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I can’t save marriage

The Fatal Triangle (Don’t Be Sabotaged)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The Fatal Triangle - the trio of dynamics that can trip you up and destroy your efforts to save your marriage.You want to save your marriage.  Maybe you even have a plan put together, ready to go.  Or maybe you have even started the process.

This episode of the podcast is cautionary.  A warning.  But the warning is not about NOT saving your marriage, but the possibility of your efforts falling apart.

It may have nothing to do with your plan.

Nothing to do with your understanding.

Worse yet, nothing to do with your spouse.

It is possible that a trio of dynamics can torpedo and destroy your plans and your efforts.  Those dynamics can be fatal to your hopes and dreams.  To your possibility of saving your marriage.

And this trio, this “fatal triangle”?  They have nothing to do with your spouse or your plans. They emerge from within you.  Tripping you up.

Unless you understand them and know how to defeat them.

Don’t let this trio, the Fatal Triangle, defeat you and your efforts!

Listen to the episode for full details

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