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steps to saving a marriage

What Do You Do To Save A Marriage? (Part 1)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

In this second episode of the Back2Basics series, we shift away from “what happened” (see the last episode) to “what now?”  Sure, you want to start by understanding why marriages (including YOUR marriage) can get into trouble.  But that only gets you to the start of your efforts.  (I also cover this in my book, Marriage Fail Point.)

3 Steps Approach to saving your marriage.In this episode, we shift to what now?  You know your marriage is in crisis.  Now, you know how it got there.  Let’s talk about an overall approach to saving your marriage… my 3C Approach.

When I wrote my book, How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps, I outlined these three steps.  But more importantly, I noted that the approach to saving a marriage is much more simple than most people believe.

We tend to complicate things, when we really need to be simplifying, boiling things down to their essentials.

Understand:  “simple” is very different than “easy.”  You may find that your efforts to save your marriage are hard.  Scary.  Exhausting.

But don’t complicate them.  Go back to the basics.

Listen below for the 3 Steps To Save Your Marriage.

B2B- What Happened?
Book:  Marriage Fail Points
Book:  How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps
Grab The System:  Save The Marriage System

Don’t Complicate It
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Don't complicate your efforts to save your marriage!  Keep it simple!Sometimes, I am working with a client and suggest an approach, only to hear the next week, “I did that, and I (added this twist), and things got worse!”  I always ask, “Why did you do that?  Why did you make that change?”  And usually, my client says, “It seemed too simple.”

We humans are funny creatures.  We always want to complicate things!

A word of advice:  DON’T!

While it may not be easy, the process of saving your marriage is really simple.  Don’t complicate it. Find your approach, create your plan, and stick with it.

Learn about how to follow a simple process in this week’s podcast.  Don’t complicate it!

3 Steps To Save Your Marriage
Have A Plan
Save The Marriage System