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Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

You Either Come Together, Or Come Apart
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

I was getting ready to head out the door this morning, headed to teach a class.  On the TV were the images we all have had a chance to see.  Mangled cars, destroyed homes, scattered personal belongings.  The destruction from the tornadoes this past week is amazing and awful.

Then, in the midst of the story, were two different scenes.  In both, a couple was sitting on the front stoop of their house, arm in arm.  Except there was no home behind them.  Only a mess where their life had been.

I tried to find a picture of that scene, but couldn’t.  I did find a picture of a couple, though, surrounded by destruction in each others’ arms.

In the midst of a disaster, these are scenes of people doing what successful couples do.  They pull together.  They find love and support from each other as they try to move through the circumstances.

You either come together as a couple, or life will pull you apart.

Years back, we were on vacation, and the air conditioner in our vacation spot went out.  We were trouble-shooting some of the repairs, and I had removed a grill cover to the air filter in the floor.  The filter was still in place.

I was talking on the phone, trying to get the problem resolved.  I wasn’t noticing that I had left the grill off or that my young daughter was toddling toward the opening.

She stepped onto the air filter and it collapsed.  My wife jumped toward her, and I dropped the phone and moved to her.  When we both grabbed, all that was still above the hole was a foot and hand.

We pulled her to safety, realizing the next stop was the whirring blades of the fan, which had sucked her socks right off.

After the moments of confusion calmed, both my wife and I began to question/blame each other for not watching/not covering.  Point is, we pointed fingers.

But then my wife noted that we had lots more situations like this headed our way.  Did we want to fight against each other or pull together?

I have noticed that married couples have ample opportunities to either stand together or be in opposition.  Standing together, that is the goal.

One piece of the puzzle of how to save your marriage is to stand together.  Make a commitment to face the challenges of life on the same team, supporting and coming together.

Let’s remember to keep those in the path of the recent storm and so many of life’s storms in our thoughts and prayers.  My hope is they continue to stand together.

The Royal Wedding: Yours and Theirs
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Were you up early?  Quite a few people on this side of the Atlantic were up long before the sun decided to get up, ready to watch with the world the nuptials of a future king and queen.  I have to be honest, I was not among them.  But as I rolled out of bed to help the kids off to school, my wife turned on the TV, and I saw a few bits of the royal fanfare.The Royal Couple

And indeed, it was beautiful!  Add a not-so-small amount of pomp, throw in a good looking couple, and stir with our romantic notions, and it was quite the event.  But what does it have to do with a blog about how to save your marriage?

Richard Charters, the Bishop of London, said it best, “in a sense, every wedding is a royal wedding.”

Whenever I see a wedding, it always makes me think of my own wedding, but also weddings in general.

Our wedding was on a blazing hot day in the North Carolina mountains.  My dear mother-in-law had matched those brides-maids dresses to the stainglass windows, so they were certainly staying closed!  And who needs air conditioning in the mountains?

OK, so I remember the heat and the sweat, but I also remember my beautiful bride coming toward me.  I remember the vows I made.  And I remember, as we walked out hand-in-hand, that it all had seemed too easy!  I went into that building single, and emerged less than an hour later, promising to spend my life with someone.  Wow!  We sometimes forget the power of that.

My real pain of watching people marry is knowing just that:  it is easy.  Probably too easy.  My daughter recently got her driver’s license.  She had to drive, under guidance of an adult (mostly me) for 60 hours, by state law, before they would let her have her license.  She had to complete a written test. Then she had to prove it to an officer, that she could, indeed, drive that car.

Marriage?  Just walk right up, maybe with a blood test in your hands, pay a few bucks, and get your “marriage license.”  You are then licensed to marry.  Pretty simple, no?  Maybe too simple.

“Yeah but,” you argue, “a car can be a deadly weapon.”  Correct.  “And so can relationships,” I argue, “given the pain of broken relationships.”  Then you might respond, “but there are just some marriages that were wrong from the start.”

And I would respond that I truly believe this is only a small percentage.  Most marriages go awry, not because the wrong people were together, but because they didn’t have a clue what they were doing.

In many instances, the wedding happens, and everyone congratulates the couple, and off they go to figure it all out on their own.  No mentoring, no “how to” guides, no guidance at all.  Oh, sure, some churches offer premarital counseling.  I should know.  I do that very thing for several churches.

But let’s be real honest here:  couples, before they get married, have no idea what they are getting into.  Think about trying to tell an expectant couple that is dreaming of their beautiful baby, about the sleepless nights, yucky diapers, icky throw-up, or many of the other parenting pieces that fall into your lap.  Would they even hear it?

The best I hope for is that the couple have some sense that they are in for some unforeseen changes, and give them some markers to move toward.  And I hope they know that they can return when they have a tough time.

Why is it that we have this notion that marriage should be easy, and if it isn’t, it was a mistake?  Why don’t we adopt a growth mindset that tells us that everything we do can be improved, as long as we work on improving it?

So what about YOUR royal wedding?  Did it start with hopes and expectations?  It can still happen.  But that does mean giving up on the myth that right marriages just click.  It means looking at successful marriages as continued, daily effort to be a better person and spouse.  THAT is why the royal marriage is in a blog about how to save your marriage!

Strong Marriages Are Grown. They Don’t Just Happen!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

I opened an email this morning and read a line I see several times a week: “if my marriage is meant to be, then why is it so tough?”

Sometimes, this question is tossed at the person trying to figure out how to save his or her marriage. They write and ask me “how do I save my marriage when my spouse keeps saying it is just to hard, so it must not be right?”

To both, I have the same answer. And it is a very short answer: who told you it should be easy?

Seriously, why do we have such an aversion to the possibility of struggle and growth?

Avoid one, you avoid the other.

Is love supposed to be easy? I certainly don’t think so.

Now don’t misunderstand me. I don’t think anyone should cause more problems, just so you can struggle! But that is different than avoiding struggling.

Just yesterday, I was sitting with a couple. They were treating each other so civilly. They poured good manners toward each other. . . almost too much so!

Finally, I asked about their “emotional constipation.” Everything, good and bad, was all stuck inside. So nothing was making it into the marriage. They were as stuck as their emotions.

But just yesterday morning, I had another couple that suffered from “emotional diarrhea.” No matter what the matter, both dumped their emotions on the other. That isn’t it, either.

But what if we assumed that growth happens from struggle? If you want to build a muscle, what do you do? Don’t you stress it and force it to work? Then it compensates by growing.

The same with a relationship. If we avoid the struggle, we avoid the chance at growth. If we avoid the chance at growth, we become stagnant.

There is NO perfect marriage at “I do.” There is only potential. It is like getting a driver’s license. That doesn’t mean you are a great driver. Only that you can begin the process of becoming a good driver.

So, your mission, should you choose to accept it, it to grow into your marriage. Take the potential and develop your marriage into a marriage you can treasure and love.

Saving A Marriage Requires Reaching Outside of Yourself
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

At its best, marriage calls us to reach beyond ourselves, to love and show love to another. Two people doing that is magic! Both people are meeting the other person’s needs, and getting their own needs met. But what happens when that process begins to fail? The process is like a whirlpool, sucking the relationship down.

John and Susan were caught in that process.  In day-to-day life, a wonderful marriage slowly decays when energy isn’t added in.  That was true for these two.  John was running after a successful career.  Susan was working, but had eyes on a family.  While both felt the stress, they decided “now or never,” and launched into parenthood.

Time was eaten up by children’s events and work demands. . . or at least that is what Susan and John kept telling themselves.  But in reality, every day, they chose to NOT spend time connecting, NOT spend time together, NOT nurturing their relationship.  And like any neglected muscle, their love began to atrophy.

For a while, life can pull you through this.  But eventually, the relationship finally rises to consciousness.  Unfortunately, neither John nor Susan thought “Wow, I am really not putting into this relationship.”  Instead, both began to ask themselves, “what am I getting out of this?  Where is the love coming toward me?”  Unfortunately, right after asking themselves that question, each answered with “if I am not being loved, I am going to stop reaching out with love.”

The relationship further deteriorated.  But now, instead of benign neglect, it was fueled by anger and resentment.  John finally announced, “I have had enough.  You don’t love me, I don’t love you.  I am leaving.”

Susan was devastated.  She told folks “I knew we had problems, but I thought we had made a commitment.”  But in her own head, she was thinking, “How dare he say I wasn’t loving him.  HE wasn’t loving me!  This is HIS fault.”  And John was equally convinced that Susan was at fault.

The moments of doubt, about how each might have played a role, was justified in each of their minds, pushed away by blame.

Was there a way out?  Yes.  Would it be easy?  No.

If either had set aside blame, and decided to release their hurt, anger, and resentment, there was a possibility.  Either could have reached out toward the other, providing love and support.  That might have saved their relationship, and restored the flow of love between them.

A seemingly easy thing to do, but hard in practice.  Why?  Because we humans are so good at self justification.  We continue to use our own thoughts to prove our reality.  And we all have one well-established tape playing in our minds:  “It’s NOT my fault!”

It really isn’t either person’s fault, but that message keeps either from asking “what can I do to change this?” and then acting on it.

Marriage is about reaching out, over and over, toward the other, until it is a habit.  Sometimes, it is made for difficult by anger and resentment.  Sometimes, it is flexing atrophied muscles.  But sustained effort in the direction of the other can save your marriage.

Don’t be sucked down the whirlpool!  Reach our toward the other.  Ignore that voice saying “it isn’t my fault,” or “why should I reach out?” or “I will if he/she will.”  To quote one company, “Just do it!”  Reach out in love, and see what happens!

Video From Survivor of Hudson Plane Crash: How Crisis Reorients
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Ric Elias survived the plane landing on the Hudson River.  And it completely reoriented his life.

In the video from TED (one of my new favorite sites), Ric discusses, in just a few minutes, how the event transformed his life, including his marriage.

Having been through a health crisis, I can tell you:  looking at your mortality turns your world upside down.  It makes you very clear on what is important and what is not.

Relationships, they are important.  Everything else becomes trivial.  The argument of the day?  Trivial.  Busy work?  Trivial.  Invest in what is important — and marriage is THE relationship upon which I suggest you focus.

Why Marriages Get Into Trouble — All Marriages!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

If you are wanting to know how to save your marriage, you want to start by understanding why marriages get into trouble.  And when I say marriages, yes I mean all marriages!  It is just that some marriages work through the issues, or resolve them.

So, for just a second, while considering saving a marriage, let me reflect from a distance on the two primary reasons marriages get into trouble, and what ultimately leads to broken marriages.  And they are interlinked.

Reason 1:  Marriages get into trouble because couples fail to forgive.

Reason 2:  Marriages get into trouble because couples fail to grow.

From there, everything else spins out.  Now don’t get me wrong, I do not think you should be a door mat, always ready to forgive anything without any change.  But how often do we continue to drag the accumulated small stuff around — for years, if not decades?  All without forgiveness.

The problem is, when we don’t forgive, we disconnect, just a little bit.  We keep parts of ourselves out, withhold emotions, affections, thoughts, etc.  We begin to strangle the relationship.  Over time, the unforgiveness takes root and becomes resentment.  Resentment is the poison of any relationship.

Think of it as carbon monoxide.  It slowly keeps the life-giving oxygen from getting to the body.  And you don’t even notice, save the headache!  And once it is in, it takes time to get it out.

Then, there is the growth/change bit.  I truly believe we have only two options:  growing or rotting.  Ray Kroc said, “you are either green and growing or ripe and rotting.”  Stop growing and changing, and you are dying.

In a relationship, even more so.  I don’t know how many people I have seen that have stopped growing relationally when they married.  They start acting like they have the relationship, so there really is no reason to keep moving forward.  Over time, couples get into ruts, stuck in routines, and mostly stuck keeping each other a bit apart.

What if you decided today, without any change on your spouse’s part, to forgive your spouse for all those things that have piled up, and decided to grow?  Would that save your marriage?

First, listen to that voice saying “what about my spouse?  What do they have to do?”  Unfortunately, it is just you and me, so you can only change you.  So start with what you CAN change, and don’t focus on what you can’t.

Second, realize that forgiveness is really for YOU!  So that YOU do not have to keep dragging that pile of crap around any longer!

Third, look for areas in which you know you need to grow.  We all have them.  Make it your path to GROW the rest of your life, in your relationship and elsewhere.

Finally, if you are ready for a little growth, take a look at my material on how to save a marriage.

How To Save A Marriage Through Connection
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

“What IS the secret to saving a marriage?” I am asked that marriage on a daily basis. In fact, just this morning, I was speaking with “Donna.”

She asked the same thing: “We are in deep trouble, and I didn’t even know it! We have 2 kids, and hectic lives. I knew we weren’t connecting much, but I didn’t know we were headed for trouble. . . until he asked me for a divorce!”

I have heard the same story over and over. People get married, get settled into life, and get into trouble. Whether is is kids, jobs, school, hobbies, friends, or some other distraction, life pulls at us.

The real issue? Connection. Simple as that. Connected marriages weather the storms. Disconnected marriages wither and die.

Donna told me about the signs that she missed along the way. She told me that all she wanted now was to save her marriage. Problem was, her husband had completely disconnected.

But truth is, their marriage problems started some time ago, when they stopped feeding and watering the relationship.

So, confession time: I have killed a few houseplants in my time. All unintentional. But still, the dead remnants have ended up in the trash more than once (or even twice).

So what happened? That plant was nice and green when I brought it in! I found what I thought were perfect spots for the plants, and they certainly looked good sitting there. . . for a while.

Oh, sure, at first, I made sure they were watered and had fertilizer sticks put in. But at some point, I forgot how long it had been since I had replaced the stick.

Then, at some point, I didn’t tend to the watering quite so carefully. Usually, I realized it, and got back to watering. The wilting plant would spring back to life!

But I noticed a leaf or two would drop. The drought had affected it!

I would then start slipping back into old habits, until the dirt was poor and dry.

Then, there came a point when I could not catch up! I could not bring the plant back to life! It had withered and died.

My point is, marriages are a lot like the plants. They need to be tended, kept up. Watered, fertilized, placed in healthy spots.

What is the water and fertilizer of marriage? So glad you asked!

Connection. Connection with each other. You see, we humans are made to be in connection, in relationship. We NEED someone else for our connection needs to be met.

But we forget that is natural, and assume that need is unnatural, dependent, even codependent! That causes us to stop connecting.

Oh, it is certainly innocent, at least at first. But over time, when we don’t feel we are getting connection, we stop giving connection.

And we literally starve the relationship!

Until it cannot recover.

Don’t keep waiting! Decide you will reach out and connect. Decide you want to move toward your spouse. Decide NOT to worry about how your spouse is NOT moving toward you.

If you want to know more on how to save your marriage, please take a look at Save The Marriage.

Fire Ring, Our Thoughts and Prayers are With You!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Generally, I don’t move far off the topic of how to save your marriage.

However, this morning, I have been glued to the TV and to the Hawaii Civil Beat blog, watching the developments from the devastating earthquake in Japan.

To all affected in the Pacific Fire Ring, know that we are thinking of you and praying for you this day, and in the coming days!

It is always amazing to see how life can shift so quickly. One event, and your world changes!

Valentine’s Day & Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

I am sitting here at my desk, the morning of Valentine’s Day — a favorite holiday of some, feared by many!  In the background, my iPod is playing (by coincidence I assure you!), “All You Need Is Love.”

Ahh, romance is in the air.  Try going to the store and not being assaulted by pink, red and white.  Cards, candies, fragrances, stuffed animals, flowers, balloons, lingerie, oh my!  I sometimes am confused on whether romance is in the air, or the smell of money for retailers.

So much pressure has been put on this one day. . . and yet all the day should be is a reminder of romance and love.  And no, they are not the same.  Romance is the chemical drug that often has us disregarding logic and reason.  It pulls us into circumstances and chances that are beyond our rational decision-making — sometimes for good and sometimes for ill.

What should you do, this day, if you find yourself in the midst of a struggling relationship?  How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day then?  As I write this, I am responding to a question I have now been hearing from clients for over 3 weeks:  “what do I do about Valentine’s Day?”  Fearful of doing nothing and making things worse, people are also fearful of doing something and making things worse.  The proverbial rock and a hard place.

So, let’s boil it down again, without the “help” of the malls and stores.  Valentine’s Day is a chance to say “I care for you, I love you.”  It can also say “I am STILL attracted to you, believe it or not.”  So, here is my simple suggestion:  make it simple but thoughtful.  Generally, that means a card and a thoughtful token.  Not jewelry or lingerie if your relationship is struggling.

Why?  Simple:  too much pressure.  Instead, go with the distilled sense of what this day is about, the reminder of love.

First step, finding a card that doesn’t gush, doesn’t presume, and doesn’t pressure.  Something that says “I love you.”

Second step, finding a thoughtful token.  Perhaps a favorite dessert or a CD.  Maybe a thoughtful book (NOT one on fixing your marriage!).  Perhaps a box of truffles.  The big thing here is to not try and win someone over.  Instead, the hope is to remind them that you love them and you know them.  You know what he or she would like.  In other words, something that will make someone feel “thought of.”

2 steps, and you can avoid all the pressure that the stores seem to build in people struggling with their marriage.

And one last thing:  don’t get caught up in what you get.  That really isn’t the point.  The point is to show YOUR love.  So remember, the same struggle you are having, your spouse may be having — but without a good answer.  So give him or her some room and don’t take it too personally.  After all, this is just another day with a chance to show love.

Heroes and Villains: Saving Your Marriage!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

My parents live over 6 hours from us, but my children have been fortunate to be able to spend a week, each by themselves, being spoiled by their grandparents.  We always plan the weeks back-to-back, and meet after the first week at a half-way point to exchange children.

A few years back, at the end of the two weeks, our son needed to be retrieved.  So, my parents were going to meet us at the half-way point.  I thought to myself, “there really is no reason to drag us all there, just to grab my son and turn around to come home.”

The week before, I had had to spend most of the week at a work conference away from home.  But while I was away, I explained this to my wife, thinking “wow, what a relief it will be for her and my daughter to not have to spend 7 hours in the car.”

I flew in Friday evening, confirmed the plans for Saturday, and went to bed.  I was pretty proud of myself!  (That should have been my first clue!)

Saturday morning, bright and early, I struck out.  Nobody was even up yet.

So there I was, driving across the state, and starting through the mountains.  The story I was telling myself?  What a hero I was!  Everyone at home would enjoy a relaxing day, we would be back by mid-afternoon, and hey, I was sacrificing, “taking one for the team!”

Imagine my surprise when I called home, and my daughter answered.  I quickly realized all was NOT OK on the homefront!  She asked where I was.  I told her I was in the mountains, about 45 minutes from picking up her brother.  She was quiet and said “mom’s mad.”  Then I lost reception.

When I finally got to better reception, I realized that in my zeal to be the hero, I didn’t really listen to my wife.  She hadn’t so much agreed as had little chance to disagree.  She was wanting to go, wanting to ride with me, wanting to spend those hours in the car.  I had been gone for several days, and now was gone again.  I would have the joy of hearing about my son’s week.  I would see my parents, not her.

Wow!  The story in my head was NOT the story that was happening.  In my story, I was the hero.  In my wife’s story, I was the villain!

Who was right?

Turns out, the same thing happens to all of us!  Invariably, we tell a story more kind to ourselves.  But if everyone is doing that, then someone else is going to have to play the villain.  Unfortunately, in marriages, that is often a spouse.

My point?  Simply this:  when there is conflict, we usually tell a story that puts us in the best light, and by doing so, tell ourselves a story that puts our spouse in a poorer light.  In reality, neither is true.  We are never as altruistic, benevolent, and helpful as we spin ourselves.  And nor is our spouse as mean, malevolent, and destructive as we spin them.

Since we humans are all fiction writers at heart, making up the scenes as we go along, it is important that we be more careful with how we play the “protagonist/antagonist” plotline in our minds.  In fact, I always suggest we:

1)  See others as innocent.  Everyone really tries to do the best they can, albeit imperfectly.
2)  See ourselves as realistically as possible.  In the end, we all want what we want, and sometimes act in ways that are less kind than we would like to think.
3)  Realize that the plots, stories, and scripts we write in our heads do as much to limit us as they do to comfort us.  They comfort us by allowing us to believe what we want to believe, but also limit the possibilities that we need to be a bit uncomfortable.  That is what makes us grow!