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world will end

The World IS Going To End. . .
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

. . . but NOT on December 21st.  mayancalendar

Forget the Mayan calendar.  It is just the next in a long line of predictions about when the world will end, and what signs we are noticing.

In fact, if scientists are correct, the earth will be here for a few more billion years.  We may leave it in tatters, but the earth will be here.

People may be optional, depending on what we do with our planet.

So, yes, the world is ending at some point.  Just not right now.

OK, so a few may be saying, “how does he know that the world is not going to end?”  Well, if I want to make a bet, I am going that way.  Those that predict the world will end on a particular date have to live it down the day after that date.  But when I say the world will NOT end, if I am wrong, nobody can point that out.  So, I am pretty safe on this one!

Now, before you breathe some sigh of relief when the sun comes up on December 22nd, let me suggest we think for just a moment:  What if this was our last week or last day of life.

What would you do?  How would you spend that small amount of precious time in the world?  Who would you want to see?  What would you want to do?  What things are left unsaid?  What amount of forgiveness needs to be asked or granted?

We live our lives as if there is plenty of time left, as if there is always a tomorrow.  Yet while the world will not end on December 21, the fact is that we do not, individually, know how long we have.

I would suggest that, perhaps, we need to look toward living a life of intention.  We might just sit down and make a list of all the things we need to do and say, all the people we need to see, call, and love, and get busy living a life with no regrets!

Just a thought.