Save Your Marriage Podcast

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How To Stop Reacting
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

StopReactingIt can be habit.  You see that look or hear a comment, you hear a raised voice or see something that makes you wonder.  And you react.

And your reaction only causes further problems.

Reactions are “knee-jerk.”  They are rarely thought-out, and almost always counter-productive.

And the next time, it happens again.

You are stuck in “Reactive Soup,” as I call it.

While the behavior is understandable, it is not likely to be getting you anywhere you want to be.  It is likely NOT helping your relationship.  And it probably leaves you frustrated with yourself (unless you are still stuck blaming your spouse).

Oh, sure, you could rationalize why this isn’t your fault and why it isn’t your problem.

But it is.

Only you can make a change.  Your reactions are not getting you where you want to get, so let’s get them changed.

Listen below to learn why you react, and how to stop.


The First Thing That MUST Change. . .
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The first thing that MUST change to save your marriage.“Jack” was dancing around my office: pacing, sitting, jumping up, sitting down, pacing. . . .

Jack’s wife just revealed that she did not want to stay married.  22 years of marriage.  Gone.  Jack was in panic mode.

“What do I do?”, he repeatedly asked.

To be honest, Jack had already done a number of things I would have advised against.  He was already behind the proverbial “eight ball.”

Jack’s determination was actually getting him into worse trouble.  His efforts were in the wrong direction, confusing, and only leading to more anger.

So, Jack asked me where he should start.

I knew what Jack wanted.  He wanted what we all want:  a shortcut, an easy technique, a secret “ninja move” that would turn things around.

But as is true with most things in life, it is a bit more complicated than that.

“Jack,” I said, “take a deep breath.  Sit  back and listen.”  Jack struggled with that, but he did it.  Until I told him that something else had to change first:  his mindset.

In fact, Jack and I discussed 5 ways his mindset had to shift.  I share those 5 areas with you on this podcast.  I tell you what needs to shift, and how it needs to shift.

Even if you have been trying to save your marriage for some time, this is important.  You may not have even made that first shift that is crucial for anything to move forward.

Marriage Is A WE
Taking Responsibility
3’s of Saving Your Marriage What’s Your WHY
The System to Save Your Marriage
Book:  How To Save Your Marriage in 3 Simple Steps


5 Ways Your Hurt and Pain Keep You Stuck
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How your hurt and pain keeps you stuck.“James” and “Tina” are like many people who have contacted me over the years.

James and his wife had been struggling for years.  Arguments, fights, and conflicts had cut into their love for each other.

While James believed there was still love there, he knew it was buried deep for both of them.  James spent lots of time licking his wounds, remembering the struggles — and usually seeing that he had been “done wrong.”

He contacted me because James didn’t want to end his marriage.  But he didn’t know what to do.  He was stuck.

Tina’s husband just left one day.  They had not been fighting.  Really, neither had ever been much on arguing.

On his way out the door, Tina’s husband said, “I just don’t feel anything.  I need to clear my mind and see what comes up.”  And he was gone.

Tina was devastated.  What had she done?  Why had she been abandoned?  Tina wrote to say, “I don’t want a divorce.  But I didn’t do this.  Why should I have to do anything?”

Pain and hurt.  We avoid those feelings, but they still come to us.  That’s a part of life.

But sometimes, the pain and hurt can keep us stuck.  Ironically, when pain or hurt keeps you stuck, you generally only get more pain and hurt.  In other words, the “stuck” just keeps us in a cycle of getting more of what we want to avoid.

Is there another option?

Let’s discuss why pain and hurt keep you stuck and the games you play because of the hurt.  Then, let’s discuss a way to get un-stuck.

Listen below.

Games and Hidden Agendas
Responsibility and Marriage
Forgiving the Hurt
Save The Marriage System


What Game Are You Playing?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What is your game, your ulterior motive, your hidden agenda?We all have hidden agendas.  We all play games.  And these are not “fun” games.  They are mental games.

The problem is, in every game, every hidden agenda, every ulterior motive, there is manipulation and indirectness.

It may work for salespeople, attorneys, and politicians.  But it rarely works for spouses and friends.

When someone is playing a mental game, our “BS” meter becomes hypersensitive.  Something is just not quite right, just a little off.

And because of that, we lose trust.

What is YOUR game?  What is the hidden agenda?  What is the ulterior motive?

Don’t get tripped up by playing those games.

Learn what to do.  And what NOT to do. . . .

Additional Resources:
Save The Marriage System
Virtual Coaching Program

Don’t Wait For Confidence. . .
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Don't wait for confidence.  Take the first step and confidence will follow.Several times a week, I get an email or a phone call with the same question, “I want to save my marriage, but can I do it?  I don’t want to try unless I know I can.”

In other words, “I don’t have confidence, and until I do, I don’t want to take action.”

I consistently answer the same way:  “Confidence is the wrong place to start.  Confidence is not the starting point.

Fear grips everyone.  Here and there, we all find ourselves caught by fear, seemingly unable to move, feeling unable to act.

If you know that feeling, I want to let you in on a little secret:  confidence is NOT the starting point.  It is part of a cycle.  But waiting for confidence will be a long wait — it may never come.  Unless you decide to take action, follow the cycle, and get to the point of confidence.

So, what are the steps toward confidence?  Listen to learn the “confidence cycle,” and why NOT to wait for it to get started!



Separation: Can It Save Your Marriage (Or Cost You A Marriage)?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Can separation save a marriage?You want to save your marriage.  Your spouse seems to only want to destroy it.  That is a pretty common scenario for people who visit my website.

And so, I often have the question asked, “Should we separate?  Will a separation save my marriage?”

Can a separation save a marriage?

Short answer:  yes, it can.

Longer answer:  a separation can save a marriage, but it is statistically unlikely.  And in my experience, a separation is a step in the wrong direction.

Fairly recent statistics show that around 79% of couples who separate end up divorced.  In other words, 8 out of every 10 couples who separate will divorce.

I view separation as an absolute last resort to save a marriage.  It is, in my opinion, that unlikely to help.

But here is the thing:  if you are stuck in a conflicted and hurting marriage, it can be a very appealing solution.  And yes, you can find “fans” of separation.  There are people who tell you it is an important step in restoring a marriage.

Those people are ignoring the statistics.

They are appealing to your sense of relief that can come from a break in the conflict.

But are there better solutions?  Absolutely. Here is one.

In this podcast training, I tell you why separation is problematic — so that you understand that.  I also tell you how to structure a separation, if it is inevitable and a last resort.  Listen below for help with separation.

Article on Separating
Save The Marriage System
Virtual Coaching Program (IF you have the System)


Where DID Those Feelings Go?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Where DID those feelings go?Maybe your spouse said it.  Or maybe you’re feeling it:  those feelings just aren’t there.

No tingles, no butterflies, no desires.  Is it you?  Is it your spouse?  Were they ever there?

Those feelings of attraction and romance are not well understood by most people.  So, when they aren’t there (or are at least in short supply), many believe it to be an indication that the relationship is wrong, destined for failure, or maybe permanently broken.

There are 5 root causes of why those feelings might be missing.  The bad news is that there is nothing you can do about 1.  The good news is you have a choice about the other 4.

Learn what happens to those feelings.  But more importantly, discover what to do about it.

Love Languages
System To Save Your Marriage


Why Your Spouse Doesn’t Believe You Will Change (And What To Do About It)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Why your spouse doesn't believe you will change.You have arrived at that point.  You know you are not doing all you can and being all you can be.  It is time for a change.

Perhaps with hat in hand, you sit down with your spouse and let your spouse know, in your most sincere and concerned voice, that you know you have fallen short.  You know you can do better. . . and you promise to change.

What you expected was a spouse who is supportive and hopeful, smiling at you, and proud of your efforts.

What you get, instead, is anger and frustration.  Maybe it is the silent treatment.  Or maybe it is yelling.  Through clenched teeth, you may hear your spouse say, “I DON’T BELIEVE YOU.”  Or maybe, “We’ll just see about that.”


You feel shot down.  Maybe hopeless.  That did not play out the way you thought it would.


Don’t blame your spouse.  Choose to fix it.  Choose to make the change.

Here is what to do, when your spouse doesn’t believe you will change.

Show Up
The System
Virtual Coaching


Am I Trying To Brainwash You? (An Open Letter)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Am I trying to brainwash you?I admit I was a magician in my younger years.  But I never did much with mental magic (tricks that make you think I am reading your mind).  And I never really got into hypnosis (although I do love a good performing hypnotist – nothing like a person barking on stage!).

Which is why it cracks me up when people have accused me of trying to brainwash their spouse.

I used to deny it.  Swear that I was doing nothing to brainwash, hypnotize, or manipulate anyone (or their spouse).

But I gave up.

So, today, I have a confession.  Yes, guilty as charged, I am trying to brainwash your spouse.  But you may just like what I am doing!  (Or you may not, if you don’t believe in commitment, growth, security, concern for family — things like that.)

Here is my confession — for anyone and their spouse that is concerned I am “brainwashing.”  (And trust me when I tell you that you seriously overestimate my skills on that one!)

My confession is below:
(And if you are interested in the book I mention, here is the link:

How To TRULY Change
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to TRULY change.Life is change.  Relationships change, we change, the world around us changes.

Yet, for the most part, we humans resist change.

Let’s assume you have now listened to my series on What Happy Couples Do Differently.  Let’s further assume that you think it might be even a good idea to move in that direction.

That does raise the question of how to change.  You’ve already decided to change.

So, for the next couple of weeks, lets talk about this change.

Real change.

Not just making it look like you are changing.  But truly changing.

That change starts from the inside, and works outward.  The level of change we are talking about is changing your beliefs, your paradigm, your understanding of the world.

Are you ready?

If you are, let me invite you to learn about my KNAC Protocol of Change.  This protocol describes the 3 arenas of change, and how each one builds to a real change.

Listen in on the podcast as I describe the KNAC Protocol and how to begin the process of change.

Resources Referenced:
What Happy Couples Do Differently, Part 1:  Conflict
What Happy Couples Do Differently, Part 2:  Connection
What Happy Couples Do Differently, Part 3:  Companionship
The Save The Marriage System