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marriage fail point

What To Do To Save Your Marriage? (Part 2)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

We are taking Back 2 Basics!  Boiling the whole marriage crisis — and turning it around — right down to the very basics.  Last week, I started a 2-part session with the 3 C’s you need to do to turn things around.  (FIND THE EPISODE RIGHT HERE)

How to save your marriage:  carrying out your efforts to address the 3 C's with the 4C's of Calm, Constant, Consistent, and Courageous.This week, I discuss HOW you carry out those 3 C’s… using the 4 C’s.  Think of the last episode of giving you the targets you need to address.  This is HOW you address your efforts.

Many people want to save their marriage… and they even have an idea of the areas they need to address (last episode).  They may be very clear about what went wrong (the first episode of this series). But then, panic sets in.  And their efforts backfire.  They can’t get traction.  Their spouse pushes back.

It doesn’t have to be that way!  There is a simple formula for you to follow (back to basics) on how you implement your plan… the plan to address those 3 targets.  4 simple guidelines… those 4 C’s, will guide you and keep you out of trouble.

After the last episode came out, a listener/reader contacted me and said, “There is no way it is that easy.”  I agreed.  The process is not easy.  It is, however, pretty simple and straightforward… unless you complicate it unnecessarily.  Sure, it seems overwhelming.  But that is the reason for this series.

To break it down into the basic pieces.  To give you a simple roadmap to follow.  To remind you of what is most important.  Those targets?  The 3 C’s?  Incredibly important.  Those guidelines?  The 4 C’s?  Incredibly important.

Let’s get this process going.

Listen below.

B2B:  What Went Wrong?
B2B:  What To Do?
BOOK:  Marriage Fail Point
BOOK:  How To Save Your Marriage in 3 Simple Steps
PROGRAM:  Save The Marriage System

What Went Wrong?? – Back2Basics Series
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What went wrong with your marriage?  Tune in to this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast for clarity on how your marriage got into trouble... and how to get it back .It can get so overwhelming, all the information coming at you!  What you want is to save your marriage.  But you are probably already overwhelmed with the situation… much less, getting help for your situation!

Sometimes, it is just time to “get back to basics.”  This B2B series is my attempt to take it down to simplicity… what happened, why did it happen, and what do you do?

In this episode of the podcast (listen below), we take a look at what happened:  how your marriage got into trouble, how your relationship got disconnected, and how your marriage slid into crisis.

Since we don’t get much help in understanding what marriage is about (much less, how to be married), it shouldn’t be a surprise that marriages DO get into trouble.  The question is, when you find you are in a crisis, what do you do to get yourself and your marriage to a better place?

And so, we start with what went wrong.  Discover how a marriage stalls, why it starts falling, and how it ends up in a nosedive.

Listen to the episode below.

Book:  Marriage Fail Point
Step-by-Step System:  Save The Marriage System
Connection and Disconnection
Being a WE

3 Turning Points of Saving Your Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

3 Turning Points in saving your marriage.Many times, people contact me to tell me that their marriage is… well… continuing to spiral down, in spite of their efforts.

Over the years, I have noted some “turning points,” when things often start turning around.  And I want to share 3 of these turning points with you.

Here is the good news:  all 3 turning points I note are 100% within your control.  Yes, there are other events and actions that can also turn things (or at least, start turning things).  It is not JUST these 3 turning points.  There are others.

But these turning points I chose to highlight are ones you can choose at any time and at any point.

To be clear, just because you make a change, that does not guarantee that things WILL turn around.  (I would be able to retire, if that were the case.)  It’s just that these actions often are the turning points in the effort to save your marriage.

Will making the 3 turns guarantee a saved marriage?  No.  But they may just make a shift.  Playing the odds, doesn’t it make sense to give the 3 turning points a chance for change?

Listen to the podcast episode below for the 3 Turning Points.

Chasing Won’t Work
Show Up
Will YOUR Marriage Be Saved?

Your Fail Point
Marriage Fail Points Book
Save The Marriage System