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why can’t i save my marriage

150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

YetThe phone rings.  I answer.  The person on the other end blurts, “I CAN’T SAVE MY MARRIAGE!”  And as calmly as possible, I add “Yet.”


“I can’t save my marriage YET.”


Many times, people contact me to tell me their marriage can’t be saved.  But I am not quite so sure.  It IS possible the person is right.  Not every marriage can be saved.  Before deciding that, though, I want to know more.

Is the person at a “failpoint?”

Does the person have the tools and knowledge needed?

Has the person actually taken action?

Has the action been useful and consistent?

This week, I will tell you why “Yet” is one of my favorite words.  It is powerful.  If you know why.

You Need A Plan
You Are Stalled

Save The Marriage System

Why You and Your Plan Are Stalled
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

whyplanstalledAre your efforts to save your marriage getting stalled?  Maybe we should take a look at your plan.

You do have a plan, don’t you?

Let’s talk about 5 reasons your plan (or lack of plan) may be the trouble — and what we can do to make a switch.

To be crystal clear, all 5 reasons are in your control.  YOU can choose how you move forward in each of these issues.  You may not have control over your spouse’s reaction, but you do have choices in your planning and execution of your plan.

Check out these related trainings:
Points of Failure
Your Reasons Why

And check out these resources:
How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps book
The Save The Marriage System

How Your Marriage Got Out of Shape
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How did your marriage get out of shape?How did it happen?  Your marriage, how did it get into trouble?  Probably not overnight.  Sure, you can point to a crisis — a fight, an “I’m not happy” talk, an affair discovered, divorce papers served.  But that crisis didn’t just pop up.

Your marriage probably got out of shape over time.

3 Reasons Your Efforts Might Fail
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

WillAnythingWorkOver and over, people tell me about their “unique” situation, doubting that my System would do anything for their marriage problem.  Deep down inside, we all believe we are “special,” unique, and beyond the information that is out there.

My belief is that there are some commonalities to why marriages work.  A marriage in trouble does need to do some repair work.  But even that process is doing what works — following the “laws” of a marriage.

But over and over, I watch people hit the same spot in their efforts. . .  and fail.  I call these the Points of Failure.  There is a Primary Fail Point, which I won’t cover in this podcast.  It is big enough that it needed an extensive training that I provide for VIP members.

Another 3, though, are critical to know and avoid.  They are:

  1. Not being accountable/taking responsibility (this has NOTHING to do with blame or fault),
  2. Not having a plan/not preparing,
  3. Not following a system or approach.

These are such important points, and so easily missed.

Listen to this week’s podcast, so you understand the Fail Points, and know how to avoid them.

Important Resources:
Save The Marriage System
VIP Program (if you already have the System)
Follow me on Instagram for inspiration

Are You Owning It?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

DoYouOwnItThis post may be a bit. . . confrontational.  But let me be clear that change requires a change.  Something must shift.  A new perspective must develop.  And personal growth is part of that.

Here’s why I think this topic today is so important:  on an almost daily basis, I hear from clients by email or in phone calls.  They tell me the same line:

“I can’t help how I reacted!  My spouse (pushed my buttons/disrespected me/made me angry/hurt my feelings/said mean things/was a jerk/….”

In that mindset, the person is just a puppet, responding to the outside world, thinking that the reaction is completely justified and understandable.

Change comes when you make the change.  A different response changes the trajectory of your relationship.  At this point, ONLY YOU can do that!

So, are you owning your response?  Are you choosing your response?

Or do you continue to view your reaction as “can’t help it, makes sense, not my fault, etc., etc.”?

Time to make a shift.

Listen below to learn how.

Thriveology Podcast
Interview with Jack Canfield
Save The Marriage System
Save The Marriage VIP Program

3 Reasons Your Spouse Doesn’t See A Change
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

SpouseDoesntSeeChangeYou’ve been working hard.  You’ve been trying to make some personal changes, growing and expanding yourself.  You’ve been trying to build a connection with your spouse, slowly and steadily.

You feel good about what you are doing.  You believe you are gaining grown.

But then, your spouse doesn’t notice any change at all!

What happened?  Why can’t your spouse see the changes?

It can be challenging, frustrating, hurtful, and downright defeating.  But there is a reason your spouse isn’t noticing (or admitting to noticing) the changes.

In fact, there are 3 reasons why your spouse doesn’t see the changes.

Let’s take a look at the 3 reasons, and start creating a strategy to make those changes visible.

Listen below.

Save The Marriage System
VIP Program (If you have the System and are ready to Up Your Game)


Don’t Complicate It
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Don't complicate your efforts to save your marriage!  Keep it simple!Sometimes, I am working with a client and suggest an approach, only to hear the next week, “I did that, and I (added this twist), and things got worse!”  I always ask, “Why did you do that?  Why did you make that change?”  And usually, my client says, “It seemed too simple.”

We humans are funny creatures.  We always want to complicate things!

A word of advice:  DON’T!

While it may not be easy, the process of saving your marriage is really simple.  Don’t complicate it. Find your approach, create your plan, and stick with it.

Learn about how to follow a simple process in this week’s podcast.  Don’t complicate it!

3 Steps To Save Your Marriage
Have A Plan
Save The Marriage System

Avoid The 3 A’s
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What to do (3 C's) and what to avoid (3 A's).You probably know my 3 C’s — Calm, Constant, and Consistent.  That is how you want to carry out your plans to save your marriage.  (Listen to this training, if you aren’t familiar. CLICK HERE )

There is a reason for those 3 C’s:  the 3 A’s that you want to avoid.  Those three things can get you into a very bad spot with your efforts.

Here are the 3 A’s to Avoid:

  1. Anxious
  2. Arbitrary
  3. Ambiguous

Don’t let those 3 simple words get you into trouble.  The 3 C’s will steer you clear and keep you on-course — but only if you avoid the antecedents to the C’s — the 3 A’s To Avoid.

Listen for an understanding of what those 3 A’s mean, and why it is so important to avoid them.

3 C’s of Saving Your Marriage
3 Things To NOT Say

The Save The Marriage System


Top 10 Myths of Saving Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Top 10 Myths of Saving Your Marriage.Let’s just start with a question I hear all the time:  “My spouse doesn’t want to work on the marriage.  So, there is nothing I can do, right?”


This is one of the top myths about saving your marriage.

I work with many people who are trying to save their marriage with a spouse who is not willing to work on the relationship.

But there are other myths.  For example, many people believe they need to “just talk it out,” or take a big trip, buy a house, have a child. . . .  And yet, none of these work.  All myths of saving your marriage.

Or how about the number of people looking for some hint, trick, or tip that will do it.  People want that simple little “mind trick” (some Jedi, ninja, CIA, reverse-psychology, NLP “thingy”) that will turn things around.  Myth.

But that doesn’t mean that you can’t save your marriage!  Just that you don’t want to get “suckered” by one of the myths.

Want to know the Top 10 Myths of Saving Your Marriage?  Listen below.

Want to know how to truly save your marriage?  CLICK HERE

Top 10 Myths of Marriage
Top 10 Myths of Marital Therapy