Posts Tagged :

save the marriage system

Why I STILL Believe In Marriage
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Why I still believe in marriage, and why I think you can save your marriage.I suppose I have seen marriages in pretty tough spots.  Destructive and hurting, I’ve watched relationships both heal and end.  I’ve also had the privilege of seeing some pretty amazing marriages.

So, when I was asked by a client a few days ago, “After all this time, do you really still believe in marriage?”, I paused.  Not because I wasn’t sure about my answer.  I just wanted to be clear about my answer.

Somewhat flippantly, I replied, “Believe in it? I’ve seen it!  I’m even in one!”

But more deeply, that question triggered me.  Yes, of course I still believe in marriage.  I work with hurting marriages every day.  I coach, teach, and even push people toward better relationships, healthier marriages.

Still, that question….

WHY do I believe in marriage?

Because the problem is not with marriage.  It’s with how we do it.

Culture certainly needs to act to help with people who are getting married… so that people are better prepared.

But guess what?  YOU can act to improve your marriage….  That makes all the difference, as we work to save and improve marriages one relationship at a time.

Listen to the podcast episode below.

Nature of Marriage
Thriving Marriage Series
My Mission
My Save The Marriage System


Is Your Marriage Fragile or Anti-Fragile?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Is your marriage or relationship fragile or anti-fragile? How to not just survive, but thrive, in your marriage.Some marriages seem so fragile, ready to break at any time.  Many times, people work hard to protect that type of marriage.  It seems that anything can be the end of it!

That fragility is not baked into the marriage.  It comes from a mindset, a misunderstanding.  It comes from thinking that a successful marriage simply has no struggles, no difficulties.

Not true.

In fact, successful marriages take on the challenges as an opportunity for growth.  That is one of the hallmarks of thriving marriages.  Not just marriages that are surviving.  But ones that are thriving.

Over the years, I noticed that the thriving marriages had often been through their share of bumps and bruises, struggles and strife.  But they had learned from the struggles.  They had found ways to come together, to stand together, in the face of the difficult times.

Those marriages that struggled?  They moved from the team-approach to the me-approach:  “what am I getting?,” “why should I take this?,” “I want my fair share.”  And in the process, the relationship (the “team”) got pushed aside.  It was all “me, me, me, you, you, you.”  Not “WE.”

In today’s Save The Marriage Podcast, I use the term from business, Anti-Fragile, to describe what you are moving toward… and how to begin that shift.

Listen in to discover how you can shift from Fragile to Anti-Fragile.

Dealing With Difficult Times
Being A WE
Being A Team
Using Conflict To Grow
Save The Marriage System
Relationship Rewrite

Don’t Get Pulled Under
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Don't get pulled under by the marriage crisis.  How to stay afloat and safe when your marriage is in crisis and your spouse is flailing around.Every marriage crisis starts as a crisis of an individual.  As it expands into the marriage, the question is whether you, the spouse, will get pulled under by the crisis.

Have you ever tried to save a drowning person?

This can be kind of like that.  Get too close, and they will drag you under with them.  Their desperation will overcome any sensible decision.  Running purely on terror, they will flail, grab, and pull at anything that is nearby… and anyone.

And when someone is in crisis, it can certainly feel like drowning… even with no water (other than tears).  The desperation is there.  The flailing is there.  And if you aren’t careful, you can get pulled under.

One person in crisis is enough.  Two people multiples the complications and difficulties in recovering the relationship.

Don’t allow yourself to get pulled under.

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I discuss 4 rules to keep from getting pulled under.

Your Spouse Is Not The Enemy
Conflict In Marriage
Control What You Can
Save The Marriage System

“Am I The Problem?”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Am I the problem in my marriage? Did I cause the marital problems? Did I make the marriage crisis happen?"Maybe your spouse has been saying, “This is ALL YOUR FAULT!”  Or maybe it is just you… wondering… torturing yourself… about whether this marriage crisis is your fault.  Are you the problem?

Let me reassure you that you are not the first person to wonder that.  People search about that on my blog.  People write me to ask that same question.  Many people start our coaching sessions with the same question.

So, what is the truth? Are you the problem?  Did you cause the problem?  Does that even help the problem?

Many times, people like to look at one single point-in-time… frequently, a point that leaves them as NOT at fault.  They look for a time when they can accuse someone else, blame someone else, for the situation.

And rarely is that accurate, or even fair.

Still, we all like to point the blame elsewhere.

Let’s talk about this from a couple of perspectives.  One is kind of a higher level perspective, to question the concept of blame.  The other is a much more practical “what do I do?” perspective.  Both get us to a better place than simply asking, “Am I the problem? Am I to blame for our marriage crisis?”

Listen below as I tackle the question:  “Am I the Problem?”

Showing Up
Blame & Shame
Ruining Today with Yesterday
How To NOT Save Your Marriage
How TO Save Your Marriage — System

What To Do To Save Your Marriage? (Part 2)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

We are taking Back 2 Basics!  Boiling the whole marriage crisis — and turning it around — right down to the very basics.  Last week, I started a 2-part session with the 3 C’s you need to do to turn things around.  (FIND THE EPISODE RIGHT HERE)

How to save your marriage:  carrying out your efforts to address the 3 C's with the 4C's of Calm, Constant, Consistent, and Courageous.This week, I discuss HOW you carry out those 3 C’s… using the 4 C’s.  Think of the last episode of giving you the targets you need to address.  This is HOW you address your efforts.

Many people want to save their marriage… and they even have an idea of the areas they need to address (last episode).  They may be very clear about what went wrong (the first episode of this series). But then, panic sets in.  And their efforts backfire.  They can’t get traction.  Their spouse pushes back.

It doesn’t have to be that way!  There is a simple formula for you to follow (back to basics) on how you implement your plan… the plan to address those 3 targets.  4 simple guidelines… those 4 C’s, will guide you and keep you out of trouble.

After the last episode came out, a listener/reader contacted me and said, “There is no way it is that easy.”  I agreed.  The process is not easy.  It is, however, pretty simple and straightforward… unless you complicate it unnecessarily.  Sure, it seems overwhelming.  But that is the reason for this series.

To break it down into the basic pieces.  To give you a simple roadmap to follow.  To remind you of what is most important.  Those targets?  The 3 C’s?  Incredibly important.  Those guidelines?  The 4 C’s?  Incredibly important.

Let’s get this process going.

Listen below.

B2B:  What Went Wrong?
B2B:  What To Do?
BOOK:  Marriage Fail Point
BOOK:  How To Save Your Marriage in 3 Simple Steps
PROGRAM:  Save The Marriage System

What Do You Do To Save A Marriage? (Part 1)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

In this second episode of the Back2Basics series, we shift away from “what happened” (see the last episode) to “what now?”  Sure, you want to start by understanding why marriages (including YOUR marriage) can get into trouble.  But that only gets you to the start of your efforts.  (I also cover this in my book, Marriage Fail Point.)

3 Steps Approach to saving your marriage.In this episode, we shift to what now?  You know your marriage is in crisis.  Now, you know how it got there.  Let’s talk about an overall approach to saving your marriage… my 3C Approach.

When I wrote my book, How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps, I outlined these three steps.  But more importantly, I noted that the approach to saving a marriage is much more simple than most people believe.

We tend to complicate things, when we really need to be simplifying, boiling things down to their essentials.

Understand:  “simple” is very different than “easy.”  You may find that your efforts to save your marriage are hard.  Scary.  Exhausting.

But don’t complicate them.  Go back to the basics.

Listen below for the 3 Steps To Save Your Marriage.

B2B- What Happened?
Book:  Marriage Fail Points
Book:  How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps
Grab The System:  Save The Marriage System

Are You Hurting Or Helping?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you helping or harming your marriage and your chances of saving it?You’ve been working on saving your marriage… and you aren’t seeing the traction you want.  Or maybe is just isn’t moving as fast as you would like.

Sometimes, it can take more time than you think or want.

But are there times that your efforts are doing more harm than good?

Are there times you are hurting, not helping, your relationship and your chances at saving it?


There are common situations I see in my coaching, where someone’s efforts to save a marriage are actually doing more harm than good.  Interestingly, people make the same mistakes others have made.

More interestingly, they are easy to see when they are pointed out.  And more importantly, they can be corrected, once you can see them.

So, let’s talk about the times when people do more harm than good in their efforts to save a marriage.

Importance of Connection
Stop Chasing
Apologies and Forgiving
You Need A Plan
Show Up
Save The Marriage System

It’s a NO… (unless you ask/try)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

"Should I even try to save my marriage?" -- Wrong PerspectiveIt is probably the most frequent question I get… “Should I try to save my marriage?”  I get it in conversations, voicemails, emails, even by Messenger the other day.  People often give me a few (sometimes, very few) details about their relationship and want my professional opinion on whether they should try to save their marriage (or keep trying).

Truth is, that is a decision I cannot and will not make.  Each person has to decide whether they want to try and save the marriage.  I can’t make that choice for them.

But I do think there are some pretty important things to consider, as you try to answer that question.

One thing, after nearly 3 decades of helping people with their marriages, I know is the outcome of NOT working on their relationship.  NOT trying is almost certainly NOT saving the relationship.  There is a high probability that not taking action will lead to the marriage ending.

The real choice is NOT saving the marriage or PERHAPS saving the marriage.

Is it possible that you put forth effort… really dig in… really give it your best effort… and your marriage still fails.  But it is nearly guaranteed that if you don’t take action, your marriage will end.  And it is highly possible that you put in the effort… and your marriage is saved.

The choice is your choice.  But it is a NO… unless you try.

Let’s talk about that choice in this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast

Save The Marriage System
Deciding versus Feeling
“Do Anything” is Not a Plan
Show Up
Why It Matters

blah, Blah, BLAH… BANG
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

"blah, blah, blah"... BANG!And suddenly… crisis!

(or not)

RARELY does a crisis come “out of the blue.”

Many times, people will tell me that they “had no idea,” or “never saw it coming.”  But then, we start talking.  And they tell me about those little warning signs along the way.  The ones they ignored.  Or that they didn’t fully respond to.

Those signs?  That’s the “blah, blah, blah’s” that come before the crisis.  The “I’m not happy.”  The “something’s not quite right.”  The “I need something to change.”  Those are the “blah’s” that are either missed or ignored.

Or half-heartedly heard.

No real changes.  Just attempts to duck the conflict, to change the conversation.

Here’s the thing:  if you are already at BANG!, you can’t go back and address the “blah’s”.  You do have to deal with the crisis.  But you also want to be clear on how you got here.  How the “blah’s” got missed.  And why you are at BANG!

Let’s talk about it on this week’s episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

Fighting For Your Marriage
Conflict and Marriage
Showing Up
Communication Problems
Book – Marriage Fail Points
Save The Marriage System

The Fatal Triangle (Don’t Be Sabotaged)
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

The Fatal Triangle - the trio of dynamics that can trip you up and destroy your efforts to save your marriage.You want to save your marriage.  Maybe you even have a plan put together, ready to go.  Or maybe you have even started the process.

This episode of the podcast is cautionary.  A warning.  But the warning is not about NOT saving your marriage, but the possibility of your efforts falling apart.

It may have nothing to do with your plan.

Nothing to do with your understanding.

Worse yet, nothing to do with your spouse.

It is possible that a trio of dynamics can torpedo and destroy your plans and your efforts.  Those dynamics can be fatal to your hopes and dreams.  To your possibility of saving your marriage.

And this trio, this “fatal triangle”?  They have nothing to do with your spouse or your plans. They emerge from within you.  Tripping you up.

Unless you understand them and know how to defeat them.

Don’t let this trio, the Fatal Triangle, defeat you and your efforts!

Listen to the episode for full details

4 C’s
Fear and Your Efforts
3-Step Dance
Anxiety Help
Marriage Fail Points Book
Save The Marriage System