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January 2023

Sharing Power
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

It’s a partnership.  Right?


Well, in any partnership, there has to be a way to make decisions.  And how a couple makes decisions reveals how they balance power (or don’t balance it). Not every couple will balance it in the same way.  But trouble comes when the two people in the couple are not both in agreement and on-board with how power is shared.

Many arguments and disagreements are either fueled by or end in a power struggle.

Dr. Wyatt FisherAnd when decisions are made without a feeling of shared buy-in, those decisions rarely get us anywhere useful. In fact, when one person feels left out of the decision, it is unlikely that the outcome will serve the relationship — if it succeeds at all!

So, how DOES a couple share power.  How DOES a couple make decisions that both feel good about?

In this episode of the podcast, I discuss how couples can do a better job of sharing power with Dr. Wyatt Fisher.  A Licensed Psychologist, Wyatt draws on his clinical work and his own marriage experience to answer how couples can better manage power in their relationship.

Listen in as I pick Wyatt’s brain about couple decision making and power sharing.

Wyatt’s Website
Being a WE
Are You a Team?
Lee’s System

Helping or Hurting??
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you helping or harming your marriage and your chances of saving it?You’ve been working on saving your marriage… and you aren’t seeing the traction you want.  Or maybe is just isn’t moving as fast as you would like.

Sometimes, it can take more time than you think or want.

But are there times that your efforts are doing more harm than good?

Are there times you are hurting, not helping, your relationship and your chances at saving it?


There are common situations I see in my coaching, where someone’s efforts to save a marriage are actually doing more harm than good.  Interestingly, people make the same mistakes others have made.

More interestingly, they are easy to see when they are pointed out.  And more importantly, they can be corrected, once you can see them.

So, let’s talk about the times when people do more harm than good in their efforts to save a marriage.

Importance of Connection
Stop Chasing
Apologies and Forgiving
You Need A Plan
Show Up
Save The Marriage System