Save Your Marriage Podcast

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Heavy Holiday? Marriage Crisis and the Season
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Dealing with the heaviness of the holidays in the midst of a marriage crisis.When life is hard, Holidays can feel heavy.  When there is a marriage crisis, it can be tough to muster the energy to even move forward — especially when all the commercials and movies push the “merry and bright” of a mythic holiday.

And here we are, on the cusp of the Holiday season!  It cuts across nations and beliefs.  The season is here.

A client recently told me, “I just want to crawl into bed and get up on January 2nd.”

What a loss!  No chance to find the deeper meaning of the Holidays.  No chance at connection, re-connection, and healing.

Her real desire was to avoid pain.  But her solution did more than avoiding pain.  It avoided life, and all it offered.

My suggestion:  deal with the heavy Holidays in a way that brings depth, connection, and healing, by engaging in the holiday.

I have 5 suggestions on dealing with Holidays in the midst of a marriage crisis.  Listen below.

Gratitude and Marriage
How Gratitude Can Transform Your Marriage
Ghosts of Marriage Past
Holidays and Marriage
Save The Marriage System

Is “Space” the Opposite of Connection?
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Are you struggling with how to “give space” and create connection?  Maybe you misunderstand how to connect and what the space looks like.  Let me explain in this episode of the Save The Marriage PodcastIt is such a common demand from a spouse during a marital crisis:  “I need space!  You just need to give me space!”

Yet here I am, telling you to connect with your spouse, to rebuild the broken connection that led to the crisis.

Are they opposites?

One listener to the Save The Marriage Podcast was wondering.  Which means that others might be wondering the same thing.

Here is the problem:  When your marriage is in crisis and a spouse asks for space, if you can’t give it, your spouse will demand MORE space.  And if that is not given, your spouse will force even MORE space.  Each step causes deeper disconnection and a deeper crisis.

And yet, you know you need to fix the disconnection in order to heal the crisis.  It just seems that connecting and giving space are opposite ends.  But that is mainly because of the way you are trying to connect.  You can accidentally be crowding, not connecting.

Listen in to discover the truth about “space” and how to connect without crowding.

(And if you have questions you want answered on the podcast, CLICK HERE TO SEND THEM.)

What is Space?
Why is Connection Important?
How To Stop Chasing
Taking Responsibility
Save The Marriage System
VIP Program

The Problem with Changing… and Proving It!
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Things hit a bad spot in your marriage… and your spouse isn’t sure about staying or leaving the marriage.  Sure, it may have been a relationship issue, but you may be feeling blamed.

It’s pretty common to go looking for the “bad guy” in any situation.  And even if both of you are in pain and frustrated, you may be wanting to stay.  While you may be able to point to things your spouse needs to change, you can probably see that approach is unlikely to get you very far.

And noting the relationship problems?  That might “fall on deaf ears,” too.

Which means you may just be catching the blame.

The problem with changing… and your attempts to change.And maybe you even agree with the critiques aimed your way.  Maybe you even agree that there are some changes you need to make.

Now what?

Yes, you absolutely want to make the changes.

Maybe to prove you can.  Maybe because you know you would be a better person for having changed.

Here is the problem:  Change is hard, and rarely straightforward.  When we make any significant changes in life, we are highly unlikely to hit 100% success.  Every now and then, you are likely to fall short.  You are likely to drift back into old habits, old actions, old responses.

That doesn’t mean you have failed.  Only that change is often a journey.

But those slips?  They will absolutely be seen as failures by a suspicious spouse who is not trusting the changes (or even your capacity to change).

And that is the problem with change.

In this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, I cover some questions about this that were submitted by listeners.  Take a listen below!

We Change When We Change
When Your Spouse Doesn’t Believe
“I’ve Changed” and Other Things Not To Say
Why Your Spouse Doesn’t See The Change
Responsibility Formula
Save The Marriage System


Turning Conflict Into Intimacy
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Relationships of any depth and any magnitude are going to hit up against conflict.  It is just the nature of being close to someone.  You are going to have differences that emerge.  It is not a  question of if, but when those differences appear.  And then there is another question:  how do you deal with the conflict?  Does it serve to push you apart or does it pull you together?

In marriage, you are tying your life to the life of a spouse.  That intensifies the potential for conflict, and the importance of that conflict.  If someone else’s life has no real bearing on mine, I can disregard and ignore our differences… and we can even go our separate ways.

But in marriage, you pledge to move through those tough times, to find a way that works for both of you.  And that raises the potential for the conflict.

Mari Frank, attorney and conflict resolution specialist.  She teaches on  how to turn conflict into intimacy.For many couples, conflict only serves to divide and separate, not strengthen and pull together.  Which means that an opportunity has been missed.  A bridge has been lost.

On this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast, my guest is Mari Frank.  What makes Mari’s outlook interesting is that she is an attorney.  A divorce attorney.  Not one who likes to take relationships apart, but an attorney who sees the sadness of relationships that could survive, that still have potential… where the spouses can’t see a way through their conflict.

After Mari watched marriages ending unnecessarily, she decided to do something.  She used the skills developed over the years of navigating negotiation and mediation to help couples get below their surface issues and resolve their deeper conflicts.

And she realized that couples could do this before they landed in her office!  Before their marriage was in jeopardy!  Not only that, the conflict actually created a path to intimacy, if the couple followed it.

This led to her book, Fighting for Love. And in this episode of the podcast, it leads to our discussion of how conflict can be turned into intimacy

Listen in as Mari and I discuss the 6 A’s To A Long Relationship, and how to use HARD LOVE to get out of conflict.

Mari’s Website for Extra Resources
The Role of Conflict
Fighting Versus Solving
Surviving Conflict 
Fragile Marriage?
Save The Marriage System

Your Questions About Infidelity, part 2
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Listener questions about infidelity and cheating answered here. Just part 1. How to deal with cheating, physical or emotional. Infidelity and affairs hurt many marriages. Learn how to recover.In the last episode, I answered questions about infidelity and marriage.  Well, I started answering questions.  Since I started asking for your questions, I have received quite a few about affairs and infidelity.  So, I continue answering questions in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.

Last episode, we focused more on what to do while there is an affair, emotional or physical.

This episode focuses a bit more on the aftermath.  What do you do when the affair is ending/has ended?  Especially if there is still contact!

What do you do with those thoughts and fears?  What do you do about trust?  How do you rebuild the relationship in the shadow of cheating?  Especially if the cheating spouse is not doing what you want them to do in the recovery process?

And by the way, what’s “normal” in an upside-down reality?

We cover that and more!

Listen below for my answers to listener questions on infidelity (part 2)

Book:  Recovering From The Affair
Infidelity Questions, Part 1
Other Infidelity Podcast Episodes
Truth About Trust
Aftermath of An Affair

Apologizing and Forgiving
Importance of Connection

Your Questions About Infidelity, Part 1
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Listen questions about infidelity and cheating answered here. Just part 1. How to deal with cheating, physical or emotional. Infidelity and affairs hurt many marriages. Learn how to recover.Someone cheated.  What now?  Can a marriage survive infidelity, either physical or emotional?  Can a relationship recover after an affair?

Over the past while, I have been answering listener questions (you can submit by emailing here). And this week, we turn our attention to the subject of infidelity and affairs (both physical and emotional).

To be honest, I receive more questions on this topic than any other (which is the reason I wrote the book on recovering from an affair). So, this is only part 1 of my answers.

Affairs and infidelity affect many marriages.  They are a risk during a marriage crisis, and they deepen a  crisis already happening. Infidelity is less a cause of the actual crisis, and more a symptom.  But a discovered affair is often the first clear sign of the depths of crisis.

How do you deal with your emotions?  How do you deal with your spouse?  And how about that other person?

We touch on this and many other issues in the episode below.  Listen in.

Book:  Recovering From The Affair
Prior Affair Resources
Aftermath Of An Affair
Importance of Forgiveness
Importance of Apology
System To Save Your Marriage (including Audio on Dealing With Affair)


Struggling with Separation
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Struggling with separation.Is separation the best scenario for saving a marriage?

No.  Many times, a separation ends up being a “dress rehearsal for divorce.”  Living separately creates patterns of separation.  Connection becomes more difficult.

But is it all for naught?

Not necessarily.

For a number of episodes now, I have been answering questions from listeners (you can email your questions to [email protected]).

In this episode, I answer questions from 3 listeners about their separation concerns:  building connection during a separation, dealing with relationships that develop during a separation, and how to rebuild trust after a separation.

If you are struggling with a separation, whether before, during, or after, you need to listen in to this episode as I address the struggles with separation.

Importance of Connection
Surviving Separation
Can Separation Save a Marriage
Why “Space” is Hard
The Anxiety-Anger Anchor
Save The Marriage System

Dealing with Indifference…
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to deal with a spouse's indifference and disinterest.For awhile, I have been answering listener-submitted questions, and continue to do so in this episode (if YOU want to ask a question, send it to [email protected]).

This week, I respond to a couple of questions about a spouse’s indifference and/or resistance to attempts at connection.

It can be frustrating when you so desperately want to rebuild a marriage.  Maybe your spouse claims to want the same.  Maybe your spouse just doesn’t respond much at all.  A little conversation… that goes nowhere.  Or attempts at conversation… that go nowhere.  It can feel frustrating and defeating.

How should you understand the situation?

What can you do about it?

Can you make progress?

We discuss these questions (and more) in this episode of the Save The Marriage Podcast.  Listen below.

3 Step Process
3 C’s of Doing It
Importance of Connection
When Spouse Can’t See A Way
Resentment and Anger
Save The Marriage System

“Why Should I Try? Don’t Tell Me What To Do!”
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

"You can't tell me what to do!"  Correct.  But IF you want to work on your marriage, I can show you how.  Up to you.Jared was a bit more pointed in his question.  But to be fair, I HAVE been asking for people to submit questions.  And he did.

He told me straight up, “You tell me to connect with my spouse.  Well, I’ve been trying to do that.  If I’ve been trying and it isn’t working, what are you gonna teach me that will make a difference?”

Fair question.

So I responded to it in this episode of the podcast.

Jared continues on about my “Easy” approach to saving a marriage.  So, just to clarify here and in my podcast, I never said “Easy.”  I did say “Simple.”  Many things are simple, but not easy.  Never confuse the two.  My attempt is to simplify the process, so that you do not get overwhelmed.  This is not some “self-working, no effort necessary” approach.  Anyone who claims to have that is simply lying.

On the other hand, I think I can clarify and simplify the process, so that you know exactly what to do.

But I tell you why in the podcast.

And no, Jared, you don not “have” to do anything.  But if you want to do something to work on your marriage, I am here to help.  So, let’s talk.  First, listen to the episode below for my response to your question.

What Swiss Cheese Has To Do With Your Marriage
Your Efforts Matter
Your WHY of Saving Your Marriage
When To Throw In The Towel
Simple, not Easy
The Save The Marriage System