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lee baucom

Is It Quitting Time? Resources to Help…
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Is it quitting time?  Or do you keep on pushing?It would be nice if the process of saving your marriage is straight-forward, direct, and without any bumps along the way.

Rarely is that the case.  Many times, it is 2 steps forward and 3 steps back, then 3 steps forward  and 2 steps back.  Sometimes, it can feel like nothing is moving.  Then, things lurch… even jump… forward.

The biggest risk?  Discouragement and frustration leading you to quit.  Friends and family encouraging you to quit.

No, you don’t have to keep on trying, indefinitely.  There are times when you might decide to quit.  But what you don’t want to happen is for your emotions to lead you to quit.  IF it comes to it, you want to decide to quit.  Not just feel like quitting.  But making a decision.

Otherwise, you want to make sure you keep heading forward.

And when you are frustrated, feeling discouraged, and listening to those “quit” messages, you may need some help staying on-course.

Below are some selected trainings to help you deal with those times.

Can This Marriage BE Saved?

When You Are Frustrated and Feel Like Giving Up…

When It Seems Easier To Just Quit and Walk Away…

When Discouragement Is Hitting Hard…

4 Fears That Stop Your Efforts

Dealing With NaySayers

3 Ways To Stay In The Game When You Want To Quit

7 Strategies When You Hear “This Will Never Work” and “I Don’t Love You”

Is It Time To Throw In The Towel?

Is It Too Late To Save Your Marriage?

Save The Marriage System

How Do You Know If Things Are Improving?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How do you know that you are making progress in your efforts to save your marriage?  And at what point does it become unhealthy to work on your marriage?  When is it getting better and when is it unhealthy to keep trying??Phil asked, “How do you know you are making progress?”  And perhaps fearing that the signs point the other way, he also asked, “how long is long enough to be trying before it is unhealthy for me.”

Those are two great, if somewhat polarized, questions.  They point to fears of not being able to save a relationship.  What to look for?  And what to do if those signs are not there?

This can be a bit like staring into the crystal ball… or asking the magic mirror.  But these are such important questions that I wanted to answer Phil’s questions… at least as much as I can.  There are lots of dynamics and subtleties to a marriage and a spouse, it can be hard to be precise.

But I want to discuss some signs to look for, both in when there is progress and when it is becoming unhealthy.

Listen in for details in this episode of the podcast.

Confusion or Connection
Showing Up
Having a Plan
Spouse Is NOT The Enemy
Save The Marriage System to Guide You

“Why Should I Even Try?” – When Discouragement Hits… Hard
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

It can be so hard to save a marriage.  Discouraging and frustrating.  Why should you even keep trying?  You don't have to.  But don't quit, just because you feel like it.  You want to make a decision, based on a choice.  One that is clear of emotions.  And one that is consistent with your own personal beliefs and stance.Several people have asked me the same thing:  “What if I am not even sure I want to save my marriage?  I am so frustrated and discouraged, I feel like quitting… not even trying.”

It is a great question!

(By the way, if you want to submit a question for me to consider answering on a future podcast, email to [email protected])

Let’s be honest:  it can be a frustrating and discouraging process.  Sometimes, people think I say the process is easy.  But in my book, How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps, I use the word, “Simple.”  That is not the same as easy.  Just direct.  Simple.  (Only 3 steps.)

Many people, in a fit of frustration, a moment of anger, give up and walk away… only to regret it just a little further down the road.

Which is why I suggest you think about your decision a bit differently.  I suggest you assess your reasons as part of your plan, and as a touch-point when things are difficult (and they will be).  Because many times, the difficulty comes when people are close to success… they just didn’t know it.

If you are discouraged (or want to avoid being discouraged), listen in on this episode of the podcast, as I explore “Why Even Try???”

You Need A Plan
Emotions and Choices
Getting Perspective
Build Your Team
Grab The Save The Marriage System

Co-Dependence, Independence, and Interdependence – Listener’s Question
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Independence, Codependence, Dependence, and Interdependence in marriage and intimate relationships.  When is a spouse or a marriage codependent?Here we are, Independence Day in the United States, marking the moment when the young colonies rejected ties to the British Crown.

So many times, I have people “declare their independence” from their marriage… somehow seeing marriage as about dependence.  In our culture, any connection and reliance on someone else is often labeled as “dependence” or “codependence.”  In reaction, people want to shift to “independence.”

In the healthiest of marriages, there is “interdependence.”  You can have your own identity AND rely upon another person.  You can have separate roles and responsibilities, but ones that support each other, AND not be codependent.  But interdependent.

Where does dependence, though, cross over to codependence?  That word… that label… is so overused that we rarely remember what it originally meant (I explain it in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast below).

It is true, some couples and individuals ARE overly reliant on a spouse for emotional support and help.  It is also true that every couple should be able to rely on the relationship for emotional support.  But what is healthy?  When does it become UN-healthy?

Colleen wrote in and asked (and YOU can submit a question, too, by CLICKING HERE and emailing it), and it is an important question — is this codependence, and how can you deal with it?

Listen below to learn about dependence, independence, codependence, and interdependence, in your own marriage.

Needs in Marriage
Emotional Connection
Managing Your Emotions
Your Support Team
Save The Marriage System

“My Therapist Says Divorce!” – Listener Question
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The therapist announced that the marriage was over and there was no hope. She told the client that she needed to accept it. What happened? Why did it happen? What now?“In our very first session, our therapist told me that we were divorcing and I need to accept it,” Claire wrote.

I invited people to submit questions. And Claire did. (You can, too, by EMAILING HERE.)

Here is what happened:  Claire wanted to save her marriage.  Her husband thought it was over.  Claire convinced him to go to therapy.  But then, near the end of the first session (and as it turns out, the only session), the therapist turned to Claire and announced that the marriage was over and she needed to accept it.

Claire was shocked.  No efforts to work on the relationship. No discussion on what might be possible.  Just a declaration that the marriage was over… not from her husband, but from the therapist!

I only wish this was the first time to have heard pretty much the same story… but I have heard it over and over.  Does a therapist have a right to announce that divorce is inevitable? Should a therapist work on the relationship first?

Let’s talk about 3 dangers that come up for therapy… and what to do about them.

Can Therapy Help?
The Dangers of Marital Therapy
Myths of Marital Therapy

What Your Therapist Won’t Tell You
Am I Against Therapy?

How To Start
System To Save Your Marriage


“What IS Connection??” – Listener Question
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Do you have a question you want answered about marriage, marital problems, relationship issues, and how to save your marriage?  Send an email and ask your question.  If it is something that would benefit others, I will answer it in a future podcast episode!

Answering a listener's question, "What IS connection, anyway?"  Great question.  And an important one, if you are trying to save your disconnected marriage.  So, I discuss it in this week's Save The Marriage Podcast episode.If you are a regular listener of the Save The Marriage Podcast, you know how often I discuss “connection,” the importance of it and the dangers of disconnection. But do you know what I mean when I say, “connection”?

Chad didn’t.  So, he asked.

Sometimes, we can get pretty far down the path on a plan, but forget the basics, the fundamentals.

And connection is an absolutely crucial fundamental.  Broken marriages are disconnected marriages.  Healthy marriages are connected.  The disconnection is the path to failure.  And… no surprise… connection is the path to health and healing.

In our disconnected world, in our busy world, connection is often lost.  Not on purpose, but lost nonetheless.  And while it may have seemed effortless in the beginning, if you don’t understand what you are trying to do, you can get lost and confused.

In this episode of the podcast, I answer Chad’s question:  “What IS connection??”  (It just might answer your question, too.)

Click Here To Email YOUR Question
Healthy Connection
Better Communication
Less Conflict
Book:  How To Save Your Marriage in 3 Simple Steps
System:  Save The Marriage System

Why I STILL Believe In Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Why I still believe in marriage, and why I think you can save your marriage.I suppose I have seen marriages in pretty tough spots.  Destructive and hurting, I’ve watched relationships both heal and end.  I’ve also had the privilege of seeing some pretty amazing marriages.

So, when I was asked by a client a few days ago, “After all this time, do you really still believe in marriage?”, I paused.  Not because I wasn’t sure about my answer.  I just wanted to be clear about my answer.

Somewhat flippantly, I replied, “Believe in it? I’ve seen it!  I’m even in one!”

But more deeply, that question triggered me.  Yes, of course I still believe in marriage.  I work with hurting marriages every day.  I coach, teach, and even push people toward better relationships, healthier marriages.

Still, that question….

WHY do I believe in marriage?

Because the problem is not with marriage.  It’s with how we do it.

Culture certainly needs to act to help with people who are getting married… so that people are better prepared.

But guess what?  YOU can act to improve your marriage….  That makes all the difference, as we work to save and improve marriages one relationship at a time.

Listen to the podcast episode below.

Nature of Marriage
Thriving Marriage Series
My Mission
My Save The Marriage System


Is Your Marriage Fragile or Anti-Fragile?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Is your marriage or relationship fragile or anti-fragile? How to not just survive, but thrive, in your marriage.Some marriages seem so fragile, ready to break at any time.  Many times, people work hard to protect that type of marriage.  It seems that anything can be the end of it!

That fragility is not baked into the marriage.  It comes from a mindset, a misunderstanding.  It comes from thinking that a successful marriage simply has no struggles, no difficulties.

Not true.

In fact, successful marriages take on the challenges as an opportunity for growth.  That is one of the hallmarks of thriving marriages.  Not just marriages that are surviving.  But ones that are thriving.

Over the years, I noticed that the thriving marriages had often been through their share of bumps and bruises, struggles and strife.  But they had learned from the struggles.  They had found ways to come together, to stand together, in the face of the difficult times.

Those marriages that struggled?  They moved from the team-approach to the me-approach:  “what am I getting?,” “why should I take this?,” “I want my fair share.”  And in the process, the relationship (the “team”) got pushed aside.  It was all “me, me, me, you, you, you.”  Not “WE.”

In today’s Save The Marriage Podcast, I use the term from business, Anti-Fragile, to describe what you are moving toward… and how to begin that shift.

Listen in to discover how you can shift from Fragile to Anti-Fragile.

Dealing With Difficult Times
Being A WE
Being A Team
Using Conflict To Grow
Save The Marriage System
Relationship Rewrite

Secrets To A Conscious Partnership
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

In this interview with Alexandra Stockwell, we discuss the elements of a conscious partnership, and the steps to get there.When a marriage is struggle, stuck, and painful, you are likely stuck in an unconscious relationship.  Unconscious dynamics continue to push and pull at both of you, leading to disagreement, dissent, and disdain.

But it does not have to get stuck there.  It is possible to make a powerful shift from an unconscious relationship to a conscious partnership.

There has to be a starting point, right?

Guess what? Just knowing that you are stuck in unconscious relating IS the first step.  Really, step zero.  Because until you are there, you can’t take any further steps.  As with most things, once we recognize that something is the problem, we have taken a huge step in getting ready to take a step to resolve.

Strange, right?  Nothing has changed.  But everything has changed.  It is a paradigm shift.  And until you make that shift, you can’t build into the new paradigm.

A full conscious partnership is your goal, whether you knew it or not.  You want to be powerfully shifting into a new level of partnership where the unconscious crap does not continue to sabotage your relating.  You want, instead, to be relating from a point of connection and consciousness.

Most people, at this point, tell me the “just don’t have time or energy to devote to that.”  Until I point out how much time and energy they are already devoting to the hurt, pain, and discomfort of where things are.  Might as well make sure the time and energy are more constructive than destructive.

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I interview Alexandra Stockwell about how you can begin to build a conscious partnership.  We discuss steps you can take to make a shift from the unconscious to the conscious.  (For the full interview, join Relationship Rewrite for access.)

Alexandra Stockwell’s Website
Choosing Responsible
Relationship Rewrite

Don’t Get Pulled Under
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Don't get pulled under by the marriage crisis.  How to stay afloat and safe when your marriage is in crisis and your spouse is flailing around.Every marriage crisis starts as a crisis of an individual.  As it expands into the marriage, the question is whether you, the spouse, will get pulled under by the crisis.

Have you ever tried to save a drowning person?

This can be kind of like that.  Get too close, and they will drag you under with them.  Their desperation will overcome any sensible decision.  Running purely on terror, they will flail, grab, and pull at anything that is nearby… and anyone.

And when someone is in crisis, it can certainly feel like drowning… even with no water (other than tears).  The desperation is there.  The flailing is there.  And if you aren’t careful, you can get pulled under.

One person in crisis is enough.  Two people multiples the complications and difficulties in recovering the relationship.

Don’t allow yourself to get pulled under.

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I discuss 4 rules to keep from getting pulled under.

Your Spouse Is Not The Enemy
Conflict In Marriage
Control What You Can
Save The Marriage System