Posts Tagged :

conflict in marriage

It’s Not About Who Wins
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Marriage is not about who wins, but how you play together to win at the game of life.  You are on the same team.  Time to play that way.I remember saying to a couple on my couch, both claiming they were doing more and working harder for their relationship, “It’s not a competition!”

They didn’t much seem to believe me.  They were simultaneously trying to win while proving they were losing.  Yep, they were trying to win at a game of “who does more and gets less.”  I am not sure what the trophy would have been, but the “prize” appeared to be a battered and painful marriage.

And they weren’t alone.  They AREN’T alone!  Lots of couples act like they are in a competition to win. And they think it is an individual sport, not a team sport!

That’s where the damage happens.  Instead of playing to win at life, they are playing to win against a spouse.

Against.  Anytime you find yourself against your spouse, you can guarantee the outcome is not a win for the team.  It is not a help for the marriage… for the relationship.

With every win you get in an individual competition, there is a loser… in this case, your spouse.  And if your spouse wins, you lose.

Learn why this is so dangerous and how to escape the one-on-one competition in this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

Being on the Team
Being a WE
What about Conflict?
Why Connection Matters
Save The Marriage System


How Do You Argue?: 3 Modes That Fail
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What role do you play when you are arguing?  How do you argue, and what could you do differently?Do you find yourself stuck in arguments in your marriage that never get anywhere?  Or maybe it is just a matter of useless “discussions”?

I was recently reading a book, and the author (Adam Grant) was noting 3 modes of communication that keep us stuck right where we are.  They were not just communication patterns, but thought patterns.  Grant noted there are 3 roles we easily fall into… and 1 mode that gets you out.

Here is the problem… the 3 roles that don’t work?  They are so easy to fall into.  In fact, as soon as I read about them, I was quick to see them in people all around me.  I noticed how so many people were interacting with me from those 3 roles.

And then, I took a big breath.  Because I needed to do a little self-check… a look in the mirror.  What role(s) do I fall into?  What was MY default?

More importantly, how could I make a shift to a better mode?

Here’s the thing:  we argue in the attempt to change the perspective or thoughts of another person… and they are doing the exact same thing.  No surprise that there is no change, right?  So we already know that the roles we play in arguing don’t work.  And yet (me looking in the mirror), it is easy to still slip right back into the same pattern.  We continue to do it again.  In hopes of a better outcome.

Adam Grant’s Book, Think Again
Connecting is Critical
Understanding and Empathy
The Dangers of Convincing
Save The Marriage System

Marriage Lie #3: Conflict Means Its Wrong
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

If you have conflict in your marriage, that indicates that the marriage is wrong.  Right?  Nope.  Just another lie about marriage that undermines your relationship.  Unless you know the truth.If you find yourself arguing and in conflict, that is an indication that something is wrong with your marriage, right?


No.  Not at all.  But it may be that your conflict resolution is a problem.  Just one that can be improved.  Unless, of course, you believe this lie and decide that nothing can be done because… you know… conflict.

That is the danger of this particular lie.  It causes people to give up, since there is conflict, rather than working through.

I don’t meet too many people that like conflict.  Most either avoid it or handle it poorly.  And many see conflict as a symptom that something is wrong with the relationship.

Fact is, conflict is an inevitable part of even the healthiest relationship.  In fact, the total lack of conflict may indicate just as much of a problem as too much conflict.  Put two people together who join their futures and there are going to be differences of opinion.  Different perspectives and different priorities.  And those differences must be addressed.

The question is really how you do conflict, not if you have conflict.  Does the conflict serve your relationship or sever your relationship?

Learn more about this lie of marriage in the Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

Lie #1
Lie #2
Role of Conflict
Myths of Marriage
Save The Marriage System

Turning Conflict Into Intimacy
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Relationships of any depth and any magnitude are going to hit up against conflict.  It is just the nature of being close to someone.  You are going to have differences that emerge.  It is not a  question of if, but when those differences appear.  And then there is another question:  how do you deal with the conflict?  Does it serve to push you apart or does it pull you together?

In marriage, you are tying your life to the life of a spouse.  That intensifies the potential for conflict, and the importance of that conflict.  If someone else’s life has no real bearing on mine, I can disregard and ignore our differences… and we can even go our separate ways.

But in marriage, you pledge to move through those tough times, to find a way that works for both of you.  And that raises the potential for the conflict.

Mari Frank, attorney and conflict resolution specialist.  She teaches on  how to turn conflict into intimacy.For many couples, conflict only serves to divide and separate, not strengthen and pull together.  Which means that an opportunity has been missed.  A bridge has been lost.

On this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, my guest is Mari Frank.  What makes Mari’s outlook interesting is that she is an attorney.  A divorce attorney.  Not one who likes to take relationships apart, but an attorney who sees the sadness of relationships that could survive, that still have potential… where the spouses can’t see a way through their conflict.

After Mari watched marriages ending unnecessarily, she decided to do something.  She used the skills developed over the years of navigating negotiation and mediation to help couples get below their surface issues and resolve their deeper conflicts.

And she realized that couples could do this before they landed in her office!  Before their marriage was in jeopardy!  Not only that, the conflict actually created a path to intimacy, if the couple followed it.

This led to her book, Fighting for Love. And in this episode of the podcast, it leads to our discussion of how conflict can be turned into intimacy

Listen in as Mari and I discuss the 6 A’s To A Long Relationship, and how to use HARD LOVE to get out of conflict.

Mari’s Website for Extra Resources
The Role of Conflict
Fighting Versus Solving
Surviving Conflict 
Fragile Marriage?
Save The Marriage System

You Know You’re On The Same Team… Right??
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

You DO know you are on the same team, right??One more argument.  One more struggle.  They sat on my couch, facing each other down as opponents in some contest to… win… well, to be honest, I don’t know what they were trying to win.  Because they were not winning at marriage!

I stopped them, looked at them and said, “You do know you are on the same team…” and they stared blankly at me, so I continued, “… right??”

They certainly were not working like a team.  They were acting like enemies, in competition with each other.  They were struggling to win.  But either one “winning” would be a “lose” for the marriage.

Too many people miss this one essential — crucial — fact about marriage… you both are on the same team.  You are working toward a common goal (or should be).  The task is not winning as an individual, but as a team, as a couple, as a family.

This is the fundamental point of being what I call a “WE.”  WE are in this together; WE stand side-by-side; WE have each other’s back; WE are a team!  Same side, same direction (or should be).

Listen to this episode for how to get on the same team!

Being A WE
Save The Marriage System