Save Your Marriage Podcast

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“I’m Just Not Happy”… The Excuse to Leave?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

“I’m not happy, you’re not happy.  We can’t stay married.”  True?  Nope.  Wrong perspective.What do you do when a spouse declares, “I’m not happy,” as the reason the marriage has to end?  Or how about, “You’re not happy,” or “I can’t make you happy”?

I have heard this reason given over and over.  It is a common (but false) belief that a marriage needs to end because spouses can’t make each other happy.

The fact is, you cannot make your spouse happy.  And your spouse can’t make you happy.  But that isn’t even the goal!

(Just to be fair, it is possible to make someone miserable!  But make them happy?  Nope.  Not possible.  Ever.)

What does it mean when a spouse wants to end a marriage due to “not being happy”?  And what do you do?  How do you respond?

That is the topic of our conversation on this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  You can listen below.

Dealing With YOUR Resentment
Dealing With YOUR SPOUSE’S Resentment
Showing Up
Courageous Compassion
3 C’s of Saving Your Marriage
System To Save Your Marriage

“Are We Too Opposite?”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What does it mean when a spouse declares, “We are opposites. Our marriage can’t survive.” Are you “opposites”? Does being different doom your marriage? We discuss it in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.Too many times — in my office, by email, on phone calls — I hear a spouse rationalizing their decision that the marriage cannot possibly succeed because, “We’re just opposites, too different to make it.”

But is it true?  Are you “opposites”?  (How are humans ever actually “opposite”?)  And for the sake of argument, does that doom your relationship?

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I answer a listener question that you may have, too.  This listener’s spouse has declared, “We are opposites,” and has given up on even trying to save their marriage.  This listener is wondering, “Is that true?  Are we opposites? Does that doom our marriage?”

Since this question comes up so often, I wanted to discuss the reality of this.  I cover my issues with “opposites,” discuss my theory of “Complimentarity,” and trample all over the belief in “compatibility,” an idea that has been espoused by dating sites and apps — and yet has failed in creating strong relationships.

Listen below for my response to “We’re Just Opposites.”

What Happy Couples Know
Ways We Connect
Love Languages
System To Save Your Marriage

Why It All Came Tumbling Down
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When a marriage comes crashing down, what happened to create the marriage crisis?  Probably more than you think… and longer than you think.“It suddenly fell apart,” Jenny told me.  As far as she could tell, everything had been great until… one day… her husband said, “our marriage is over.”  Before that, Jenny said, there had been no trouble.

Why did it all come tumbling down?

Rob told me that, sure, there had been some issues along the way.  But he didn’t know his wife was ready to leave… until “out of the blue, she moved out and said we were done!”

Why did it all come tumbling down?

George told me, “I just want us to get back to where we were… before the crisis.”

My response to George was, “Where you were got you to where you are.  You can’t just go back to there.  You need to build a new relationship!”

I told both Jenny and Rob that I very seriously doubted that the crisis was quite so “out of the blue.”  They just didn’t see it coming.

But brick by brick, piece by piece, their relationship was being pulled apart long before it all came tumbling down.  And it is very likely that both they and their spouses bore responsibility.

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, we explore the roots of trouble, so you can begin to consider why your marriage didn’t just start to crumble.

Book:  Marriage Failpoint
Save The Marriage System
Connection and Marriage
Healing Disconnection
Change Yourself

Did Your Apology Fail?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What if your spouse didn’t respond to your apology?  Is it over?  Did it fail?  Has your marriage failed?  Let’s talk about it.You apologized to your spouse… maybe on your own, or maybe because I suggested it.


Nothing.  Nada.  Zero.  Zilch.

No change, no difference.

Does that mean that your efforts are over?  That your attempts to save your marriage are a failure?

Just to reassure you, an apology letter with no response does not necessarily mean it was a failure.  And it sure doesn’t mean that your efforts are over.

This week, I am answering Chris’s questions about an apology letter “fail.”  If you have a question, you can submit it at [email protected] for consideration.

Anatomy Of An Apology
Of Apologies and Forgiving
Forgiveness Is NOT A Blank Check
5 Rules for Apologizing
Save The Marriage System
VIP (If you have the System)

“Why Can’t I Get Started?”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

When you need to save your marriage, but you can’t get yourself started… what do you do?  Why are you stuck??Audrey wrote me to ask, “I just can’t get started on my marriage.  What’s wrong with me?”

She wrote in as a listener of my podcast.  (And if you have a question for the podcast, send it to me here:  [email protected])

IF she WANTS to save her marriage, then WHY CAN’T SHE GET STARTED?

There are some reasons why people get stuck and can’t get started.  And there are some issues beneath these reasons that must be addressed, one way or the other.

I cover the problems and issues in this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast.

“Can I Even Save My Marriage?”
“What If I Can’t Save It?”
Why Does It Matter?
Working on It Alone
Healing Your Anger
Save The Marriage System

Special Holiday Edition: Ghosts of Relationship Past
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Do you settle down with a good book you have read over and over this time of year?  I read my kids the exact same Christmas book every single year.  And many years, I re-read a classic for myself… like A Christmas Carol.  This year, I want to offer a redux of a prior podcast episode… about the Ghosts of Your Relationship Past.  Yep.  Christmas, with new opportunities.  Here it is:

The Ghosts of Relationship Past.Christmas Eve.  Chris and Holly have settled into bed.  Neither can sleep.  It is not, however, sugarplums dancing in their heads.

Both are replaying the arguments and hurts of the past.  Neither feels connected, although both are desperate for that warm embrace each used to treasure.

What happened?  Where did their relationship fall into trouble?

Can they find their way back?

First, they will have to make it through a night of haunts, as the Ghosts of Relationship Past visit them this night.

Are they the same ghosts that haunt your relationship?  Is there a path through the pain?

Listen in as Chris and Holly face the hauntings of their relationship.

All The Wrong Reasons: Should You Stay Together?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you staying together for the wrong reasons?We continue with listeners’ questions on the Save The Marriage Podcast.  And in this episode, I pull together a central question about “Should we stay together because of this Insert Bad Reason Here?”

Several people told me they were still married, just for the sake of the kids.  Several told me that their spouse was still there because they could not afford to separate, much less to divorce.  And some told me they stayed married just to avoid having to hit the dating scene.  And then, there is that anxiety of “what will people think?”  So, they stay together.

But is that enough, they ask?  Should they only stay together for these “wrong reasons?”

You can make a perspective shift and use those “wrong reasons” to get you to the right place in your relationship.

I cover 4 ways to get there in this episode of the podcast.

Convincing – don’t!
Save The Marriage System


Fighting for… Connection
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

What are you fighting for? Fighting for your marriage and connecting with your spouse.“Should I even keep fighting for my marriage?”, asks “G.”

Oof, that word… “fighting.”  I hear it often.  But so many times, when someone says they are “fighting for” their marriage, they end up “fighting against” their spouse.  The spouse who doesn’t see how to move forward.

Which is rarely helpful for the process.  But I watch person after person “suit up” to do battle, not even sure on what they are fighting.

So, let me clarify that with the question from “E.”  She asked why I always talk about connection… not romance, playing “hard to get,” doing “No Contact,” or reverse psychology.

Those two fit together… the “fighting” part and the “connecting” part.  You are fighting for connection!  For some very specific (and deeply rooted) reasons.

I discuss both in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.

Connection and Marriage
Why are We Fighting
No Contact is Crap
No Manipulation
Save The Marriage System

How To Guarantee No Divorce
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Over the last episodes, I have been answering listener questions (you can submit your question by email – CLICK HERE).  In this episode, I respond to Susan.  She wants to guarantee that she does not get divorced.

How you can guarantee that there is no divorce… and what to do when you can’t do the guarantee.  Also, why you SHOULD even do anything.So, I reveal how you can guarantee that you won’t get divorced (you may not like my answer, but it is important).

And then, I discuss what to do if it is too late to get that guarantee.

More importantly, I discuss why people want that guarantee, and what to do about that.

Oh, and I even tell you the exact ingredients in your process to save your marriage.

Simple.  Not easy.  But powerful when understood and applied.

Looking for a guarantee?  Tune in to learn more.

Why Try
Continuing When You are Frustrated
When You Want to Quit
You Need a Plan
3 Simple Steps
Save The Marriage System

Heavy Holiday? Marriage Crisis and the Season
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Dealing with the heaviness of the holidays in the midst of a marriage crisis.When life is hard, Holidays can feel heavy.  When there is a marriage crisis, it can be tough to muster the energy to even move forward — especially when all the commercials and movies push the “merry and bright” of a mythic holiday.

And here we are, on the cusp of the Holiday season!  It cuts across nations and beliefs.  The season is here.

A client recently told me, “I just want to crawl into bed and get up on January 2nd.”

What a loss!  No chance to find the deeper meaning of the Holidays.  No chance at connection, re-connection, and healing.

Her real desire was to avoid pain.  But her solution did more than avoiding pain.  It avoided life, and all it offered.

My suggestion:  deal with the heavy Holidays in a way that brings depth, connection, and healing, by engaging in the holiday.

I have 5 suggestions on dealing with Holidays in the midst of a marriage crisis.  Listen below.

Gratitude and Marriage
How Gratitude Can Transform Your Marriage
Ghosts of Marriage Past
Holidays and Marriage
Save The Marriage System