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marriage and christmas

‘Tis The Season. . . For Breakups!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The air is filled with the lights and sounds of the holiday season!  People are bustling around, making their plans.  Malls and stores are full of shoppers.  The smell of spices and cookies hangs in the air!  Silent Night plays in the background.  And all is right with the world!

Save Your Marriage This Christmas. . . Except for all the relationships that end over the holidays!  Divorce attorneys hear the phones ringing.  People are dividing up property, arguing and fighting, and finding themselves at the end of a relationship.

Are you surprised?  Or perhaps that is exactly what landed you here.

We humans seem to like to pick arbitrary points in time.  So, some people have said to themselves, “I will end this by the end of the year.” Or “I will be gone by Christmas.”

Others see the opportunity of school being out to make a transition.  They somehow imagine that breaking up a family will be better done while the kids are on break!

So, the holidays see a spike in breakups.  And suddenly, the joy of the season is replaced by pain and resentment.  In fact, the holidays, from then on, mark the breakup.

How sad.  And how useless.  In the consumer world that seems to too often mark this season, we do the same with relationships:  “this relationship just isn’t as fun as it once was.  Time to move on.”

Ah, the love of the bright, shiny and new!  The allure of the merchandise in the window is no different than the allure of a new relationship.  One we imagine to be free of defects and problems.

If I look in my basement, I see any number of electronic items that tell me that we humans are only fooling ourselves, whether it is the new electronics or the new love interest.

Might you revive your relationship?  Might you save your marriage?  Discover how by CLICKING HERE.  Give yourself a present that really matters!