Posts Tagged :

marital advice

Knowledge Is Power. . . NOT!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Have you heard that before?  Knowledge is power?  Trust me, after spending over 9 years, post college, in graduate school, I believe that information has power.

Problem is, too many people forget one thing:  knowledge that is not applied is useless.  Knowledge is NOT power.  Applied knowledge, THAT is power!

On a daily basis, I hear from people who want to save their marriage.  Just this morning, a gentleman asked me for “a few pointers” to save his marriage.  I referred him to my Save The Marriage System.  But I get the feeling that he just wanted a couple of points.

He wanted the “magic knowledge.”  And that is what sometimes worries me.  Are you ready to take action?  Or have you been seduced by society’s obsession with “the easy answer.”  Most easy answers are not even answers.  But more than that, how many people even apply them?

All I have to do is look at my bookcase at all the “information” available to me.  Wow!  I have a solution for many problems. . . and they would probably work — if I applied the information!

My point is, sometimes we get so caught up in chasing information that we never take the next step — action.

Are you wanting to save your marriage?  Stop a divorce?  Improve your relationship?

Do yourself a favor:  once you have some information you trust, spend some time implementing and trying it out.  Don’t keep looking for more information.  Try it out!

About 6 months ago, I got serious about really getting into shape.  I found some information I trusted.  And I applied it.  Want to know what happened?  I lost weight, got fit, and am now in the best shape of my life.

Several people asked me what I did.  I told them.  Some even got the book.  One joked “I read it and nothing happened.  Do you mean I have to do something different?”

Indeed, knowledge is NOT power.  Applied knowledge, THAT is power!  Get the information you need, then take action!  A new year and new life awaits you!

Ready to change your life and your marriage?  Grab this information and save your marriage!

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
–Albert Einstein

Video: I Can’t Get My Spouse To Go To Therapy!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Many people think the only way that their marriage can be saved is through marital therapy.  So, when a spouse refuses to go, you might think you are out of luck in saving your marriage.  Can the marriage be saved without therapy?  Absolutely!

In fact, marriage therapy has a dismal track record!  At least 50% of couples who go to marital therapy still divorce (higher than the general population), and only 10 to 15% report any positive benefit!

Learn the truth in this video.

Save The Marriage Video: I Thought Everything Was OK! What Happened?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

A marriage crisis can rear-end you!  You feel like you didn’t see it coming.  At least weekly, I hear from someone telling me that they knew their marriage was not going as well as they would like, but they thought it was temporary.  Maybe they expected that once the kids were grown, there would be time for the marriage.  Or perhaps they thought that once their jobs were secure, or they were promoted, or. . . .

Fact is, marriages can fall apart, and one or the other spouse doesn’t see it coming, making you wonder “can this marriage be saved?” or “can I save my marriage?”

Start by learning what happened in this video.

Save The Marriage Video: I Think My Spouse Is Having An Affair!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Can a marriage be saved?  There are many variables in that, one being infidelity.  That does NOT mean that an affair will end a marriage.  But it does add a complication.  So if you are wondering “can this marriage be saved?” and are suspecting your spouse is being unfaithful, what do you need to know?  Get the marriage advice you need if you think your spouse is being unfaithful.

And HERE IS THE LINK to my book, Recovering From Infidelity

Video From Survivor of Hudson Plane Crash: How Crisis Reorients
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Ric Elias survived the plane landing on the Hudson River.  And it completely reoriented his life.

In the video from TED (one of my new favorite sites), Ric discusses, in just a few minutes, how the event transformed his life, including his marriage.

Having been through a health crisis, I can tell you:  looking at your mortality turns your world upside down.  It makes you very clear on what is important and what is not.

Relationships, they are important.  Everything else becomes trivial.  The argument of the day?  Trivial.  Busy work?  Trivial.  Invest in what is important — and marriage is THE relationship upon which I suggest you focus.

Why Marriages Get Into Trouble — All Marriages!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

If you are wanting to know how to save your marriage, you want to start by understanding why marriages get into trouble.  And when I say marriages, yes I mean all marriages!  It is just that some marriages work through the issues, or resolve them.

So, for just a second, while considering saving a marriage, let me reflect from a distance on the two primary reasons marriages get into trouble, and what ultimately leads to broken marriages.  And they are interlinked.

Reason 1:  Marriages get into trouble because couples fail to forgive.

Reason 2:  Marriages get into trouble because couples fail to grow.

From there, everything else spins out.  Now don’t get me wrong, I do not think you should be a door mat, always ready to forgive anything without any change.  But how often do we continue to drag the accumulated small stuff around — for years, if not decades?  All without forgiveness.

The problem is, when we don’t forgive, we disconnect, just a little bit.  We keep parts of ourselves out, withhold emotions, affections, thoughts, etc.  We begin to strangle the relationship.  Over time, the unforgiveness takes root and becomes resentment.  Resentment is the poison of any relationship.

Think of it as carbon monoxide.  It slowly keeps the life-giving oxygen from getting to the body.  And you don’t even notice, save the headache!  And once it is in, it takes time to get it out.

Then, there is the growth/change bit.  I truly believe we have only two options:  growing or rotting.  Ray Kroc said, “you are either green and growing or ripe and rotting.”  Stop growing and changing, and you are dying.

In a relationship, even more so.  I don’t know how many people I have seen that have stopped growing relationally when they married.  They start acting like they have the relationship, so there really is no reason to keep moving forward.  Over time, couples get into ruts, stuck in routines, and mostly stuck keeping each other a bit apart.

What if you decided today, without any change on your spouse’s part, to forgive your spouse for all those things that have piled up, and decided to grow?  Would that save your marriage?

First, listen to that voice saying “what about my spouse?  What do they have to do?”  Unfortunately, it is just you and me, so you can only change you.  So start with what you CAN change, and don’t focus on what you can’t.

Second, realize that forgiveness is really for YOU!  So that YOU do not have to keep dragging that pile of crap around any longer!

Third, look for areas in which you know you need to grow.  We all have them.  Make it your path to GROW the rest of your life, in your relationship and elsewhere.

Finally, if you are ready for a little growth, take a look at my material on how to save a marriage.

“How Dare You Tell Me To Save My Marriage!”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

. . . that was the opening line from an email I just received. The writer was clearly angry, feeling that I was pressuring her into saving her marriage.

So let me be clear, I DO NOT pressure people into trying to save their marriages. Obviously, I do think that marriages should be saved, but I leave the decision to do that with the couple. I am not on some crusade to save every marriage. I am, however, available to help people who want to save their marriages.

There are some who simply believe marriage is a bygone relic of past days. Those folks tend to be people justifying their behavior. Marriage has withstood the test of time as a way of 1) raising a family, 2) finding intimacy, 3) growing and developing, and 4) finding happiness and meaning. Not every marriage makes it that far, but the potential is there.

Should every marriage be saved? No, I am quite clear that I do not think people in abusive relationships should save their marriage. That said, the choice to discard a marriage seems to be taken very lightly these days. It is as if there are no consequences.

Yet study after study shows that children are negatively impacted by divorce. Earlier studies showing differently have been disproven.

The emotional toll on the couple is huge. In time, people do recover, but not without time and effort. That same time and effort would likely have yielded a happy marriage. Funny how that works out!

Financially, a divorce can be devastating. The average cost of divorce in the United States? $20,000. That is the average. Saving a marriage? Almost free!

Oh, and that doesn’t factor in the loss of equity in real estate, worth of retirement funds, loss of savings, child support, maintenance, and lots of other costs that people seem to lose sight of on the way out the door.

Do I force people to save their marriages? Absolutely not! Do I think MANY marriages that end could be saved? Absolutely!

Again, it is a couple’s choice on whether to work to save a marriage. I just know that when people are in pain, we become short-sighted and take what we think is the most direct approach to getting rid of the pain. Unfortunately, it often gets us to chase the wrong target.

If you want to know how to save your marriage, count me in. If you’d rather not, I wish you well.

More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE HERE.

Do You WANT Your Marriage, Or Are You Playing Tug-Of-War?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

I spend a good portion of my week responding to consultation emails and working with clients. This week, I had two cases that reminded me of a very important fact: we all have a tendency to play tug-of-war.

Let me explain with a personal example. A couple of years ago, I was at a conference. In the afternoon session, we were asked to turn and face another person, and place our arms in an arm wrestling position.

The instructions were simple: touch each others’ hand to the table as many times as possible in 60 seconds.

For the next minute, everyone in the room engaged in a strenuous match of arm wrestling. Few people got their count above 10, and that was mostly because of a mismatch in size and strength!

Then, the leaders pulled out a table and put their hands in position, but they cooperated! Each took turns having their hands hit to the table, and they were able to get over 90 touches in! They had given us the directions, but we were already poised to arm wrestle!

Now, back to saving marriages. When a spouse decides that he or she wants out, a tug-of-war can be set up. Our natural tendency is to pull in the opposite direction. In other words, they pull away, we pull toward the relationship!

So, this week, one woman told me how hard she was working to save her marriage. She also told me her husband had already had not one, not two, but three affairs! I suspect there were others! I told the woman that she needed to pause for a moment, and instead of trying to figure out how to save the marriage, she needed to ponder another question. She needed to decide on whether she could continue in a marriage with a philanderer. She suddenly realized that she could not do that.

The very next day, a woman started telling me about all her attempts to save her marriage, then noted the affair and abuse she had suffered through with her husband. Again, I got her to pause in her marriage-saving strategy and ask whether she wanted to have the marriage she was in. She is still thinking.

My point is this: are you just trying to save a marriage, or do you want that marriage? I am all about saving marriages, but I am also about having a marriage you want to have. Don’t get caught up in saving a marriage, and fail to see that if you did save it, you wouldn’t want it! Instead, focus on saving a marriage AND making it a marriage you can treasure!

More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE HERE.

Can An Ebook Really Save A Marriage?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

That is such an interesting question: can a book or an ebook really save a marriage? The overwhelming answer is “yes, absolutely!” That is the short answer. The longer answer of how any book can save a marriage is little deeper.

First, most people think of “book or therapy” as the two options. “Should we go to therapy?” Or “should we grab that book?” Either/or is rarely a good position. Sometimes, it is “both/and.” In other words, if you are already in therapy, a book can give additional information that can be helpful.

That said, let’s be real: therapy isn’t that effective, according to research. Study after study shows the same thing, that marriage therapy is, by-and-large, ineffective. In fact, about 50% of couples that go to therapy divorce. That is about the same rate as the overall population. In other words, even for those that try to intervene, they are no more likely to stay married than those who did nothing!

More than that, between 8 and 10% of those who go to therapy say that it was helpful at all. That is the percentage that claim to have improved their marriage through therapy!

So, imagine this: you go to the doctor who tells you that you need to go through a procedure that has a 50% mortality rate, and only 10% improve. Who would sign up for that? Yet each year, a huge number of couples choose to undergo the procedure!

Why? Because we have been led to believe this is necessary to save a marriage in trouble. My experience is that a great deal of damage can be done in therapy. Couples tend to re-hash the painful experiences, but with no resolution. You see, the majority of couples therapists work just like they would with an individual (which isn’t always helpful for individuals). But when two people are telling stories about what is painful, it ends up being a fight. Right there, in front of the therapist! And the therapist watchs “to see how they interact.”

The couple needs tools! They need help in finding a new path! What has happened in the past has little to do with what can happen in the future! And that is the problem with couples therapy.

So, what about books? Books provide tools, new understandings, new strategies. In fact, the latest research in neuro-biology is that our brain needs a new understanding to create a new pattern. Talking about what has happened keeps us in the very old patterns that got us in trouble. New models and understandings change that.

And that is the power of a good book. It can provide new understandings by giving new information. Notice, I said a “good book.” There is a lot of information out there. Some is good, and some is useless.

So, the real question is, can a good book (or ebook) save a marriage? Absolutely! If you can’t get a spouse to see a therapist, he or she may read a book. And even if a spouse won’t read a book, you can take advantage of the information and change your perspective. If you change your perspective, you change the pattern. If you change the pattern, your spouse will have to respond differently. If you are responding differently and your spouse is responding differently, the marriage can change.

There is one major caveat here: Books are meant to be read! Buying a book or downloading an ebook will get you nowhere if you do not read it! There are estimates that up to 95% of self-help books are never fully read! So, if you want to judge a book or an ebook, recognize that you must read it. Second, any self-help book will be ineffective if you merely read it. You must read it, digest it, and put it into practice!

So, if you both read a book and act upon it, and the information is good, yes, you can save your marriage with a book (or ebook).

You may wonder why I keep saying “ebook.” It is because this is the format I have chosen for my information. Each month, my ebook is read by more couples than most therapists will see in a lifetime of practice. The reason is because the information is solid (it works) and because it is accessible.

Any time, day or night, you can get my information almost immediately. No waiting for Amazon to ship, no wasting gas getting to the store. Instead, there is immediate access to information when you are ready for it.

If you are ready, grab my ebook by CLICKING HERE!

Excuse #3: “I Can’t Do Anything!”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Do you feel hopeless and unable to change the outcome of your relationship? Then excuse #3 may be the thought that is running through your mind: “I want to do something, but there isn’t anything I can do.”

Henry Ford said “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” In other words, part of the issue is the mindset we enter a problem with. No doubt, you have tried to improve things in the past, and perhaps found no success.

But I would contend that a lack of success in the past does not predict a lack of success in the future. . . unless you just do the same thing you were doing before!

Another quote I love is from Albert Einstein. He wrote: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Think about that — if you are thinking and acting in the same way you were when the relationship was deteriorating, then that thinking is not going to change the outcome. You end up with a self-fulfilling prophecy: same thinking equals failed relationship.

The point of getting outside help is getting a shift in thinking. When you see things differently, then you will have new tools with which to fix the relationship. It is like going into a home project with only a hammer and nails. Sometimes, you need a screwdriver and screws, or maybe even a saw.

Whenever you gain new tools, you gain new capacities for changing. Whenever you discover new understandings, you discover new possibilities for change. I was an amateur magician in my childhood. I remember having bought this really great magic trick at the magic shop. Little did I know that it actually required a bit of sleight-of-hand (I was hoping for the self-working!).

In the car, I discovered I COULD NOT do this trick. But I kept working at it. Then, I suddenly realized what I needed to do. The instructions had been there all along, but in an instant, they made sense! I could suddenly do the magic trick!

Now, I am not suggesting that your marital problems are as simple as a magic trick, but I have been in the field long enough to know that the problems are more basic and simple to solve than most people wish to believe.

Your task is to quit playing the victim excuse, “I can’t do anything,” in your head, and find some new ways of thinking and some new tools to work on your marriage. I invite you to try my ebook as a way to to this. You can grab it by CLICKING HERE.

More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, available by CLICKING HERE.