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tips for saving marriage

3 Things YOU Can Do RIGHT NOW To Save Your Marriage: #54
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

3 Things You Can Do To Save Your Marriage InfographicThe email started the same way as many others.  “Bob” was impatient.  He wanted results. . . and he wanted them now!

His opening line said it all:  “Tell me what I can do right now!  Don’t tell me about some plan for the next 3 months.  I want to know what I can do RIGHT NOW!”

I can tell yo what Bob was looking for:  some trick, technique, or tip that he could do without any effort.  He wanted something quick and easy — something that required no energy or real effort on his part.

Results.  That was what he wanted.  But really, what he wanted was “results without effort.”  We all get tempted by that.

I will tell you what I told Bob:  there are some things you can do, and you can start doing them right now, this instant.  But they aren’t little tricks.  They aren’t manipulation.

Instead, they are ways you can approach your marriage and your life, making an instant shift, that could create incredible change.

IF you were to do all 3 things I suggest in my audio, I guarantee your life will radically change for the better — and so will your marriage!

These shifts are simple and direct.  And they mostly require you to make an internal shift.  You don’t have to know any “secret language pattern,” or understand any “sneaky brainwashing tricks.”

In fact, all 3 things I suggest you do only takes you to a place of MORE authenticity.

Bob contacted me a couple of months later.  He told me that when I first responded, he was “ticked off” (cleaned up version), and thought about sending me a searing email.

The next day, he decided he had nothing really to lose.  He was out of ideas.  Every other technique had backfired, so he thought he might just want to give my ideas a try.

Bob took on all 3 items I describe in the podcast.  It took a little time to get unhooked from his automatic actions.  But what he noticed right off was the shift within him.

He responded differently, interacted differently, and carried himself differently.

His wife took note.  His life took a turn.  How about you?