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how to save a marriage

Switches or Dials?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

If you are saving your marriage, stop looking for a switch.  Work the dials to make your changes.No, this isn’t some electrical engineering idea. Instead, it has more to do with human nature.

We often want to find the switch, the on/off switch for some situation. Turn off stress by doing this, turn on fitness by doing this. On or off. With a switch.

This causes us to be looking for some super-easy, simple solution… often to complex issues. Particularly when it is a marriage crisis.

A marriage — much less a marriage crisis — is not an on/off situation, and no simple switch will turn it around.

Yet that is what many people want. The solution that is as easy as flipping a switch.

Yes, your marriage can be saved and improved, but not with some simple switch.  Instead, think about it as dials. Instead of a master switch, there can be a number of dials. Dialing up connection. Dialing down conflict. Dialing up warmth. Dialing down resentment.

We discuss this tendency to look for a switch — and the need to focus on the dials —  in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.

Listen below.

Why Connection is so Important
Dangerous Tricks
The No-Contact Rule
3C Approach
Save The Marriage System

Slow Slide, Then All At Once
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Marriages collapse slowly, then all at once.I’ve seen it so many times.  A marriage is slowly, slowly, slowly moving apart.  Then, suddenly, it is ending!  Slowly, then all at once.

A recent survey from a divorce attorney group showed the central dynamic of marriages ending:  they slowly drifted apart.

You may not need a survey to tell you about this threat.  I sure didn’t.  I’ve seen it over and over.  Nothing drastic or sudden.  Just slowly disconnecting.  Slowly drifting apart.  And slowly failing.

Maybe you hit the Pause Button… and didn’t know how dangerous that can be!

Maybe it was easier to just ignore the little issues… the ones that are much larger in the face of disconnection.

But either way, the ending of a marriage just starts slowly, imperceptibly… until one person finally “can’t do it anymore.”  And then, the crisis is deep.  Deeper than you knew.

How does it work?  I cover it in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

The Importance of Connection
The Pause Button Marriage
Healing Disconnection
The Save The Marriage System

“But What If I CAN’T Save It?”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

"What If I can't save my marriage?"Two phone calls the same day.  Both with the same question:  “What if I CAN’T save my marriage?”  One had been working at it for awhile.  The other hadn’t started (and was trying to decide whether to even start).

It’s a common question that gets asked at 3 different times in the process.  Each has a different meaning.  All share a fear.

That fear can keep you from taking action, talk you into giving up, or serve to inform you.

This week, I want to take on the question, “What if I can’t save it?”, because not every marriage can be saved.  (But NONE are saved without action.)

Don’t let the question trip you up.  Understand what’s behind it.  And listen to my answer to the question.

Listen below.

Can This Marriage Be Saved?
My Approach and Why It Matters

When Your Spouse is Stuck
Grab the Save The Marriage System

NMF: “Not MY Fault!”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

NMF Syndrom:  Why "Its not my fault" just keeps you stuck and what to do.The email was pages long, all about the problems in her marriage.  Each line was about how her husband had ruined the marriage.  She pointed out actions of her husband, and he did make mistakes (no abuse, mind you).

She wanted to know what to do — how to save her marriage — given the fact that it wasn’t her fault.  She was clear that she wanted the marriage, but she just didn’t know what to do, after all he had done to damage the relationship.


She was skidding down the fastest path to failing in her efforts.  And she didn’t see how she had anything to do with it.


When we talked on the phone, I asked a little bit more about the dynamics of the relationship.  But I noticed she kept shifting back to “he did…,” “he didn’t….” She could point out his failures and shortcomings.

And then she would return to her question:  Given his actions, how could she save her marriage?


I had no doubt that she really wanted to save her marriage.  And I had little doubt that she would be unsuccessful.

Because she had fallen in the NMF trap.  Figured it out yet?  The NMF trap is “Not My Fault.”

Here is the problem with “Not My Fault”:  It leaves you stuck.  It does relieve you of blame or fault.  But it also tends to rob people of responsibility (Response-Ability).

Let’s talk about why this trap happens and how to avoid it.  Listen below.

Show Up
How You Hide
Choosing To Work
Being A WE
Save The Marriage System

“No Closer!” — Stuck?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Distant and stuck. Do you have to make peace with it? Accept that reality? Or can something else happen in your marriage?What do you do when your spouse has shifted back toward you… some… but is still distant?  More distant than you would like?

Do you have to just accept it, accept the lack of intimacy and connection?

Is that the relationship you are stuck with?  Some connection.  Still married.  But not the warmth, love, and connection you do want?

That is the question posed to me.  Mary reports that her husband returned after a number of months of separation.  But now, some time later, after his return, the connection is not where it needs to be.  It isn’t where Mary wants it to be.

What do you do, Mary wonders?  Accept it?  Make peace with the fact that her spouse does not want an intimate relationship with her?

I delve into Mary’s question (which may also be your question) about what to do when the connection is still not there, even after some improvement.  I suggest 3 steps for Mary (and perhaps you) to take.  And yes, we start at acceptance.  But that is not about giving up!

Listen below.

Connection and Disconnection
3 Levels of Connection
Acceptance – What IS That?
Save The Marriage System

“I Want to Save My Marriage” Q & A
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Questions about how to save your marriage, even if only you want to.  How to start, where to focus, what to do.In previous podcast episodes, I have answered questions submitted by listeners.  In fact, I still do.  You can email your questions by clicking here.  But since this podcast goes to listeners around the world, submitted questions need to be a) applicable to others, and b) not so broad that it is impossible to answer in a simple episode.

But then, there are the short questions.  Both in the question and the needed response. So, in this episode, I round up the short questions, so I can address them all.

All of them, though, started with this:
“I want to save my marriage!”

Most of the questions demonstrated the beginning point of learning… not even knowing the question to ask, but knowing what you want.  The senders knew they wanted to save their marriage, but weren’t sure even where to start and what to ask.

But here is the important thing:  the questions still apply to you, whether you are at the same point or further along.  Listen in to hear my response to questions like where to start, what about some tricks/hints, what to do if a spouse isn’t interested, what a plan might look like, how long this process might help, and what to do now.

Listen below.

Can A Marriage Be Saved?
Why You Need a Plan
Why Your Spouse is Resisting
How Long Does a Crisis Last?
Why Fear is a Problem
Grab the Save The Marriage System HERE

From Apology to Reconciling
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

From apology to reconciling is a journey as you save your marriage.You have already journeyed to here.  Maybe your relationship is hurting and in pain.  Maybe your connection has gone cold.  But however you got here, whatever the path, you want to get somewhere different.

Somewhere better.

It may seem cliche, but it is a journey.  And this last part of the journey, it has some stops along the way.

Many times, people think (and want) it to be a linear path, stopping along the way, but arriving at the end, reconciled and in love.

Those four big stops?

  • Apology
  • Forgiving
  • Trusting
  • Reconciling

Many assume that one follows the other, just points along the road.  But it is more like a subway system that might arrive at one station, having never paused at another.  You may pass one or more, or even arrive at each one, seemingly out of order.

In reality, each of those four stops are distinct and separate.  They can happen separate from, or even without, the other stops.

Let’s talk about these four stops in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast. Listen below.

What’s Your Apology?
Ready to Forgive?
What is Trust?
Save The Marriage System (remember to grab your free week of VIP!)

Staying in the Game
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to Stay In the Game.You might feel like “tapping out,” or forfeiting, just giving up and walking away.

It can be frustrating when you are trying to save a marriage, only to get pushback from a spouse.  You are working to build the connection, working to improve yourself, and working to make a different relationship.  But it feels like two steps forward, three steps back.

How do you “stay in the game?”

Partly, it is mental.  But there are also some things you can do to help you shift perspective, keep your patience, and keep on moving forward.  Let me share some strategies on how to “Stay in the Game” in this week’s podcast.

Listen below.

“This Will Never Work” – What To Do
What’s Your Plan?
There IS No “Try”
Book – Marriage Failpoint:  Why Marriages Fail
Save The Marriage System

“I Saved My Marriage!”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

HowYouSavedYourMarriageMany times, in the midst of trying to save a marriage, the anxiety and fears can lock you up, overwhelmed with what to do next.

When that happens, the outcome is often a lack of change, motivation, or action.

And things continue in the downward spiral.

So today, I want to invite you to use your imagination — a little Jedi mind trick.  Imagine that you DID save your marriage.  You HAVE created a loving, supportive, respectful marriage.  You look forward to spending time together.  Your issues resolve themselves peacefully and effectively.

Now, you are looking back to see what you did, in order to save your marriage.  You notice how you approached the situation, how you dealt with the issues, and how you moved forward — even in the face of frustration and difficulties.

In today’s podcast, we reflect on “what you did” to save your marriage — and by doing that, we create a path for you to do just that:  Save Your Marriage.

Listen below.

(and if you are ready to take action, CLICK HERE FOR MY SYSTEM)

Marriage Lie #3: Conflict Means Its Wrong
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

If you have conflict in your marriage, that indicates that the marriage is wrong.  Right?  Nope.  Just another lie about marriage that undermines your relationship.  Unless you know the truth.If you find yourself arguing and in conflict, that is an indication that something is wrong with your marriage, right?


No.  Not at all.  But it may be that your conflict resolution is a problem.  Just one that can be improved.  Unless, of course, you believe this lie and decide that nothing can be done because… you know… conflict.

That is the danger of this particular lie.  It causes people to give up, since there is conflict, rather than working through.

I don’t meet too many people that like conflict.  Most either avoid it or handle it poorly.  And many see conflict as a symptom that something is wrong with the relationship.

Fact is, conflict is an inevitable part of even the healthiest relationship.  In fact, the total lack of conflict may indicate just as much of a problem as too much conflict.  Put two people together who join their futures and there are going to be differences of opinion.  Different perspectives and different priorities.  And those differences must be addressed.

The question is really how you do conflict, not if you have conflict.  Does the conflict serve your relationship or sever your relationship?

Learn more about this lie of marriage in the Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

Lie #1
Lie #2
Role of Conflict
Myths of Marriage
Save The Marriage System