Posts Tagged :

after an affair

Your Questions About Infidelity, Part 1
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Listen questions about infidelity and cheating answered here. Just part 1. How to deal with cheating, physical or emotional. Infidelity and affairs hurt many marriages. Learn how to recover.Someone cheated.  What now?  Can a marriage survive infidelity, either physical or emotional?  Can a relationship recover after an affair?

Over the past while, I have been answering listener questions (you can submit by emailing here). And this week, we turn our attention to the subject of infidelity and affairs (both physical and emotional).

To be honest, I receive more questions on this topic than any other (which is the reason I wrote the book on recovering from an affair). So, this is only part 1 of my answers.

Affairs and infidelity affect many marriages.  They are a risk during a marriage crisis, and they deepen a  crisis already happening. Infidelity is less a cause of the actual crisis, and more a symptom.  But a discovered affair is often the first clear sign of the depths of crisis.

How do you deal with your emotions?  How do you deal with your spouse?  And how about that other person?

We touch on this and many other issues in the episode below.  Listen in.

Book:  Recovering From The Affair
Prior Affair Resources
Aftermath Of An Affair
Importance of Forgiveness
Importance of Apology
System To Save Your Marriage (including Audio on Dealing With Affair)


So, You Had An Affair: How To Recover — A Save The Marriage Podcast Special Edition
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

how to save your marriage after infidelityLast week, I presented a special edition podcast on how to deal with an affair.  It was mostly aimed for the person that suffered infidelity.  But I had a number of people ask, “what if you are the one that committed the affair?”  So, here is a podcast aimed at answering that.  What do you do if you committed an affair?

People often wonder how to save a marriage after an affair.  And the reality is that it is possible to move on after infidelity, but you do need some direction.

No punches pulled here.  I tell you exactly what I think — straight talk about how to rebuild a marriage after an affair.  What do you need to change, how do you need to act, what do you need to do?  I lay it all out for you.

While I can’t tell you how long it takes to get over infidelity, I can tell you how to do it.  But the grief and recovery process will depend on lots of factors.  But if you are willing to move forward, it can be done.  Marriages do survive infidelity — and can actually come out stronger!

A marriage can survive infidelity, and I can show you how to put the odds in your favor.

I will answer questions about whether to tell or not, how to set boundaries, raising your own standards, being transparent, and how to work on regaining trust and finding forgiveness.

HERE IS THE LINK to my book, Recovering From Infidelity