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can my marriage be saved

“I Want to Save My Marriage” Q & A
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Questions about how to save your marriage, even if only you want to.  How to start, where to focus, what to do.In previous podcast episodes, I have answered questions submitted by listeners.  In fact, I still do.  You can email your questions by clicking here.  But since this podcast goes to listeners around the world, submitted questions need to be a) applicable to others, and b) not so broad that it is impossible to answer in a simple episode.

But then, there are the short questions.  Both in the question and the needed response. So, in this episode, I round up the short questions, so I can address them all.

All of them, though, started with this:
“I want to save my marriage!”

Most of the questions demonstrated the beginning point of learning… not even knowing the question to ask, but knowing what you want.  The senders knew they wanted to save their marriage, but weren’t sure even where to start and what to ask.

But here is the important thing:  the questions still apply to you, whether you are at the same point or further along.  Listen in to hear my response to questions like where to start, what about some tricks/hints, what to do if a spouse isn’t interested, what a plan might look like, how long this process might help, and what to do now.

Listen below.

Can A Marriage Be Saved?
Why You Need a Plan
Why Your Spouse is Resisting
How Long Does a Crisis Last?
Why Fear is a Problem
Grab the Save The Marriage System HERE

Staying in the Game
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to Stay In the Game.You might feel like “tapping out,” or forfeiting, just giving up and walking away.

It can be frustrating when you are trying to save a marriage, only to get pushback from a spouse.  You are working to build the connection, working to improve yourself, and working to make a different relationship.  But it feels like two steps forward, three steps back.

How do you “stay in the game?”

Partly, it is mental.  But there are also some things you can do to help you shift perspective, keep your patience, and keep on moving forward.  Let me share some strategies on how to “Stay in the Game” in this week’s podcast.

Listen below.

“This Will Never Work” – What To Do
What’s Your Plan?
There IS No “Try”
Book – Marriage Failpoint:  Why Marriages Fail
Save The Marriage System

“I Saved My Marriage!”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

HowYouSavedYourMarriageMany times, in the midst of trying to save a marriage, the anxiety and fears can lock you up, overwhelmed with what to do next.

When that happens, the outcome is often a lack of change, motivation, or action.

And things continue in the downward spiral.

So today, I want to invite you to use your imagination — a little Jedi mind trick.  Imagine that you DID save your marriage.  You HAVE created a loving, supportive, respectful marriage.  You look forward to spending time together.  Your issues resolve themselves peacefully and effectively.

Now, you are looking back to see what you did, in order to save your marriage.  You notice how you approached the situation, how you dealt with the issues, and how you moved forward — even in the face of frustration and difficulties.

In today’s podcast, we reflect on “what you did” to save your marriage — and by doing that, we create a path for you to do just that:  Save Your Marriage.

Listen below.

(and if you are ready to take action, CLICK HERE FOR MY SYSTEM)

Can You Force Connection?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Can you force connection?  How to convince a spouse to work on your marriage.Surely you can convince your spouse to work on your marriage… right?  Yes, your marriage is in crisis.  But if you say the right thing… or say it in the right way… or convince, beg, cajole, argue, and somehow shift their thinking, then you can save your marriage.  Right?

Not so fast.

Usually, all of the above leads to more resistance.  Not less.  It does not lead to connection and healing, but more stand-off.  More insistence that nothing can be done.  That the marriage is beyond repair.  And that the only solution is dissolution.

So, if begging, arguing, convincing, and cajoling won’t work, what will?

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, we explore the concept of force, and how to shift it toward your goal of saving your marriage.

Listen below.

Don’t Convince
Working on Connection
Book:  Beyond The 3 Barriers
Book:  How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps
Save The Marriage System

Focused On The Wrong Things?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you focused on the right or wrong things in your efforts to save your marriage?  Most people focus on the wrong things — and stay stuck.  Focus on the 3 things I note in this podcast in order to save your marriage.At the beginning of a coaching session, my clients often tell me what they have been focused on in their marriage crisis.  Almost always, they are focusing on the wrong things.

And in the process, they are not focusing on the right things.

Where we focus is what gets our attention.  Focus on the wrong things, and the wrong things get our attention… our energy… and our investment.

That can head you right toward disaster and further discord.  And when you focus on the wrong things, trying harder does even more damage.

“Rowing harder doesn’t help if the boat is headed in the wrong direction.”
Kenichi Ohmae

There are three places people often focus their attention that are not helpful, at best, and can be harmful at worst.  And there are three areas that need your focus, that need your attention.

Focus on the right areas to make progress in your marriage crisis.

Why Connection Matters
3 Levels of Connection
Dealing with Infidelity
Save The Marriage System

Where Did The Love Go?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

I get that question very frequently:  “What happened?  Where did the love go?”

Maybe you feel it, maybe you hear it.  The end result is the same:  one or both people  just not feeling it… not feeling love.  Maybe “I love you, but I’m not IN love with you.” Or maybe, “I care about you, but I don’t love you.”  Or maybe more simply, “I don’t love you.”

Then what?

And where did the love go?  It was there before.  Did it really go away?

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I discuss the causes of love gone missing.  We look at where the love went, and talk about how to bring it back.

Listen below.

Connection and Marriage
Conflict and Marriage
Pause Button Marriage
Interview with Gary Chapman
Self-Expansion and Marriage
Save The Marriage System

“Why Can’t I Get Started?”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When you need to save your marriage, but you can’t get yourself started… what do you do?  Why are you stuck??Audrey wrote me to ask, “I just can’t get started on my marriage.  What’s wrong with me?”

She wrote in as a listener of my podcast.  (And if you have a question for the podcast, send it to me here:  [email protected])

IF she WANTS to save her marriage, then WHY CAN’T SHE GET STARTED?

There are some reasons why people get stuck and can’t get started.  And there are some issues beneath these reasons that must be addressed, one way or the other.

I cover the problems and issues in this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast.

“Can I Even Save My Marriage?”
“What If I Can’t Save It?”
Why Does It Matter?
Working on It Alone
Healing Your Anger
Save The Marriage System

Co-Dependence, Independence, and Interdependence – Listener’s Question
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Independence, Codependence, Dependence, and Interdependence in marriage and intimate relationships.  When is a spouse or a marriage codependent?Here we are, Independence Day in the United States, marking the moment when the young colonies rejected ties to the British Crown.

So many times, I have people “declare their independence” from their marriage… somehow seeing marriage as about dependence.  In our culture, any connection and reliance on someone else is often labeled as “dependence” or “codependence.”  In reaction, people want to shift to “independence.”

In the healthiest of marriages, there is “interdependence.”  You can have your own identity AND rely upon another person.  You can have separate roles and responsibilities, but ones that support each other, AND not be codependent.  But interdependent.

Where does dependence, though, cross over to codependence?  That word… that label… is so overused that we rarely remember what it originally meant (I explain it in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast below).

It is true, some couples and individuals ARE overly reliant on a spouse for emotional support and help.  It is also true that every couple should be able to rely on the relationship for emotional support.  But what is healthy?  When does it become UN-healthy?

Colleen wrote in and asked (and YOU can submit a question, too, by CLICKING HERE and emailing it), and it is an important question — is this codependence, and how can you deal with it?

Listen below to learn about dependence, independence, codependence, and interdependence, in your own marriage.

Needs in Marriage
Emotional Connection
Managing Your Emotions
Your Support Team
Save The Marriage System

Why People Get Derailed
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Why people get derailed and fail to save their marriage... and how to stay on-course in order to save your marriage.When a marriage crisis hits, people kick into gear!  They dig in and work on their relationship. Many times, they start to see results.  Things are turning for the better.  The relationship is warming.  Things aren’t quite so hostile.

But then….

They get derailed.  Thrown off-course.  Lost in the crisis.

Not surprisingly, any gains made are quickly lost.  Things become even more tense and fractured.

Why did they get derailed?  Four reasons:  Distracted, Distanced, Doubtful, and Discouraged.

I go into each of these… as well as how to avoid falling into the trap and getting derailed… in this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast.  You can listen below.

You Need A Plan
Can Your Marriage Be Saved?
When Is It Too Late?
Your Fail Points
Book:  The Marriage Fail Point
Save The Marriage System