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relationship podcast

Proving Your Perception (is dangerous)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Why it is dangerous to try and prove your perception to a spouse… and what to do instead.I can’t count how many times a couple has come to me for “help with our communication skills.”  Funny thing is, they communicate just fine.

Then why are they stuck in conflict?  Why are they disconnected?  Why does it seem like they aren’t on the same team?

Perceptions.  About each other and about the situation that caused the conflict.

And because they have decided to prove their perception to their spouse.  That is very dangerous.  Rarely is it successful, but always is it damaging.

There are 2 underlying issues that affect this:  being a WE and being connected.  How strong is your sense of WE, and how connected are you?  When you don’t feel like you are on the same team and/or are feeling disconnected, it is far harder to communicate about the differences in perception.  More than that, you are unlikely to prove your connection to your spouse… especially when disconnected, but almost always.

How do you solve it?

We discuss what to do in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.

3 Dimensions of Connection
All About Being A WE
Role of Conflict
Healing Disconnection
Save The Marriage System

Time for a Relationship Reset?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

It is time for a Relationship Reset?Unless you are hiding out in a cave somewhere (I read about a person who had been on a silent retreat — went in with everything normal and came out to the pandemic), your world has been topsy-turvy.

We will get through this.  The pandemic will pass.  But this isn’t about, “and then, we will get back to life.”  Life is happening right now.  And we won’t be going “back to normal,” either.  There are some fundamental changes happening in culture.  We didn’t just hit “pause” when people went into isolation.  And we won’t simply “un-pause” when it is safe to un-isolate.

Society is in for a shift.  How it shifts, that depends upon us, the members of society.  There is, I believe, great potential for a shift to what really matters.  Not what we have been believing matters.  It won’t be about money, power, or prestige.  It will be about meaning, purpose, connection, and character.  (At least, that is my hope.)

Why does that matter?  How does that affect your marriage?  I believe there is an opportunity, in the midst of the chaos, for a “Relationship Reset.”  It is an opportunity to reconsider the crisis and find a way to resolve it by staying married, not by leaving.

Discover the 3 reasons why this might be the time for a Reset, and 3 things to do to facilitate it in this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

What Now? Saving a Marriage in the Pandemic
Staying the Course in a Crisis (or 2)
Coping as a Couple in Quarantine
Being a Team
Save The Marriage System

How To Guarantee No Divorce
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Over the last episodes, I have been answering listener questions (you can submit your question by email – CLICK HERE).  In this episode, I respond to Susan.  She wants to guarantee that she does not get divorced.

How you can guarantee that there is no divorce… and what to do when you can’t do the guarantee.  Also, why you SHOULD even do anything.So, I reveal how you can guarantee that you won’t get divorced (you may not like my answer, but it is important).

And then, I discuss what to do if it is too late to get that guarantee.

More importantly, I discuss why people want that guarantee, and what to do about that.

Oh, and I even tell you the exact ingredients in your process to save your marriage.

Simple.  Not easy.  But powerful when understood and applied.

Looking for a guarantee?  Tune in to learn more.

Why Try
Continuing When You are Frustrated
When You Want to Quit
You Need a Plan
3 Simple Steps
Save The Marriage System

How To Stay In The Game
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to Stay In the Game.You might feel like “tapping out,” or forfeiting, just giving up and walking away.

It can be frustrating when you are trying to save a marriage, only to get pushback from a spouse.  You are working to build the connection, working to improve yourself, and working to make a different relationship.  But it feels like two steps forward, three steps back.

How do you “stay in the game?”

Partly, it is mental.  But there are also some things you can do to help you shift perspective, keep your patience, and keep on moving forward.  Let me share some strategies on how to “Stay in the Game” in this week’s podcast.

Listen below.

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