Posts Tagged :

save the marriage

Marriage Lie #3: Conflict Means Its Wrong
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

If you have conflict in your marriage, that indicates that the marriage is wrong.  Right?  Nope.  Just another lie about marriage that undermines your relationship.  Unless you know the truth.If you find yourself arguing and in conflict, that is an indication that something is wrong with your marriage, right?


No.  Not at all.  But it may be that your conflict resolution is a problem.  Just one that can be improved.  Unless, of course, you believe this lie and decide that nothing can be done because… you know… conflict.

That is the danger of this particular lie.  It causes people to give up, since there is conflict, rather than working through.

I don’t meet too many people that like conflict.  Most either avoid it or handle it poorly.  And many see conflict as a symptom that something is wrong with the relationship.

Fact is, conflict is an inevitable part of even the healthiest relationship.  In fact, the total lack of conflict may indicate just as much of a problem as too much conflict.  Put two people together who join their futures and there are going to be differences of opinion.  Different perspectives and different priorities.  And those differences must be addressed.

The question is really how you do conflict, not if you have conflict.  Does the conflict serve your relationship or sever your relationship?

Learn more about this lie of marriage in the Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

Lie #1
Lie #2
Role of Conflict
Myths of Marriage
Save The Marriage System

Marriage Lie #2: “Meet All of My Needs”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

A spouse should complete you… right?

Your emotional needs, companion needs, physical needs… if your spouse is meeting them, then that is the right spouse… right?

And therefore, if your spouse isn’t meeting your needs… wrong person… right?

The “Meet My Needs” lie about marriage.  Should spouses meet all of their spouse’s needs?  If not, does that mean the relationship is wrong?Wrong.

In the last episode of the podcast, I tackled the first lie of marriage, “If it’s work, it’s wrong.”  In this episode, we tackle another lie, the “Meet My Needs” lie that measures whether your marriage and your spouse are right, based on them meeting your needs (never mind meeting the needs of your spouse).

First, please don’t go all “Then the opposite is true??” on me.  No, I am not saying your spouse should not mean ANY of your needs.

I AM saying your spouse can’t meet ALL of your needs.

Did you say, “Of course not”?  And yet, many marriages get into trouble over the needs one accuses the other of NOT meeting.  If THAT needs is not getting met, THEN there is a problem.  But if you extrapolate a bit, that ends up being an argument that a spouse should meet ALL the needs.

Here is the other problem:  if you think they should meet all of your needs, you may also believe that those needs should just be know.  After all, if you have to ask, it doesn’t feel the same… right?

Oops.  Another trap.  Assuming your spouse should meet all of your needs, and should know them—and how to meet them— is a recipe for misery on both parts.

So, what is the answer?  Listen to this episode to find out the truth about needs and marriage.


Lie #1:  If It’s Work, It’s Wrong
Why Connection Matters
Levels of Connection
Expectation Danger
Save The Marriage System

How Steep is the Climb?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How steep is the climb to save your marriage?  I discuss the 3 complicators that affect your climb.“How hard is it to save my marriage?” the email started.  The writer wanted my opinion on whether my System would work. There was a problem, though.  The problem was… I had no details about her marital problems.  I didn’t know what she was facing.

When I was a kid, the rubik’s cube came out.  There was this book that promised to solve the cube, no matter how bad the cube was arranged.  I just kept trying to turn and twist the cube to find a solution.  My neighbor friend got the book.  My neighbor followed the guide.  And that cube was, sure enough, solved.  Mixed up cube, follow the solution, solved cube.  Easy-peesy.

Let’s just say that your marriage is NOT like that rubik’s cube.  There are some reasons why your efforts might be harder (or easier) than someone else’s.  In fact, there are 3 major complicators to saving your marriage.

Before jumping in to save your marriage, you want to be clear about the complicators — the obstacles — on your path.  They make a difference in what you do, how you do it, and how much effort is required.

Listen below to find out how steep your climb is, due to the 3 obstacles.

How Bad is it?
Should You Give Up?
Can It Be Saved?
Grab the Save The Marriage System

Love and Respect: An Interview with Emerson Eggerichs
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

“What’s love got to do with it??” “R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what that means to me!”  Tina Turner calls for love, and Aretha Franklin calls out for respect.  But what is the connection between love and respect?

Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, author of Love and RespectEmerson Eggerichs is the author of the book, Love and Respect.  As you can tell from the title, Emerson is addressing just that issue.

In his work with couples, Eggerichs kept noticing the cries for respect by men and the cries for love by women.  He realized that while we all need love and respect, men tend to need respect more than love, and women need love more than respect (generally speaking).

Here is the problem:  men show respect, which can feel unloving; and women show love, which can feel disrespectful.  In the end, couples feel unloved and disrespected, creating what Emerson refers to as the Crazy Cycle.  And in the process, the marriage keeps spiraling.

The good news is that the cycle can be changed.  Love and respect can be restored.  And intimacy can return.  But only when you understand the dynamics that are fueling the Crazy Cycle.

A while back, I had the opportunity to sit down with Emerson Eggerichs and discuss his ideas about love and respect.  While originally, it was for another program, this is important for you to hear.  In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I let you in on this important interview.

Listen below.

Love and Respect Website
Love and Respect Book
Importance of Connection
Communication and Marriage

How Fear Hijacks Your Marriage: Poly Vagal Theory
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Your ancestors, way, way back, survived because they were more fearful than their peers.  Because of their fear, they survived, while the less fearful fell to threats.  Over time, this means that we naturally inherited overly-developed fear responses.

It doesn’t take much to trigger fear and anxiety. Your heart races, your breathing quickens, your voice tightens, and your muscles flex, waiting for the fight or the flight.  Waiting to take on the threat or get away from the threat.

That’s an important skill on the savannah or in the jungle.  It even has some applicability for cities and in the woods.  But it is less helpful in your workplace.  And even less helpful in your love relationships.

We can quickly go from zero to 100, even when there really is no threat… just a trigger to your threat response.

How can you understand this?  How would a deeper understanding of this fight/flight response help?

Deb Dana and the Poly Vagal theory applied to marriages and counseling.First, you can recognize when the threat response is triggered.  Second, there are ways to more quickly de-threat your body, when you recognize it is not a necessary response.

In recent years, the Poly Vagal Theory has gained credibility and usefulness.  And that is the topic for this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  I had the good fortune of interviewing Deb Dana, an expert on the theory (and a skilled clinician in applying it in therapy) for another program I created, but wanted to share it with you.

If you have experienced the fight/flight response with your spouse, finding yourself trapped in a quickly escalating and rapidly disintegrating communication pattern, pay attention.

If you feel the threat feelings when you know it shouldn’t feel threatening, you need to pay attention.

Listen below.

Deb Dana’s Website
Thriveology Freedom from Fear Series
Fear in Marriage
Stuck Communication

What CAN One Person Do?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Can one person save a marriage?  What can 1 person do to save a marriage?Can one person save a marriage, even if your spouse doesn’t want it?

I do say that my Save The Marriage System can save your marriage, even if only you want it.

But what can you really do, if your spouse is checked out and not sure they want to stay married?

I answer another listener question in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast. Is it really possible to save a marriage working alone?  This is important because so many people don’t believe there is anything that can be done, once a spouse has checked out.  This is not accurate.  And it means that many people who could save their marriage and rebuild, don’t.  They walk away in defeat.

So, what CAN you do?  First, I tackle what you CAN’T do.  Then, we turn our attention to what CAN be done, even if it is only you interested (right now).

Listen below.

Read my Medium article on The Pause Button Marriage
Find my book, How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps
Find my Save The Marriage System
Learn more about Connection
Learn more about Conflict

Service or Repair?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

It it time for relationship service or repair?  Does your marriage need some help or an overhaul?My car is in for service.  Usually, that means I am in their lounge, trying my best to work with daytime TV blaring in the background.  But due to COVID, I decided to leave it there and head for home.  Now, I am just waiting for the call to pick it up.

It’s just regular maintenance today (fingers crossed).  But there were other cars there for repairs.

Which had me thinking….

What does service mean for a relationship?  How about repair for a marriage?

The more I thought about it, the more the metaphor fit.  If I do regular maintenance on my car, it by no means guarantees that it won’t break down.  But it does increase the chances of avoiding a roadside breakdown.

Let’s be fair:  even the best-maintained vehicles can still break down, still need a repair.  But let’s also be clear that if you have maintained your relationship, it is far less likely to need a repair, and far less likely that it will be costly (I can attest to this after the demise of my first car).

Well-maintained marriages are far less likely to hit a crisis — a breakdown.  And if they do hit a crisis, they are better equipped to deal with the crisis and the outcome.

In this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast, I cover the process of marriage maintenance (5 steps) and what to do when it is repair time.  Listen below.

Importance of Connection
3 Steps to Saving Your Marriage
Dangers of Therapy
Grab the Save The Marriage System

Focused On The Wrong Things?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you focused on the right or wrong things in your efforts to save your marriage?  Most people focus on the wrong things — and stay stuck.  Focus on the 3 things I note in this podcast in order to save your marriage.At the beginning of a coaching session, my clients often tell me what they have been focused on in their marriage crisis.  Almost always, they are focusing on the wrong things.

And in the process, they are not focusing on the right things.

Where we focus is what gets our attention.  Focus on the wrong things, and the wrong things get our attention… our energy… and our investment.

That can head you right toward disaster and further discord.  And when you focus on the wrong things, trying harder does even more damage.

“Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.”
Kenichi Ohmae

There are three places people often focus their attention that are not helpful, at best, and can be harmful at worst.  And there are three areas that need your focus, that need your attention.

Focus on the right areas to make progress in your marriage crisis.

Why Connection Matters
3 Levels of Connection
Dealing with Infidelity
Save The Marriage System

When Marriage is Hard
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When marriage is hard.  Why is marriage hard?“Why is marriage so hard?” That is a question I often hear from struggling couples.

What happened?  All of that love, all the connection, seems to disappear, to be replaced with struggle and strife.

At the start, it seemed so easy.  You wanted to be together, to spend your life together.  Then… something shifted.  Things got tough.

Does that mean that the marriage was wrong, that you married the wrong person?

Or is there something else going on?

There are several challenges that arise in any marriage.  They are challenges, not insurmountable obstacles.  They prove that “being in love” is not enough to get you through life.

You CAN make it through the struggle.  And no, the struggle does NOT mean the marriage is headed for failure or broken.  There IS a place for renewal and connection.

Listen below for more on how to get past the struggle.

Connection is the Lifeblood
Conflict in Marriage
Can You Save Your Marriage?
Save The Marriage System

Finding the Energy – Continuing your Efforts
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

“I don’t have the energy to save my marriage.  What can I do to save my marriage?"“I’m just out of energy,” she told me, “I don’t think I can even try to save my marriage.  Besides, what is the point?”

Let’s face it:  right now, many people are feeling exhausted and drained.  And working to save a marriage can be tiring when the world is rightside-up.  Much less when everything feels upside down!

Many people feel pulled in so many questions… but when something is important… as important as marriage… why does it get shifted down?  Relegated to the “left over energy,” if there is any?

There are some underlying reasons why it may feel like there is no more energy… and it isn’t really about not having energy.

More importantly, there are some things you can do to do an “energy reset.”  Make a shift… then save your marriage.

I cover the underlying issues and the way to solve them in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

Self-Care Series
Dealing with Fear
Having a Plan
Simplify your Efforts
Save The Marriage System