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marriage ebook

The Best Information Fails If. . . .
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

I don’t understand it! I have been a member of my local YMCA for several months now, but I don’t see a difference in my muscle tone or my waist! It makes no sense to me.

Oh, and a friend of mine went to the doctor, found out he had high blood pressure. The doctor gave him a prescription. He also recommended several changes in his lifestyle. But to no avail! His blood pressure is still elevated. He is frustrated (which doesn’t help the pressure!)

Did I mention that I haven’t actually gone to the gym yet? I probably forgot to mention that. My friend? He hasn’t gotten the prescription filled, and he was telling me about his blood pressure over lunch (he was having one of those big, juicy cheeseburgers and a side of onion rings) that we crammed in between several tough meetings that day. . . .

I recently read a statistic that really bothered me as a writer: 95% of self-help books are never read. Of the 5% that are read, I wonder how many people actually take the information and implement it.

You are probably trying to find some useful information to help you with your marriage. The best information will be of no help if it is not implemented.

I don’t know how many times people have called me and said “I read your book, and it didn’t help at all.” I ask, “what did you do? What did you change?” They usually stutter and stammer a few moments, then admit that they read the material, but they did nothing to actually change anything.

So, if you are ready to change your marriage, don’t just become an information addict! Read the material, then implement it! Those two steps probably put you ahead of 99% of the population!

More marriage saving information can be found in my ebook, available by CLICKING HERE.