Save Your Marriage Podcast

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Still Feeling Stuck? Get Unstuck!: #34 Save Your Marriage Podcast
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to save your marriage and get unstuck.Stuck.  Not a fun place to be.  But the reality is that “stuck” is really a feeling and not a reality.  You are only as stuck as you believe you are.

Does that mean you can get anything you want?  No.  But that does not mean you are stuck.  There is a crucial shift you need to make in order to get unstuck.

And that shift?  It is entirely within your control.  You can make that shift whenever you choose.  Or you can remain stuck.

Which will you choose?

Take a listen, then it is your turn.  How will you get unstuck?  Leave a comment below.

7 Steps To Dealing With Marital Expectations Gone Bad: #34 Save Your Marriage Podcast
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Save your marriage from unfair expectations.Expectations.  We all have them.  Some, we agree upon.  Some, we don’t even know we have (or that our spouse has them).  But they can play havoc on a relationship.

If you find yourself frustrated with your spouse over what he or she is not doing — or if your spouse is frustrated with YOU over what you are not doing (and perhaps didn’t know to do), you have fallen victim to expectations.

We don’t talk about expectations enough.  So, if you are trying to figure out how to save your marriage, but you keep stumbling on painful spots for each of you, it may be the minefield of hidden expectations.

Learn how to judge your own expectations — and what to do about them.  Then learn about how to deal with your spouse’s expectations, especially when you don’t think they are fair (I tell you the 7 steps to follow).

Let me know what you think in the comment area below.

Boundaries For You And Your Relationship: #33 Save Your Marriage Podcast
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Do you know your boundaries?  Do you know the boundaries of your relationship?

Boundaries mark how you expect others to treat you.  It is a way of keeping yourself safe — and relationship boundaries keep your relationship safe.

Set your boundaries, save your marriage.I think about them like a fence.  If you build a fence in your backyard, you are letting others know where your property ends.

Can people cross over the fence?  Absolutely!  But at least you have been clear about it, and you can ask them to leave.  You can also invite them in.  They are not walls, keeping everyone away.

Most people have a difficult time making boundaries, and many do not even know they have boundaries.

Discover the 5 truths of boundaries and the 4 step process to set your own boundaries.

Take a listen and let me know what you think in the comments area below.

What You May Not Know About Love, Respect, and Civility: #32 Save Your Marriage Podcast
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

how to save your marriage from an affairI can’t tell you how many times I have had someone tell me, “I am no longer in love with my spouse.”  And while they are in my office, I get it.  They call each other names, insult each other, blame, are unloving, and disrespectful.

And in the midst of all that, there is a cycle:  “If you don’t show my love and respect, I won’t show you love and respect.”

A best-selling book, Love & Respect, Emerson Eggerichs says that men need respect more, and women need love more.  He says that men can be unloving while showing respect, and women can be disrespectful when showing love.  I think he is onto something.  But perhaps there is more to it.

In this week’s podcast, I take a look at the issue of love and respect, but also look at civility and courtesy as a basic platform.  If you feel unloved and/or disrespected (or your spouse feels that way), please listen.  There is an alternative.

Let me know what you think in the comments area below.

Is It Too Late To Save Your Marriage? How To Know: #31 Save Your Marriage Podcast
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to save your marriage.  Should you quit or keep trying?How do you know whether to keep trying or to give up?  Why are some marriages impossible to save, while others just require more effort?  Are there factors that make a marriage harder to save than others?  Is there a time to stop trying?

I hear these questions every week, as people try to decide whether to keep up the effort or if it is just too late, and if they are too tired.

Let’s be very clear:  some marriages cannot be saved.  It has nothing to do with your efforts.  Perhaps the damage is too great or perhaps a spouse just cannot see the possibility.

There are some common reasons that make a marriage more difficult to save.  In this podcast, I discuss 5 complicators, so you know what you are up against. I also discuss why you might be feeling the need to give up, and how to decide if it is a good reason or not.

Take a listen and tell me what you think in the comments below!

4 Mindset Shifts To Save Your Marriage: #30 Save Your Marriage Podcast
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

Take action to save your marriage.Your “mindset” is how you think about your world.  For the most part, a mindset is hidden from you. . . which is why it is a problem.  If you believe that you can or can’t do something, part of the issue is your mindset — especially if you think you can’t.

Do you find yourself stuck, unable to move forward with saving your marriage because you are not even sure if it is possible?  Or perhaps you are caught by a mindset of inaction.  You know you need to do something, but you do nothing.  Maybe you find yourself caught in “research mode,” looking for more info, but doing nothing.  Or do you find yourself scared to do anything, afraid it might not work and you might fail?

That’s all about your mindset!  And your mindset is something you can change.  In fact, there are several ways you can shift your mindset.

In this week’s podcast, I discuss 4 simple ways you can shift your thinking, which will shift your mindset, which will let you do what you need to do:  Save Your Marriage!

Let me know what you think.  Are there other ways you shift your own mindset?  Use the comments are below to let me know.

Do You Give Your Spouse YOUR Stamp Of Approval?: #29 Save Your Marriage Podcast
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

how to validate your spouse and save your marriagePeople are quirky.  We all have strange and interesting habits and interests.  No two people are alike.

Yet all of us crave one thing:  validation and approval.  We did it in high school (“I am SO different, along with everyone else”) and we do it through adulthood.

In fact, one of the aphrodisiacs of a relationship is feeling validated, approved, and accepted by the other person.

Does YOUR spouse feel validated and accepted?

In this week’s save your marriage podcast, discover how this can make or break a relationship.  Hear the 6 traps that may keep your spouse from feeling validated — and what to do about it!

Why Your Balance Book Marriage Will Fail: #28 Save The Marriage Podcast
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

save your marriage without a balance bookYou can say it many ways:  “keeping score,” “tit-for-tat,” “keeping a ledger,” “looking for the balance book.”  If you run your marriage that way, you are headed for trouble.

Problem is, it is perfectly human to make this mistake.  And in the midst of a marriage crisis, more likely.

Are you asking, “why am I putting in more than my spouse?” you are playing the ledger game. If you have pronounced to yourself, your spouse, or your friends, “I will not do anything more until he or she does,” you are playing with a balance book.

Unfortunately, I can tell you the outcome:  marriage failure.  More marriages die from a “Cold War” than from a “Hot War.”

But there is another option.  Listen to this week’s Save The Marriage Podcast to discover the secret to a “ledger-free” marriage.

Have you played the game?  Let me know how, and how you are changing it in the comments area below.

What About Trust?: Restoring And Rebuilding — #27
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How to rebuild trust and save your marriage.It seems that every single day, and sometimes several times a day, I get an email asking a question about trust:  “How do I rebuild trust after doing something wrong?” and “How do I trust this person after what he/she did?”

Trust, it seems, is a bit more complicated than first glance would indicate.

I believe that trust is a gift.  Sometimes, it is a gift made to expensive, and other times it is a gift made too cheap.  But in the end, it is easier to maintain trust than restore trust.

But what do you do if the trust has been destroyed?  Can it be rebuilt?

In today’s podcast, I take a look at why trust trips us up, why some people have issues with trust, and how to go about rebuilding trust.

Take a listen and let me know what you think in the comments area below.

5 Rules For Apologizing: #26 Save The Marriage Podcast
150 150 Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D.

How To Save Your Marriage and ApologizeApologies.  We all do it — but do we do it right?

I remember being held by the scruff of my neck, forced to apologize to my brother.  I was neither apologetic nor conciliatory.  I was, however, captive.  So I apologized.

It was a good idea.  It is just that my heart wasn’t in it.

And sometimes, even when we mean it, we mess it up, just because of how we do an apology.

In this week’s podcast, we take a look at apologies and how to offer one.  This is a good follow up to the podcast on forgiveness.

Let me propose 5 rules for giving an apology and why an apology is so important.

What rules would you add?  What points did I miss?  Please leave a comment below.