hold on and keep moving forward to save your marriage.Your spouse thinks it’s hopeless.  You may even be wondering that, too.  But is it?  Is it hopeless?

Or is the problem that your spouse is hopeless — not the situation?

Let’s be honest:  if you give up hope, it may become a hopeless situation.

Sometimes, having hope is not based on seeing the way.  We find the way because we hold onto hope.

In my latest book, Beyond the 3 Barriers, I note that one barrier for your spouse is hopelessness.  I also note that one way to move beyond your spouse’s barriers is by having hope.  Holding onto hope.  Maintaining hope while waiting for space to make a shift.

Hope has 3 core components… all within your control and choice.  But you do need to know the components in order to choose.  When you do, you choose hope.

Remember that hope is not about waiting for a spouse to hope… or even to shift.  It comes from within you, a choice you make.  Hang on to hope!

Listen to the podcast episode below.

Beyond The 3 Barriers Book
Hope vs. Hopelessness Episode
Staying Stuck in the Negative Episode
3rd Biggest Mistake People Make Episode
Save The Marriage System

WHY Even Try? (Back2Basics)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Why should you even try to save your marriage?  What does it matter?  Should you just let it go?  Find your WHY and discover how that can help your efforts to save your marriage.You may be wondering, “Does it even matter?  Should I just let this marriage go?  WHY does it matter?”

Let’s start with this:  It matters!  A lot!

Why does it matter?

Well, the real reason why can vary from person-to-person.  It is all about finding YOUR “why”, your big reason for working on it.

Here is an important hint:  the BIG Why is not about fear.  It is not about fearing the loss of something.  It is about what saving a marriage means to you.

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I discuss 5 reasons why saving a marriage matters.  Then, I walk you through a process to discover your Big WHY’s, and how to use your Why’s to keep you on track, as you work to save your marriage.

Listen below.

B2B – Why Marriages Get Into Trouble
B2B – What To Do
B2B – How To Do It
System – Save The Marriage
How NOT To Save Your Marriage – Mistakes