Posts Tagged :

lee h. baucom

Core Beliefs: Why We Struggle To Change
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Did you see my earlier post about my free video on changing your marriage by addressing your core beliefs? Well, that video created so much email that I made a second video. You can see the free marriage video here.

Here is an email I got yesterday (just one of about 100) about the video:

You wanted feedback? Well here is some:

My marriage has been in a state of crisis for almost a year, and I am trying to put it back together with a psychologist, who is copied.

I think your videos are freakin’ GREAT. I am an architect and I make decisions about how developers should spend millions of dollars based on building codes, market conditions, aesthetics, engineering considerations, etc., and I think I know a lot. But these videos are truly eye-opening, and may help me save my marriage, and the futures of 4 innocent young girls. Keep up the great work!

That was from Phil S.

Take a look! No obligation, no signup. Just go here and it will load and play.


More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE HERE.

The Rumor: I Am Who I Say I Am!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

OK, today I decided to make a personal response. I have read in several forums that there is a belief that I am the same person as several other ebook authors. In other words, there is a belief that I am a pseudonym.

Believe me when I tell you, I am not. I am Lee Baucom. That is the name my parents gave me, and I have never written anything on marriage under any other name.

Today, I read two posts, believing I was the same person as TW Jackson. That is the “author” of The Magic of Making Up, and the true author is Travis Sego, an internet marketer. So, some folks are correct in assuming there is a pseudonym in play. Trouble is, it ain’t me!

Let me show you a picture of me and my family.

What this points to is how cynical we all have become by what is on the internet. We have begun to doubt that anyone is who they say they are. I see it everyday, when you can make yourself into whatever image you wish online. Generally speaking, people can hide behind a facade.

I have worked hard to be transparent. I have a phone number on my website (502-802-4823, so call and see if it is not MY voicemail), and an address (4949 Brownsboro Rd., Suite 147, Louisville, KY 40222 — feel free to write). I can’t promise I can answer every phone call in person, or respond to every email or regular mail. But I can promise, I am Lee Baucom, and that is the only person I have ever been.

Just wanted to clear that up! Thanks for reading.

More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, available by CLICKING HERE.

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