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Monthly Archives :

August 2019

“How Long?” Trust, Trauma, and Towels
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How long does it take to recover from broken trust?  How long before you throw in the towel?I’m still answering your questions!  If you have a question you want me to cover on the podcast, just SEND ME AN EMAIL HERE.

Today, we cover “time.”  Or more specifically, “How Long?”  The questions come from 2 listeners, “B” and “J.”

B asked about how long it takes to recover from broken trust.  He follows up with wondering about PTSD symptoms and breaking trust.  If your relationship suffers from broken trust, I cover the issue of healing time… and what you can do about that time.

I also go into some discussion about trust and trauma, to make sure you understand how that might affect your relationship.

And J is interested in how long to keep up the efforts before you “throw in the towel.”  J says that they are in a “lock.”  I disagree, and I cover how to think through the stuck spot… what it means, why you might be wrong, and how to keep on moving forward.

Trauma, Time, and Towels.  I cover them in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  Don’t miss it!  Listen below.

What You CAN Control
Trust and Marriage
Importance of Apology
Showing Up
Save The Marriage System
Books by Lee

Disrespect and Boundaries
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Disrespect, boundaries, marriage, and how you set boundaries with a spouse.“A” has been trying to set boundaries with her husband.  Trying to get the treatment she deserves.  Trying to get the relationship to a healthy spot.

But then, her spouse throws a little shade her way… rolling eyes, using a demeaning tone.  What should she do to set a boundary on that?, she asks.

During the last few episodes of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I’ve been tackling your questions — questions submitted by listeners.  (If you have a question for consideration, email it to me HERE.)

In this case, A has a good hold on what to do when, say, her spouse raises his voice or calls her names.  But what about those less-clear actions — using a “you’re so stupid” tone (note that this requires you to read a tone… not always a good thing to try).

Sometimes, boundaries are clear.  You know how to set them.  I even have a whole chapter on it in the primary module of Save The Marriage System.

But when it is more subtle… a little harder to pin down.  And a little harder to call someone on.  What about that?

I cover it in this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

Setting Boundaries
Boundaries and Control
Healing Hurt
Expectations and Agreements
Save The Marriage System


Connection and Disconnection: Powerful Resources for Healing
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

HealTheDIsconnectionSmallOver and over, I hear the same story:  pain and conflict, disconnection and anger, resentment and distance.

In my book, I note the 3 steps to saving a marriage:

  1. Connect with your spouse.
  2. Change yourself.
  3. Create a new path.

Connecting with your spouse is HUGE.  In fact, the leading issue with marriages is that disconnection.  Heal the disconnection, and the relationship can stabilize.  It does not do away with steps 2 and 3.  In fact, #2 needs to be concurrent to reconnecting.  But #3, “create a new path,” is much easier when the connection is healing.

So how DO you do that?

Let me point you to some resources that will help you begin the process.  Below are links to the resources, so that you can quickly access and heal your relationship.

The Connection-Starved Marriage — CLICK HERE

This is it.  The reason marriages get into trouble.  They are literally starved for connection.  Which leads to hurt, further disconnection, and eventual disdain.  Hear why in the Connection-Starved Marriage training.

5 Myths of Connection — CLICK HERE

This is a great starting point.  You can begin to understand the ways we have misunderstood connection, so that you can move in the RIGHT direction.

7 Stages of Disconnection — CLICK HERE

This will help you assess where your relationship is right now!  How deeply disconnected are you?  Once you know this, you can begin to create your plan to reconnect.

How to Heal Disconnection — CLICK HERE

This resource will help you start the process of reversing the disconnection and move toward reconnection.

Why Healing Is Easier To Heal Than You Think — CLICK HERE

We are wired for connection.  Which is why it is easier to heal than you think… when you know this little secret.  I cover it in this training.

Being Courageously Compassionate — CLICK HERE

When you are hurting, angry, and frustrated, it can be difficult to even work on the connection.  But YOU may be the only one ready to work on it.  Courageous Compassion can help you choose a better path.  This resource will help you move in that direction.


One other resource is about showing up.  When you don’t show up, you don’t connect.  And here is the great thing:  you can ALWAYS show up.  You can always decide you will show up in your relationship.  Find out how!

Learn What Happy Couples Do Differently — CLICK HERE

These trainings will help you discover what happy couples do differently… and how you can follow their trail.  Build happiness and heal disconnection with these trainings.


If you are ready to really step up and heal your disconnection, It is time to grab the Save The Marriage System HERE

And if you need coaching, LEARN MORE HERE 


The Back To Basics Series
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What went wrong with your marriage? Tune in to this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast for clarity on how your marriage got into trouble... and how to get it back .It is easy to get overwhelmed and lost in the situation.  Sometimes, we just need take a step back, “simple” it down, and start moving forward.

That is the reason I decided to make some trainings on Getting Back To Basics.  In this simple 4 part series, I start with an explanation of what went wrong.  Yes, you can look for lots of complex explanations.  But it really only makes things seem more complicated than they are.


Then, I cover what you need to do to save your marriage… based on shifting and healing what went wrong.  This is big enough that I cover it in 2 different trainings.



But sometimes, before you can even get started, you have to get clear on WHY you are saving your marriage.  In the frustration and hurt, it can be easy to get distracted… even feel like giving up.  So, I cover WHY to save your marriage in another training.


And if, after the trainings, you are ready to move forward, to really get the extra skills and training you may need to save your marriage (perhaps you just need more or perhaps your issues are more deeply seated than you can simply address with this training), grab my Save The Marriage System


Work on Me, Work on WE?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Do you work on me or do you work on WE?  Working on the self or working on the relationship.  What if your spouse refuses to work on your marriage?What do you do if your spouse decides they need to work on themselves… and then they may (or may not) be willing to work on the marriage?  What do you do if your spouse just refuses to work on your marriage?

That is the question of the week, asked by Sam.  He said his wife wants to better herself.  Then, maybe she would address the marriage.

As part of my series, answering your questions, I want to address this one.  Because it might just be YOUR question, too!  (If not, you can SUBMIT YOUR QUESTION HERE.)

Many times, when a marriage is in trouble, a spouse (or maybe you) just won’t address the relationship issues, insisting they (or you) need to work on themselves (or yourself) before looking at the marriage.

The binary question:  “work on me or work on WE?” stands out.  But does it have to be so binary.  Is it really one or the other?  Or is there another way to approach this?

If you try to force a spouse to work on the relationship, that won’t work… and might make things better.  So, what CAN you do?

Listen to this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast for my response.

Don’t Try to Convince
Showing UP in Marriage
Dealing with Conflict
The Importance of Self-Expansion
The Save The Marriage System HERE

Is It Quitting Time? Resources to Help…
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Is it quitting time?  Or do you keep on pushing?It would be nice if the process of saving your marriage is straight-forward, direct, and without any bumps along the way.

Rarely is that the case.  Many times, it is 2 steps forward and 3 steps back, then 3 steps forward  and 2 steps back.  Sometimes, it can feel like nothing is moving.  Then, things lurch… even jump… forward.

The biggest risk?  Discouragement and frustration leading you to quit.  Friends and family encouraging you to quit.

No, you don’t have to keep on trying, indefinitely.  There are times when you might decide to quit.  But what you don’t want to happen is for your emotions to lead you to quit.  IF it comes to it, you want to decide to quit.  Not just feel like quitting.  But making a decision.

Otherwise, you want to make sure you keep heading forward.

And when you are frustrated, feeling discouraged, and listening to those “quit” messages, you may need some help staying on-course.

Below are some selected trainings to help you deal with those times.

Can This Marriage BE Saved?

When You Are Frustrated and Feel Like Giving Up…

When It Seems Easier To Just Quit and Walk Away…

When Discouragement Is Hitting Hard…

4 Fears That Stop Your Efforts

Dealing With NaySayers

3 Ways To Stay In The Game When You Want To Quit

7 Strategies When You Hear “This Will Never Work” and “I Don’t Love You”

Is It Time To Throw In The Towel?

Is It Too Late To Save Your Marriage?

Save The Marriage System

How Do You Know If Things Are Improving?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How do you know that you are making progress in your efforts to save your marriage?  And at what point does it become unhealthy to work on your marriage?  When is it getting better and when is it unhealthy to keep trying??Phil asked, “How do you know you are making progress?”  And perhaps fearing that the signs point the other way, he also asked, “how long is long enough to be trying before it is unhealthy for me.”

Those are two great, if somewhat polarized, questions.  They point to fears of not being able to save a relationship.  What to look for?  And what to do if those signs are not there?

This can be a bit like staring into the crystal ball… or asking the magic mirror.  But these are such important questions that I wanted to answer Phil’s questions… at least as much as I can.  There are lots of dynamics and subtleties to a marriage and a spouse, it can be hard to be precise.

But I want to discuss some signs to look for, both in when there is progress and when it is becoming unhealthy.

Listen in for details in this episode of the podcast.

Confusion or Connection
Showing Up
Having a Plan
Spouse Is NOT The Enemy
Save The Marriage System to Guide You