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August 2024

Get Knocked Down, Get Back Up
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When you get knocked down, how to get up again.You started working on saving your marriage.  Good for you!

And then, you hit a bump.  You get knocked down.  Maybe you discovered an affair, physical or emotional.  Maybe your spouse is irritable and upset.  Maybe it is anger and resentment, yours or your spouse’s.

And it knocks you down.

Enough that you think it is over.  That you are at the end.

But are you?  Or do you need to get back up?

In most things in life, we think the process is (or should be) smooth.  I fall for that myth all the time.  I think a project is going to be easy and straightforward.  Only to find a complication and difficulty at every turn.

And guess what?  The same is true in your efforts to save your marriage.

We talk about how you might get knocked down… and how to get up again, in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.


Dealing with Discouragement
You Need A Plan
Not A Wish, A Plan
Your Support Team
Do You Need Coaching?
Coaching Resource Page
Save The Marriage System

Is Your Spouse Stuck in the Negative?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

"Why does my spouse only remember and focus on negative things? Why can't my wife/husband remember the good times and see the changes that are happening?"Several listeners asked why a spouse only remembers the negative, or only dwells on the negative.  Why don’t they remember the good times or see the good things?

Over the years, I have noticed this as a recurring and common issue in your efforts to save your marriage.  A spouse’s thoughts just stay on the negative.  Maybe thinking about what is going on now or remembering what happened then.  (Memories are just current thoughts about past events — not accurate representations of the past.)

Since this is such a common phenomenon, I thought it might be good to cover it in a podcast episode.

If your spouse is stuck in the negative (or you find yourself stuck in the negative), let’s look at the reasons it happens… and what you can do about it!

Book:  How To Save Your Marriage in 3 Simple Steps (I have a chapter on changing limiting beliefs)
How’s Your Attitude?
Hope and Stockdale Paradox
Where To Focus
“The Last Straw”
Going Pro
Program: Save The Marriage

How To Know If It’s Too Late To Save Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Is it quitting time? Or do you keep on pushing?How do you know if it is too late to save your marriage??

That happens to be one of the most common questions I get from people… sometimes even at the beginning of a coaching sessions.  But also by email and on conference calls.

I get it.  We all want to know what the future holds. Do you put forth the effort for a lost cause?  Do you put your heart on the line, if there just isn’t any way to get a positive outcome?

So, people want to know… is there a way to know if it is too late?

Good news:  there is!

Bad news:  it will take some action on your part!

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I cover how you can find out if it is too late to save your marriage.  Listen below.


Why People Get Derailed
Quitting Time?  Resources to Decide
Save The Marriage System