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what can I do to save my marriage

5 Factors of Success
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

5 factors that help determine your chances at succeeding in saving your marriage.I wish I had a crystal ball that would let me successfully determine which marriages could be saved.  Yes, it is true.  Not every marriage WILL be saved.  I can’t guarantee that.

But I DO think there is a “reverse” guarantee.  If your marriage is in trouble and you do nothing, I can pretty much guarantee that your marriage will NOT survive.  But guarantee that it WILL survive?  I can’t do that.

What I try to do, instead, is “stack the deck” in your favor.  I try to provide tools and change that will INCREASE the chances of your saving your marriage.  And not just save.  Help it to thrive.  Help you to build a marriage that BOTH of you would treasure and protect.

Some people act like it is just a game of chance.  A flip of the coin.  Heads up, you stay married; tails up, you divorce.  That is NOT the case.  You can improve your chances.  But not just by trying “a little of this, a little of that.”  You need a coherent process and method, along with some tools and understandings.

But what I have noticed is there are some factors that determine a higher likelihood of success.  And the more of these five factors that are moving your way, the better your “hand” you are playing.

One of these factors is outside of your control.  But you have four others that you CAN control.  You want to save your marriage and you want to improve it.  Your spouse, though, can’t see that right now.  So, you need to have your best hand to play as you work on the relationship.

What are those 5 Factors?  I discuss each one in this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast.  You can listen below.

Why Your Spouse Can’t See A Way Forward
Why You Need to Change
Why You Need a Plan
Why the Roadblocks
Why You Need a System

If THEY Can’t, Who Can?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

If rich, famous, successful people can’t stay married, how can regular people?I was busy working on some projects when a news notification popped up on my tablet:  “Bill and Melinda Gates Announce They Are Divorcing.”  Wow, what a power couple!  And they were calling it quits.

Whenever this happens, a powerful and successful couple decides to divorce, I hear from a few people.  They look at all of that _______ (you fill in the blank:  money, success, resources, connections, etc.) and wonder, “What chance do I have to save MY marriage, if THEY can’t stay together.”

I would presume that Bill and Melinda, along with Jeff and MacKenzie and many other mogul couples, could attend any couples retreat, meet with any therapist/coach, and invest in any intervention to save their marriage.

But they don’t.

Which raises the question for the rest of us… what chance do WE have in our own marriage?  Or more specifically, you can ask, what chance do YOU have in saving YOUR marriage?

And what can we learn from the divorces of the rich, successful, and famous?

That is what I cover in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast (and let me just be clear, I have not coached or interacted with anyone I mentioned above — although I have had many interactions with very successful people in very unhappy marriages… and the lessons are the same).

Listen in below.

The Arc of Disconnection
The Pause Button Marriage
Why Connection Matters
Self-Expansion and Marriage
The System to Save Your Marriage

150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Is your marriage stuck on repeat?No, a toddler didn’t take to pounding on my keyboard.  And no, my new puppy didn’t paw my keyboard… well, at least on for the title.

Yep, I meant it: DWYADAYGWYAG.

But to back up, have you ever noticed how we get stuck in repeating patterns?  Many simply serve to keep us stuck in life.  Not moving ahead.  Stuck.

But alive!

And that is what the brain registers.  Sure, maybe what happened yesterday was not exciting.  Maybe what you and I did yesterday, to make it through the day, was not exciting.  But we survived.

Lesson learned.  What we did yesterday kept us alive.  Plan for today:  do it some more.

Same in relationships.

Staying alive is not the same as thriving… and is actually not a guarantee of future success.  But it worked yesterday, so our brain assumes it will work for today.


I’ll tell you more about what that means, and how to get beyond it, in this week’s episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.


What’s Responsibility Got To Do With It?
Hope and Barriers
My Books
My System

The 4th C
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The 4th C of Saving Your Marriage... Why 3 C's is not enough!Over the years, I developed some direct and simple ways to save your marriage (simple is not the same as easy — it still takes effort!).  One piece of my approach was what I called “The 3  C’s” — being Calm, Constant, and Consistent.

These “3 C’s” aren’t really about what you do, but how you do it… how you carry out your plan (something I discuss in my System and share with my VIP members in a “fill-in-the-blank plan”).

Over the years, those 3 C’s have been a mantra for my clients… the reminder that keeps them moving in helpful ways when panic is pulling at them.  This mantra keeps the process moving in productive ways, creating profound changes in the relationship.

Many times, those 3 C’s are the difference between a plan working and failing, between successfully saving a marriage and failure.

Last week, one of the members of my VIP group noted that she needed to add a 4th C.  And then, she pointed out what should have been obvious… there IS a 4th C!  And it is something I have discussed before… but failed to include as an important (and daily) C in the process.

That 4th C?  Courage.

In this week’s podcast episode, I cover the first 3 C’s, then tell you how that 4th C fits into your efforts.  Here’s how you work your plan… be sure and listen in!

3 C’s
3 Steps
Your Plan
Marriage Fail Point book
Save The Marriage System