Posts Tagged :

marriage podcast

From Apology to Reconciling
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

From apology to reconciling is a journey as you save your marriage.You have already journeyed to here.  Maybe your relationship is hurting and in pain.  Maybe your connection has gone cold.  But however you got here, whatever the path, you want to get somewhere different.

Somewhere better.

It may seem cliche, but it is a journey.  And this last part of the journey, it has some stops along the way.

Many times, people think (and want) it to be a linear path, stopping along the way, but arriving at the end, reconciled and in love.

Those four big stops?

  • Apology
  • Forgiving
  • Trusting
  • Reconciling

Many assume that one follows the other, just points along the road.  But it is more like a subway system that might arrive at one station, having never paused at another.  You may pass one or more, or even arrive at each one, seemingly out of order.

In reality, each of those four stops are distinct and separate.  They can happen separate from, or even without, the other stops.

Let’s talk about these four stops in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast. Listen below.

What’s Your Apology?
Ready to Forgive?
What is Trust?
Save The Marriage System (remember to grab your free week of VIP!)

Staying in the Game
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to Stay In the Game.You might feel like “tapping out,” or forfeiting, just giving up and walking away.

It can be frustrating when you are trying to save a marriage, only to get pushback from a spouse.  You are working to build the connection, working to improve yourself, and working to make a different relationship.  But it feels like two steps forward, three steps back.

How do you “stay in the game?”

Partly, it is mental.  But there are also some things you can do to help you shift perspective, keep your patience, and keep on moving forward.  Let me share some strategies on how to “Stay in the Game” in this week’s podcast.

Listen below.

“This Will Never Work” – What To Do
What’s Your Plan?
There IS No “Try”
Book – Marriage Failpoint:  Why Marriages Fail
Save The Marriage System

What’s Your Plan?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

We are about to turn the page on the calendar.  For me, that means a look forward.  What will the new year hold?  What will I bring into the new year?  Either it happens to you or you make it happen.

So what will we make happen?

I just finished doing some research with people who have used my System, been clients, or in my programs. They divided into two groups:  those who succeeded in saving their marriage, and those who failed.

My task was to determine what made the difference.  They all had the basic information from me on what went wrong and what needs to happen to make it right.  So, what made the difference above the basic information?  What, beyond my System, made a difference?

As it turned out, there were 5 key factors.  I shared the full research with my VIP members last week.  But one piece reigned supreme.  In fact, it made the other 4 work.

The key factor??

A plan.

I discuss what that is all about in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  You can listen below to understand more about the plan, and how to have a SMART plan.


Why You Need A Plan
Habits Series on Thriveology
One Word Resolution on Thriveology
Grab The Save The Marriage System Here

Caught In A Triangle
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you stuck in a triangle?  It is dangerous to your relationship.Basic geometry, right?  The triangle?  Just three points and three lines connecting.  Simple.  A building block for geometric shapes of all kinds.

And yet, in the context of relationships… it is detrimental.  Not a building block at all.  In fact, it undermines relationships.

Yet, we find ourselves caught in triangles all the time.  Or more accurately, we are caught in triangles all the time.  We may not find ourselves, though, unless we know what to look for.

During the last couple of weeks, I have been providing some deep training for my Virtual Intensive Program members about the Dysfunctional Triangle, the roles involved, how it works, why it is so destructive, and how to escape.

That information is just too deep and in-depth to provide in a podcast.  But I did want to give you the basic concept of a triangle, so you can identify it.

Communication Issues?  Nope
The Importance of Showing Up
Can Your Marriage Be Saved?
Save The Marriage System (be sure and grab your free week of VIP)

“I Saved My Marriage!”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

HowYouSavedYourMarriageMany times, in the midst of trying to save a marriage, the anxiety and fears can lock you up, overwhelmed with what to do next.

When that happens, the outcome is often a lack of change, motivation, or action.

And things continue in the downward spiral.

So today, I want to invite you to use your imagination — a little Jedi mind trick.  Imagine that you DID save your marriage.  You HAVE created a loving, supportive, respectful marriage.  You look forward to spending time together.  Your issues resolve themselves peacefully and effectively.

Now, you are looking back to see what you did, in order to save your marriage.  You notice how you approached the situation, how you dealt with the issues, and how you moved forward — even in the face of frustration and difficulties.

In today’s podcast, we reflect on “what you did” to save your marriage — and by doing that, we create a path for you to do just that:  Save Your Marriage.

Listen below.

(and if you are ready to take action, CLICK HERE FOR MY SYSTEM)

Marriage Lie #5: Your Spouse Should Make You Happy
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

No, your spouse can’t make you happy… and you can’t make your spouse happy.  Quit trying and transform your relationship.You were probably very happy when you got married.  You believed the happiness would always be there.  And now, your spouse is saying, “I’m not happy.”  Embedded in that seems to be some idea that you are the cause of it.  That you failed at keeping your spouse happy.

No surprise.  Many people fall for this lie.  They don’t know it is a lie.  They believe it.  That a spouse should make you happy.

Somehow, it is in the job description for a spouse.  They should make you happy.

There is only one (little) problem with this… it is impossible!

You can’t make your spouse happy.  And your spouse can’t make you happy.

Sure, you can certainly make each other miserable.  But happy?  Nope.  Not possible.

Even if you thought you made each other happy before.  Sure, you may have been happy.  And your relationship may have seemed to be a source of joy.  But your spouse couldn’t and didn’t make you happy (nor could/did you make your spouse happy).

It is an impossibility.  But it is one of the major lies people believe about marriage.

Which is why people are in trouble when they realize that a spouse is not making them happy.  Instead of seeing it for what it is… a lie… they think it is a failure of the spouse — even of the marriage!  Proof that the marriage is headed for failure.

Except, it was all a lie.  Not the marriage!  The belief that a spouse would make you happy (and vice versa).

Don’t believe the lie!  Learn the truth in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.

Lie #1: If It’s Work, It’s Wrong
Lie #2:  Spouse Should Meet Your Needs
Lie #3:  Disagreement Is A Sign Of Trouble
Lie #4:  Marriage Is 50/50
Grab The Save The Marriage System

Marriage Lie #4: Marriage is 50 / 50
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Lie of marriage #4:  Marriage is 50/50.  It isn’t.  Marriage is All In.Equal partnership.  That is what a marriage is about, when it is healthy.  Right?


Nope.  Just another marriage lie.

Oh, not on purpose!  Nope, these marriage lies are not intentional.  Just not true.  Unfortunately, as people repeat them, they believe them.  And those beliefs have consequence.  They can eat away at the foundations of a marriage, simply because the lie is believed.  So, actions are taken on a false belief.

For example, with this lie… if you believe that marriage is 50/50, an equal partnership… and you decide your spouse is not putting in their 50, then you have reason for upset.  Reason for demands.  Reason for feeling taken advantage of.

Here is the TL;DR:  marriage is NOT 50/50.  It is all in/all in.

But to understand more about why marriage is not 50/50… and to discover what it really is… and how that changes things, listen to the episode below.

Lie #1:  If you struggle, it’s wrong
Lie #2:  Your spouse should meet all your needs
Lie #3:  Conflict is a sign of trouble
Immutable Laws of Marriage Series
Grab the Save The Marriage System

Marriage Lie #3: Conflict Means Its Wrong
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

If you have conflict in your marriage, that indicates that the marriage is wrong.  Right?  Nope.  Just another lie about marriage that undermines your relationship.  Unless you know the truth.If you find yourself arguing and in conflict, that is an indication that something is wrong with your marriage, right?


No.  Not at all.  But it may be that your conflict resolution is a problem.  Just one that can be improved.  Unless, of course, you believe this lie and decide that nothing can be done because… you know… conflict.

That is the danger of this particular lie.  It causes people to give up, since there is conflict, rather than working through.

I don’t meet too many people that like conflict.  Most either avoid it or handle it poorly.  And many see conflict as a symptom that something is wrong with the relationship.

Fact is, conflict is an inevitable part of even the healthiest relationship.  In fact, the total lack of conflict may indicate just as much of a problem as too much conflict.  Put two people together who join their futures and there are going to be differences of opinion.  Different perspectives and different priorities.  And those differences must be addressed.

The question is really how you do conflict, not if you have conflict.  Does the conflict serve your relationship or sever your relationship?

Learn more about this lie of marriage in the Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

Lie #1
Lie #2
Role of Conflict
Myths of Marriage
Save The Marriage System

Marriage Lie #2: “Meet All of My Needs”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

A spouse should complete you… right?

Your emotional needs, companion needs, physical needs… if your spouse is meeting them, then that is the right spouse… right?

And therefore, if your spouse isn’t meeting your needs… wrong person… right?

The “Meet My Needs” lie about marriage.  Should spouses meet all of their spouse’s needs?  If not, does that mean the relationship is wrong?Wrong.

In the last episode of the podcast, I tackled the first lie of marriage, “If it’s work, it’s wrong.”  In this episode, we tackle another lie, the “Meet My Needs” lie that measures whether your marriage and your spouse are right, based on them meeting your needs (never mind meeting the needs of your spouse).

First, please don’t go all “Then the opposite is true??” on me.  No, I am not saying your spouse should not mean ANY of your needs.

I AM saying your spouse can’t meet ALL of your needs.

Did you say, “Of course not”?  And yet, many marriages get into trouble over the needs one accuses the other of NOT meeting.  If THAT needs is not getting met, THEN there is a problem.  But if you extrapolate a bit, that ends up being an argument that a spouse should meet ALL the needs.

Here is the other problem:  if you think they should meet all of your needs, you may also believe that those needs should just be know.  After all, if you have to ask, it doesn’t feel the same… right?

Oops.  Another trap.  Assuming your spouse should meet all of your needs, and should know them—and how to meet them— is a recipe for misery on both parts.

So, what is the answer?  Listen to this episode to find out the truth about needs and marriage.


Lie #1:  If It’s Work, It’s Wrong
Why Connection Matters
Levels of Connection
Expectation Danger
Save The Marriage System

Marriage Lie #1: “If It’s Work, It’s Wrong”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Marriage Lie: "If you have to work on it, it’s wrong.”  How to view struggle in your marriage, for healing and hope.“I give up,” he said, throwing up his arms.  He was ready to leave the session.  But before he walked out, I asked, “Can you tell me what just happened? Why are you giving up?”

He told me, “Look, we have struggled during this marriage.  Not just now.  Other times.  I just believe that if you are struggling in a marriage… if things aren’t just moving forward… it isn’t meant to be.  It’s wrong.”  And he turned to leave.

I responded, “Well, that’s a big fat lie you are believing!”

He stopped, looked back at me, and said, “You have 10 minutes to prove me wrong.”

This wasn’t the only time I have encountered this lie.  And let me be fair:  he wasn’t meaning to lie to me.  But he was.  In reality, though, he was repeating a lie he believed.  There is nothing so dangerous as a lie that we believe, but is entirely false!

My client was ready to leave his marriage because he believed the lie.

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I start a series on the Lies of Marriage.  These lies are things people believe (and act on, because they believe them) that are false, untrue… a lie.  But when they take on a life of their own, they unnecessarily destroy marriages.

In this first episode, I tackle the lie, “If you have to work on it, the marriage is wrong.”

Listen below.

Who I am and Why I do What I do
The Truth About Conflict
Marriage Challenges
Save The Marriage System