Posts Tagged :

marriage advice

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: New Ebook, How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps, Available
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

SYM3S3dcoverA new book is a long process.  Thank goodness, my new book is now launched!  You can find the ebook, How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps, in the Amazon Kindle Store, available for download.

The new book tackles how to save your marriage in just 3 simple steps.  I  do need to remind you:  simple is not the same as easy.  But the 3 steps are do-able.  And you can work on all three steps, even if your spouse is not interested.

Better yet, the information in the book applies to all areas of your life.  Do you find yourself, not just stuck in your marriage, but in your life?  The book tells you how to escape the self-defeating thoughts and behavior.  It teaches you how to change not just your relationship, but yourself.

Are you ready to transform your life and your marriage?  Grab my new book!

Top 5 Things Your Marriage Therapist Will Not Tell You [Save The Marriage Podcast]
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Problems with Marriage TherapyIn this podcast, I tackle the top 5 things a marriage therapist will not tell you.  If you are in therapy, considering therapy, or have tried therapy, please listen!

Here are the Top 5 Things Your Marriage Therapist Will Not Tell You:

5)  Marriage therapy is not effective (let me tell you why).

4)  Your marriage therapist may not have the training (let me explain the training that is missing).

3)  The real issue is NOT communication (although many therapists focus solely on this).

2)  Talking your issues out may not help (and may actually do more harm).

1)  Your relationship may not be broken.

What would you add from your experience?  Please comment below.

Your Most Important Tool In Saving Your Marriage: Podcast Episode 06
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What is the most important tool when you are trying to save your marriage?  The answer may surprise you.

Are you taking care of this valuable tool?  Are you making sure this tool is as effective and helpful as possible?  Probably not.

In this audio episode, we examine what this tool is, why it is so important, and how to take care of it.

What are your thoughts?  Let us know in the comments below.

PODCAST: How NOT To Save Your Marriage!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are there things that you do that might KEEP you from saving your marriage?


This is CRUCIAL information, as these are common ways I see people approach their marriage crisis, AND it only causes more trouble.

You can listen below to this week’s podcast.  In it, I discuss my Top 10 Ways To NOT Save Your Marriage.  Perhaps you can add to my list?

Take a listen and let me know.


Are You Going for 100%?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

I was talking with a client last week.  He told me that he had a bad day.  And he was frustrated.

And he was more frustrated because he had a bad day.  This is a man that, for some time, had only had bad days.  No days where he felt good, that he felt his relationship was moving forward.

Trend Upward Save MarriageBut now, he was feeling better most days.  His relationship was, overall, “trending upward.”

Then he had a bump.  A tough day.  A day where he did not get where he wanted to.  He became frustrated.

It was bad enough that he was having a tough day.  But then to add to that, he was constantly chastising himself for having a bad day — leading to a worse day.  Which only allowed him to repeat the process.

Sound familiar?  It does to me, because I have seen myself do exactly the same thing.  How about you?

Do you have some internal expectation that life should be 100% A-OK?

Here is the problem:  whether in life or while you are trying to save your marriage, not every day is going to be great.  The truth is that the “upward trend” is really a wavy line.  There are up moments and down moments.

Days can be tough.

So, what can you do?

1)  Take a long-term view.  The trending can be upward, when viewed from a distance.  So you can look for the overall theme.

2)  Don’t allow a tough day to be multiplied by your thoughts.  Your mind can take you in very unhealthy directions, if you let it.  STOP those thoughts!

3)  You can stop those thoughts by first, picturing a stop sign in your mind, even as your mind is going off-path.  Second, mentally yell “STOP!”  Okay, if you are alone, you can even do it out-loud.  But if you are in a crowd, keep it in your mind!  🙂

4)  Look for ways to improve what is going on.  It is too easy to look for what is wrong and get paralyzed.  Instead, look for what is right and move in that direction.

5)  Take care of yourself!  The lower your resources, the less it takes to have you mentally taking a nose-dive.  Build up your resources.

6)  And this is the really big one!  Practice gratitude.  Focus on that for which you are thankful.  Focus on the good stuff!  This has been proven to actually shift your mind and rewire your brain.

Why We Don’t Change (And What To Do About It!)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

A short break in the Top 10 Rules!

I was driving out of my neighborhood, headed to work today.  And I realized I was going a way I don’t usually go.  Or I should say “didn’t use to go.”

What happened?  How did I end up there?

Okay, so give me a second to explain.  There are 4 ways to exit my neighborhood from my house.  I always went with 2 of them.  Then, they decided to do some roadwork off the main road that encompassed two of the exits.  And when I say “roadwork,” I mean wet tar, wet oil, pieces of scrap metal, etc.  In other words, nothing I wanted to drive through!

So, I decided (note I said “decided”) to go another way.  The next day, I head off to the office.  And I find myself driving the old way.  I fussed at myself and turned around.  That afternoon, I automatically headed in the old way.  I fussed at myself again!

The next day, I very purposefully set out to go the new way. . . and started to turn the old way!  “What is up?” I asked myself.  I corrected, and went out the new way.  The next few days, I forced myself to remember to go the new way.

One day, I noticed I was headed out the new way, and hadn’t had to be so purposeful.  It was just the new way out.  And today, a month after the work ended (and therefore my original reason for changing), and I found myself headed out the “new” way (which is quickly becoming the old way!).

How many times do you hear people saying “that’s just not me”?  Often, it is about some change — new hairstyle, new clothes, etc.  Any change somehow challenges our perception of “me.”  Even if the challenge seems fairly innocuous, if not downright useless.

Yet we tend to stay in our routines, regardless of how useful that routine may be.  If our routine is to eat that snack just before bed, even as the scales are warning us about how the “me” is expanding, we are likely to keep on snacking.

Neuroscientists can tell us that the more we do something, the more the habit grows.  And as the habit grows, we create a “groove” in our neurology.  We connect our neurons to that certain habit.

The longer we do the habit, the deeper the groove.  The deeper the groove, the harder the habit is to break.  And the more we begin to see that habit as part of the “me.”

Which means that I discuss doing something different in their marriage.  I request they act differently toward a spouse, stop yelling, bring flowers, call to update, etc., etc., etc.  And the response I get is “I can’t do that.  I just can’t change.  That’s not me.”  Precisely, I think to myself.

But the “me” they are operating from is NOT working, and IS causing a problem in their marriage.  So why not try to change?


At least in the beginning.

Until the change becomes habit — becomes the new “ME.”

Which brings us to the important piece, “what to do about it!”  We all know change is hard.  But change is life, right?

So, let’s start with this:  if it ain’t working, time to change.  Let’s just agree to that.

If we can’t agree to that, then the rest is irrelevant.

Still with me?

Okay, so let’s first define what it is you need to change.  What do YOU (not your spouse, as you have no control over that) need to change in how you interact with your spouse?

Write that down.

Now ask yourself this:  “Is that really a core piece of myself?”  “Does it really define me as a person?”  “What if I do it differently.  Will I be an entirely different person, or will I just be interacting differently?”

Be clear about that.  How you interact is not who you are.  It is a habit of interaction.

Next step:  what is the better way to interact?

Why is it a better way?   Again, be clear about this.

Now, notice when you usually do the old way.  Imagine a time when you did just that, then reimagine it with the new way.

Next step:  assume you will not be perfect.  Remember my driving?  I kept leaving the old way.  But I stopped and corrected.

Same for you.  When you try the new way, if you find yourself starting down the old way, stop.  Apologize, and try it the different way.

Then keep on trying the new way.

One day, and in not as long as you think, the new way will be the old way.

Keep changing.  Keep evolving.  That is the nature of life.  It’s all about growing!

Ready to make a change in your marriage?  CLICK HERE.

Saving Your Marriage: What Does Pavlov Have To Do With It?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Remember Pavlov and his dog?  In this famous experiment,Pavlov and Saving Your Marriage Ivan Pavlov would ring a bell and then feed his dog.  He repeated this process over and over, and then he just rang the bell.  No food.  Remember the dog’s response?  He still expected the food and started salivating!

We can all be clear that Fido was not sitting there thinking “dinner bell just rung, so here comes my dinner!”  Yet that is exactly what his body was doing, getting ready for dinner.

Are we so different than the dog?  Oh, sure, we can think in words, so we can do a little reasoning.  But we are still creatures of conditioning.  When we go to a movie, popcorn suddenly sounds good.  When we hear the icecream truck, we start thinking about how good that icecream would taste (Talk about a business taking advantage of Pavlov’s research!  Kids salivating at the ringing of a bell!), when we hear the angry tone in our spouse’s voice, our stomach tightens.

See how I dropped it in there?  Indeed, Pavlov and his dog have a great deal to do with our marriage.  And here, they have a good bit to do with our saving our marriage.

You see, we condition each other in a marriage.  Over time, it is as if both of us are Pavlov, and each of us is the dog, simultaneously.  At the same time I am being conditioned, I am conditioning.

**SIDE NOTE:  if you are not familiar with the term “conditioning,” it is a term from psychology that talks about how a behavior is structured by a set of inputs.  When I “condition” my dog to sit on command, I get him to sit, then reward him.  First input, my command to sit.  First response (hopefully), he sits.  Second input, I reward him.  Second response (if all has gone well), he learns that if he sits on command, he gets a treat!**

Now let me be very clear here.  I am NOT calling your spouse a dog.  I AM stating that we humans also respond to this “stimulus-response conditioning.”  In fact, we have so much coming at us that we do many things on automatic, as we just can’t think through everything.  So, our brain takes shortcuts.  We learn a response, and we use it over and over.  Sometimes, it is helpful.  Sometimes, it is not.

Imagine for a moment that you are sitting at the table, working on the bills.  In walks your spouse with what you interpret as a scowl on their face.  Without really processing it, your brain notes that it has seen that look before, and things did not go well.  So, trying to shortcut the problem, you say “what’s wrong with you?”  What you might not notice is something your spouse noticed:  a little edge in your voice.  Ouch!

“Nothing is wrong.  Why do you always assume something is wrong?”  Already, you have been trying to figure out how to get the bills to fit into the money available, and already have some adrenaline running through your system.  And that is all it takes.  Each of you have a bit of fuel thrown onto your flames.

In seconds, a quiet afternoon erupts into a relational wildfire.  And as both of you keep digging into your bag of learned tricks, you find more and more fuel to dump on the flames.  Soon, every weakness, slight, and pain from the years of your relationship are heaped onto the table.  And there seems little way out.

Sound familiar?  Change the circumstances just a bit.  Do they fit the pattern for you?  Or perhaps you have followed that path so many times that you have another conditioned response:  silence.  Freezing silence to prevent the fire.  It just doesn’t seem worth it anymore.

One of the things we humans do not like to admit is how much we work on automatic, how much we are conditioned to respond.  We pretend that only animals are that easily influenced.  Somehow, our higher capacity of thought is supposed to keep that from happening(!), but nothing is further from the truth!  MUCH of our lives is run on a simple “stimulus-response” capacity.

So why not use that to your advantage?  Why fight it?  Instead, befriend conditioning and make it work FOR you!

First, consider what ALL the research shows:  positive conditioning is MUCH more powerful than negative conditioning.  In other words, if you want to try to use conditioning, reward the behavior you like. . . and ignore the behavior you don’t like.  You see, when you give negative conditioning, you are still conditioning FOR the behavior.

Let’s think back to the toddler years.  A child is walking through the aisles of the store, sees a toy he MUST have, and tries to get you to buy it.  You refuse.  He melts down, goes to the floor in tears, and wails as if he is on the edge of death.  You:
a) grab that toy and buy it (positive conditioning for negative behavior),
b) grab that boy and drag him out of the store (negative conditioning for negative behavior, showing him that his fit DID get a response),
c) stare at him quietly, giving no cues to what you think, but giving him that slight “you look foolish, and it ain’t working” bemused look.

Outcome to a):  he will throw a fit whenever he wants something.  Outcome to b):  he will throw a fit when he wants your attention.  Outcome to c):  he learns that the fit does not work, so he gives it up.

Application:  when your  spouse does something you like, let him/her know it, loud and clear!  If your spouse does something you don’t like, as long as it falls short of abuse or danger, ignore it.

Back to the bill-writing episode of the spouse with the scowl.  Why even respond?  If something is wrong, isn’t it up to that person to address it, bring it to your attention?  Otherwise, we are training our spouse that we will try to read their mind — a recipe for disaster!

Assume that, unless your spouse approaches you about what is behind that scowl, it is their issue.  It is up to them to address, not up to you to discover.  Let it go, and move on.  Remember, you are conditioned, too.  And you need to recondition yourself.

Second, notice when you are automatically reacting.  Look for it.  Here are some places to look:
a)  when you are repeating the same arguments, and they start the same way,
b)  when you find yourself wondering why your spouse is not responding to some action, expression, or tone you are using (maybe they read this first!).
c)  when you feel your gut tightening, a sure sign that you are caught by some pattern.

Marriages do not suddenly fall apart.  They are taken apart, brick by brick.  Pattern after pattern, conditioned response after conditioned response, the foundation is taken apart.  And marriages are not saved in an instant.  They are rebuilt brick by brick.  But the rebuilding starts when someone decides to stop acting on automatic.

Can Sex Save A Marriage?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

(And can the lack of sex destroy a marriage?)

I always venture into a conversation about sex with a bit of trepidation.  Reason being that while few want to talk about sex, everyone has an opinion, and an emotional reaction to the topic.

If you are in a marriage in trouble, and sex is one of the issues, then there is even more energy around this topic, and even more of a chance for emotional responses.

That said, this is a very important topic.  So important, in fact, that I devote quite a few pages to it in my Save The Marriage System.  And a big enough issue that when people report on why their marriage ended, sex is in the top 3 reasons given (along with finances and parenting).

Why is it such an emotionally charged topic?  Simple.  It is one of the taboo topics in our culture.  By the way, you may notice that so are finances and parenting.  How many times have you, at a cocktail party, started a conversation with “how’s your sex life with your spouse?” or “how much money’d you make this year?” or “can I tell you something about your parenting?”  Oh, sure, we talk about these issues with our closest friends, sometimes.  But usually with a good bit of emotion, joking, tears, or because of a crisis.

So, even perspiring a bit, I press on.  Can sex save a marriage?  Can a poor sex life destroy a marriage?  Easy answer:  perhaps.

First, let me say that we humans have a wide range of sexual appetites, both in frequency and style.  So, to think that a marriage is going to have two equally interested partners is fantasy.  And that often begins the troubles.  What starts as a loving gesture of connection begins to be a struggle of interest, and then a struggle of wills.  There is going to be a winner and a loser.  And at that point, a great method of connection begins to be a great method of struggle.

Clearly, since sex ends up being in the top 3 of marriage-enders, it can certainly destroy a marriage.  A power struggle eats away at any marriage, leaving little room for growth, but plenty of space for stagnation.

Marriage is about partnership, being a team, connecting.  Sex is about connection.  Or should be.  So when sex is missing from a marriage, it begins to be a place of struggle.  No longer connection, it begins to be isolating.  Often, at the first stage, one wants sex and the other resists.  Both begin to feel isolated, one pressured and one rejected.  Isolation moves toward disconnection.  Until, at some point, someone decides that he or she “can’t take it anymore,” and decides to make the isolation legal.

So, that really gets us back to the topic at hand:  can sex save a marriage?  I answered already with “perhaps.”  So, let me elaborate a bit.

To be clear, sex is no panacea.  A broken marriage is not going to suddenly be healed by bedroom activity.  In fact, going from no sex to lots of sex can lead to anger and resentment:  “why wasn’t it like this before I decided to leave?”

But sex IS another way to connect and reconnect.  It CAN help move a couple toward renewed commitment and feelings of connection.

Too often, we underestimate how powerful sex is, and how important it really can be.   We often decide it is just about someone wanting to “get off,” or as I heard several times in my office last week, “get release.”  We get into that old “either/or” thing of it is only about the desire for pleasure.  It is possible that sex can be because it feels good AND it leads to connection.  It really is often a “both/and.”  But the more a couple struggles, the harder it is to see this.

People also tend to underestimate the deep feeling of rejection felt by the person who is wanting to have sex.  And since, in many relationships, that falls more and more to one person, it is possible that the person rejecting has not felt that in a VERY long time.

Now, the other side:  sex cannot be about pressure.  It must be about mutuality, and with respect.  Otherwise, it does merely become a physical release.  That does not mean that both are equal in their desire.  Only that both seek to be respectful and understanding of the needs of both.

Can sex improve a marriage?  Definitely.

Ready to save your marriage?  Grab my system HERE.

Save The Marriage Video: I Keep Messing Up. What Do I Do?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Do you find yourself in a panic, making a crisis even worse?  Does that mean you can’t save your marriage?

Time to discover what you need to do if you want to save your marriage, even if you are making mistakes.  Let’s face it:  you are in the midst of a crisis, and most of us do not do well with fear.  But that doesn’t mean there is no hope.  We just need to get you back on track!  Learn how to save your marriage, even if you keep messing up!

Video: Can You Fall In Love Again?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

We recently looked at where the love went.  Today, we want to examine the question, “can we fall in love again?”  A crucial question.

You see, I don’t think you should just be saving your marriage to avoid divorce.  I believe you can and should be building an exceptional marriage.  A marriage crisis does not mean you simply limp along into the future.  You grow, learn, develop, and create a marriage much, much better than ever before.

Want to know what can happen?  Watch this video to help you save your marriage.